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Un objet d'entrée représente une seule entrée d'un utilisateur, telle que la déplacement de la souris, les touches, la pression de la clé et plus encore. Il est créé lorsqu'un objet d'entrée commence.
Les propriétés de cet objet varient selon le UserInputType . Chaque type d'entrée subira diverses modifications à son UserInputState . Pendant la durée de la
Une fois créé au début d'un entrée, le même objet persiste et est mis à jour jusqu'à ce que l'entrée finisse. resultats, vous pouvez suivre les modifications de l'objet en utilisant l'événement Changed comme l'utilisateur change l'entrée en question. Vous pouvez également placer ces objets dans une liste
Voir aussi :
- ContextActionService , qui passe un objet d'entrée à bound fonctions de gestion des actions
- UserInputService, dont les événements et les fonctions utilisent souvent l'objet d'entrée
- GuiObject, dont les événements liés à l'entrée de l'utilisateur utilisent l'entrée d'objet
Échantillons de code
The following example demonstrates one of many usage examples of handling user input from InputBegan depending on its type.
-- In order to use the InputBegan event, the UserInputService service must be used
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
-- A sample function providing multiple usage cases for various types of user input
UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, gameProcessed)
if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then
print("A key is being pushed down! Key:", input.KeyCode)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
print("The left mouse button has been pressed down at", input.Position)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then
print("The right mouse button has been pressed down at", input.Position)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then
print("A touchscreen input has started at", input.Position)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1 then
print("A button is being pressed on a gamepad! Button:", input.KeyCode)
if gameProcessed then
print("The game engine internally observed this input!")
print("The game engine did not internally observe this input!")
The following example demonstrates one of many usage examples of handling user input from InputChanged depending on its type.
-- In order to use the InputChanged event, the UserInputService service must be used
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
-- Prints the current input position and the change (delta) in position
local function printMovement(input)
print("Position:", input.Position)
print("Movement Delta:", input.Delta)
-- A sample function providing multiple usage cases for various types of user input
local function InputChanged(input, _gameProcessed)
if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
print("The mouse has been moved!")
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseWheel then
print("The mouse wheel has been scrolled!")
print("Wheel Movement:", input.Position.Z)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1 then
if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick1 then
print("The left thumbstick has been moved!")
elseif input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick2 then
print("The right thumbstick has been moved!")
elseif input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL2 then
print("The pressure being applied to the left trigger has changed!")
print("Pressure:", input.Position.Z)
elseif input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR2 then
print("The pressure being applied to the right trigger has changed!")
print("Pressure:", input.Position.Z)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then
print("The user's finger is moving on the screen!")
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Gyro then
local _rotInput, rotCFrame = UserInputService:GetDeviceRotation()
local rotX, rotY, rotZ = rotCFrame:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
local rot =, math.deg(rotY), math.deg(rotZ))
print("The rotation of the user's mobile device has been changed!")
print("Position", rotCFrame.p)
print("Rotation:", rot)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Accelerometer then
print("The acceleration of the user's mobile device has been changed!")
The following example demonstrates one of many usage examples of handling user input from InputEnded depending on its type.
-- In order to use the InputChanged event, the UserInputService service must be used
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
-- A sample function providing multiple usage cases for various types of user input
UserInputService.InputEnded:Connect(function(input, gameProcessed)
if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then
print("A key has been released! Key:", input.KeyCode)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
print("The left mouse button has been released at", input.Position)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then
print("The right mouse button has been released at", input.Position)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then
print("A touchscreen input has been released at", input.Position)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1 then
print("A button has been released on a gamepad! Button:", input.KeyCode)
if gameProcessed then
print("The game engine internally observed this input!")
print("The game engine did not internally observe this input!")
Un Vector3 décrivant la Delta entre les mouvements de la souris/joystick.
Contient un enum qui décrit le type d'entrée utilisé.
Décrivez une valeur positionnelle de cette entrée.
Décrire l'état d'une entrée effectuée, en suivant un flux spécifique en fonction du UserInputType .
Décrivez le type d'entrée effectuée (souris, clavier, gamepad, touche, etc).
Un Vector3 décrivant la Delta (change) entre les mouvements de souris/joystick.
Ceci est utile lorsque vous utilisez avec l'entrée position pour suivre la position et le mouvement de la souris/joystick de l'utilisateur, comme lorsque vous créez des scripts de mouvement personnalisés ou des scripts de caméra. Considérez le suivi des objets d'entrée comme modifiant l'évén
Notez que l'entrée d'un InputObject correspondant à l'entrée d'un Entr
Voir aussi :
Échantillons de code
The following example demonstrates one of many usage examples of handling user input from InputChanged depending on its type.
-- In order to use the InputChanged event, the UserInputService service must be used
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
-- Prints the current input position and the change (delta) in position
local function printMovement(input)
print("Position:", input.Position)
print("Movement Delta:", input.Delta)
-- A sample function providing multiple usage cases for various types of user input
local function InputChanged(input, _gameProcessed)
if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
print("The mouse has been moved!")
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseWheel then
print("The mouse wheel has been scrolled!")
print("Wheel Movement:", input.Position.Z)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1 then
if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick1 then
print("The left thumbstick has been moved!")
elseif input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick2 then
print("The right thumbstick has been moved!")
elseif input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL2 then
print("The pressure being applied to the left trigger has changed!")
print("Pressure:", input.Position.Z)
elseif input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR2 then
print("The pressure being applied to the right trigger has changed!")
print("Pressure:", input.Position.Z)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then
print("The user's finger is moving on the screen!")
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Gyro then
local _rotInput, rotCFrame = UserInputService:GetDeviceRotation()
local rotX, rotY, rotZ = rotCFrame:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
local rot =, math.deg(rotY), math.deg(rotZ))
print("The rotation of the user's mobile device has been changed!")
print("Position", rotCFrame.p)
print("Rotation:", rot)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Accelerometer then
print("The acceleration of the user's mobile device has been changed!")
This example creates a binoculars script that decreases the player's FieldOfView() and MouseDeltaSensitivity() when a player with a MouseEnabled() left mouse clicks. The script also points the player's Camera towards the Vector3 world position of the mouse click.
When the player left mouse clicks again, the player's camera reverts back to the a custom Enum.CameraType with the same field of view and CFrame() as before the player zoomed in with the script.
While the player uses the binoculars, the script locks the player's mouse to the center of the screen by setting the player's MouseBehavior() to LockCenter. The player's camera moves when the player moves their mouse according to the InputObject.Delta property passed by InputChanged() indicating the mouse's Vector2 change in screen position.
In order for this example to work as expected, it should be placed in a LocalScript.
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local head = character:WaitForChild("Head", false)
local mouse = player:GetMouse()
local zoomed = false
local camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
local target = nil
local originalProperties = {
FieldOfView = nil,
_CFrame = nil,
MouseBehavior = nil,
MouseDeltaSensitivity = nil,
local AngleX, TargetAngleX = 0, 0
local AngleY, TargetAngleY = 0, 0
-- Reset camera back to CFrame and FieldOfView before zoom
local function ResetCamera()
target = nil
camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom
camera.CFrame = originalProperties._CFrame
camera.FieldOfView = originalProperties.FieldOfView
UserInputService.MouseBehavior = originalProperties.MouseBehavior
UserInputService.MouseDeltaSensitivity = originalProperties.MouseDeltaSensitivity
local function ZoomCamera()
-- Allow camera to be changed by script
camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
-- Store camera properties before zoom
originalProperties._CFrame = camera.CFrame
originalProperties.FieldOfView = camera.FieldOfView
originalProperties.MouseBehavior = UserInputService.MouseBehavior
originalProperties.MouseDeltaSensitivity = UserInputService.MouseDeltaSensitivity
-- Zoom camera
target = mouse.Hit.Position
local eyesight = head.Position
camera.CFrame =, target)
camera.Focus =
camera.FieldOfView = 10
-- Lock and slow down mouse
UserInputService.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.LockCenter
UserInputService.MouseDeltaSensitivity = 1
-- Reset zoom angles
AngleX, TargetAngleX = 0, 0
AngleY, TargetAngleY = 0, 0
-- Toggle camera zoom/unzoom
local function MouseClick()
if zoomed then
-- Unzoom camera
-- Zoom in camera
zoomed = not zoomed
local function MouseMoved(input)
if zoomed then
local sensitivity = 0.6 -- anything higher would make looking up and down harder; recommend anything between 0~1
local smoothness = 0.05 -- recommend anything between 0~1
local delta = / sensitivity, input.Delta.y / sensitivity) * smoothness
local X = TargetAngleX - delta.y
local Y = TargetAngleY - delta.x
TargetAngleX = (X >= 80 and 80) or (X <= -80 and -80) or X
TargetAngleY = (Y >= 80 and 80) or (Y <= -80 and -80) or Y
AngleX = AngleX + (TargetAngleX - AngleX) * 0.35
AngleY = AngleY + (TargetAngleY - AngleY) * 0.15
camera.CFrame =, target)
* CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(AngleY), 0)
* CFrame.Angles(math.rad(AngleX), 0, 0)
local function InputBegan(input, _gameProcessedEvent)
if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
local function InputChanged(input, _gameProcessedEvent)
if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
if UserInputService.MouseEnabled then
Contient un Enum.KeyCode ensemble qui décrit le type d'entrée utilisé. Pour les types d'entrée comme le clavier, ceci décrit la touche qui a été appuyée. Pour les entrées comme la souris, ceci ne fournit pas d'informations supplémentaires.
<tr><td><b>Inconnu</b></td><td>0</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Retour Arrière</b></td><td>8</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b></b> Tab</td><td>9</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Effacer</b></td><td>12</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Retournez</b></td><td>13</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Suspendre</b></td><td>19</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Échapper</b></td><td>27</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Espace</b></td><td>32</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Double cité</b></td><td>34</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Hash</b></td><td>35</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>dollar</b></td><td>36</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Pourcentage</b></td><td>37</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Ampersand</b></td><td>38</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Citation</b></td><td>39</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Parentheses gauches</b></td><td>40</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>parent parenthèse droite</b></td><td>41</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>astérisque</b></td><td>42</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Plus</b></td><td>43</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>virgule</b></td><td>44</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Minus</b></td><td>45</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Période</b></td><td>46</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Slash</b></td><td>47</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Zéro</b></td><td>48</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Un</b></td><td>49</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Deux</b></td><td>50</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Trois</b></td><td>51</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Quatre</b></td><td>52</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Cinq</b></td><td>53</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Six</b></td><td>54</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Sept</b></td><td>55</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Huit</b></td><td>56</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Neuf.</b></td><td>57</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Colonne</b></td><td>58</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Semicolon</b></td><td>59</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Moins que</b></td><td>60</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Équaux</b></td><td>61</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>supérieur à</b></td><td>62</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Question</b></td><td>63</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>À</b></td><td>64</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>LeftBracket</b></td><td>91</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Retour Arrière-Épaule</b></td><td>92</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>RightBracket</b></td><td>93</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Soigner</b></td><td>94</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Souligner</b></td><td>95</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Citation arrière</b></td><td>96</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>A</b></td><td>97</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>B</b></td><td>98</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>C</b></td><td>99</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>D</b></td><td>100</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>E</b></td><td>101</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>F</b></td><td>102</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>G</b></td><td>103</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>H</b></td><td>104</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Moi</b></td><td>105</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>J</b></td><td>106</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>K</b></td><td>107</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>G</b></td><td>108</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>M</b></td><td>109</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>N</b></td><td>110</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>O</b></td><td>111</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>P.</b></td><td>112</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Q</b></td><td>113</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>R</b></td><td>114</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>S)</b></td><td>115</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>T</b></td><td>116</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>U</b></td><td>117</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>V</b></td><td>118</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>W</b></td><td>119</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>X</b></td><td>120</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Y</b></td><td>121</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Z</b></td><td>122</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>gauche courbée</b></td><td>123</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Tuyau</b></td><td>124</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>RightCurly</b></td><td>125</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Tilde</b></td><td>126</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Supprimer</b></td><td>127</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>KeypadZero</b></td><td>256</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>KeypadOne</b></td><td>257</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>KeypadTwo</b></td><td>258</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>KeypadThree</b></td><td>259</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>KeypadFour</b></td><td>260</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>KeypadFive ]</b></td><td>261</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>KeypadSix</b></td><td>262</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>KeypadSeven</b></td><td>263</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>KeypadEight</b></td><td>264</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>KeypadNine ]</b></td><td>265</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>KeypadPeriod</b></td><td>266</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Séparateur de clavier</b></td><td>267</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>KeypadMultiply</b></td><td>268</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>KeypadMinus</b></td><td>269</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>KeypadPlus</b></td><td>270</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Entrée du clavier</b></td><td>271</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>KeypadEquals</b></td><td>272</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Haut</b></td><td>273</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Vers le bas</b></td><td>274</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Droit</b></td><td>275</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Gauche</b></td><td>276</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Insérer</b></td><td>277</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Accueil</b></td><td>278</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Fin</b></td><td>279</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Page Up</b></td><td>280</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Page en bas</b></td><td>281</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Maj gauche</b></td><td>304</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Majuscule droite</b></td><td>303</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>LeftMeta</b></td><td>310</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>RightMeta</b></td><td>309</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Gauche Alt</b></td><td>308</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>RightAlt</b></td><td>307</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Contrôle de gauche</b></td><td>306</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Contrôle droit</b></td><td>305</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>CapsLock</b></td><td>301</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>NumLock</b></td><td>300</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Verrouillage de défilement</b></td><td>302</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Super gauche</b></td><td>311</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Super droite</b></td><td>312</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Mode</b></td><td>313</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Composer</b></td><td>314</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Aide</b></td><td>315</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Imprimer</b></td><td>316</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>SysReq</b></td><td>317</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Casser</b></td><td>318</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Menu</b></td><td>319</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Puissance</b></td><td>320</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Euro</b></td><td>321</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Annuler</b></td><td>322</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>F1</b></td><td>282</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>F2</b></td><td>283</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>F3</b></td><td>284</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>F4</b></td><td>285</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>F5</b></td><td>286</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>F6</b></td><td>287</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>F7</b></td><td>288</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>F8</b></td><td>289</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>F9</b></td><td>290</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>F10</b></td><td>291</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>F11</b></td><td>292</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>F12</b></td><td>293</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>F13</b></td><td>294</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>F14</b></td><td>295</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>F15</b></td><td>296</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Monde0</b></td><td>160</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Monde1</b></td><td>161</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World2</b></td><td>162</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World3</b></td><td>163</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World4</b></td><td>164</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World5</b></td><td>165</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World6</b></td><td>166</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World7</b></td><td>167</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World8</b></td><td>168</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World9</b></td><td>169</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World10</b></td><td>170</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World11</b></td><td>171</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World12</b></td><td>172</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World13</b></td><td>173</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World14</b></td><td>174</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World15</b></td><td>175</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World16</b></td><td>176</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World17</b></td><td>177</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World18</b></td><td>178</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World19</b></td><td>179</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World20</b></td><td>180</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World21</b></td><td>181</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World22</b></td><td>182</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World23</b></td><td>183</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World24</b></td><td>184</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World25</b></td><td>185</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World26</b></td><td>186</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World27</b></td><td>187</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World28</b></td><td>188</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World29</b></td><td>189</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World30</b></td><td>190</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World31</b></td><td>191</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World32</b></td><td>192</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World33</b></td><td>193</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World34</b></td><td>194</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World35</b></td><td>195</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World36</b></td><td>196</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World37</b></td><td>197</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World38</b></td><td>198</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World39</b></td><td>199</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World40</b></td><td>200</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World41</b></td><td>201</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World42</b></td><td>202</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World43</b></td><td>203</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World44</b></td><td>204</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World45</b></td><td>205</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World46</b></td><td>206</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World47</b></td><td>207</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World48</b></td><td>208</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World49</b></td><td>209</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World50</b></td><td>210</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World51</b></td><td>211</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World52</b></td><td>212</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World53</b></td><td>213</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World54</b></td><td>214</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World55</b></td><td>215</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World56</b></td><td>216</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World57</b></td><td>217</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World58</b></td><td>218</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World59</b></td><td>219</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World60</b></td><td>220</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World61</b></td><td>221</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World62</b></td><td>222</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World63</b></td><td>223</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World64</b></td><td>224</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World65</b></td><td>225</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World66</b></td><td>226</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World67</b></td><td>227</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World68</b></td><td>228</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World69</b></td><td>229</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World70</b></td><td>230</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World71</b></td><td>231</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World72</b></td><td>232</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World73</b></td><td>233</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World74</b></td><td>234</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World75</b></td><td>235</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World76</b></td><td>236</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World77</b></td><td>237</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World78</b></td><td>238</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World79</b></td><td>239</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World80</b></td><td>240</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World81</b></td><td>241</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World82</b></td><td>242</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World83</b></td><td>243</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World84</b></td><td>244</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World85</b></td><td>245</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World86</b></td><td>246</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World87</b></td><td>247</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World88</b></td><td>248</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World89</b></td><td>249</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World90</b></td><td>250</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World91</b></td><td>251</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World92</b></td><td>252</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World93</b></td><td>253</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World94</b></td><td>254</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>World95</b></td><td>255</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Bouton X</b></td><td>1 000</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Bouton Y</b></td><td>1001</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>BoutonA</b></td><td>1002</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>BoutonB</b></td><td>1003</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>BoutonR1</b></td><td>1004</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>BoutonL1</b></td><td>1005</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>BoutonR2</b></td><td>1006</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>BoutonL2</b></td><td>1007</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>BoutonR3</b></td><td>1008</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>BoutonL3</b></td><td>1009</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>bouton de démarrage</b></td><td>1010</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>BoutonSélectionner</b></td><td>1011</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>DPadLeft</b></td><td>1012</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>DPadRight</b></td><td>1013</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>DPadUp</b></td><td>1014</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>DPadDown</b></td><td>1015</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Thumbstick1</b></td><td>1016</td><td /></tr><tr><td><b>Thumbstick2</b></td><td>1017</td></tr>
Nom | Valeur | Description |
Voir aussi :
Échantillons de code
This example gets a list of navigation gamepads and a list of their supported Enum.KeyCodes. Then, it iterates through the supported KeyCode list and binds the ButtonX and X keys to functions if they are supported by a gamepad using the ContextActionService.
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local ContextActionService = game:GetService("ContextActionService")
local function actionHandler(actionName, inputState, inputObject)
if inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then
print("Action Handler: " .. actionName)
-- Since this function does not return anything, this handler will
-- "sink" the input and no other action handlers will be called after
-- this one.
local navGamepads = UserInputService:GetNavigationGamepads()
for _, gamepad in pairs(navGamepads) do
local supportedKeyCodes = UserInputService:GetSupportedGamepadKeyCodes(gamepad)
for _, keycode in pairs(supportedKeyCodes) do
if keycode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonX then
ContextActionService:BindAction("SampleAction", actionHandler, false, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonX)
if keycode == Enum.KeyCode.X then
ContextActionService:BindAction("SampleAction", actionHandler, false, Enum.KeyCode.X)
Cette propriété décrit une valeur de Vector3 positionnelle de cette entrée.
Pour l'entrée par clic et touche, cette position d'écran est décrite dans la position de la souris/touche, décrite dans les composants X et Y. L'insert appliqué aux éléments GUI (tels que de la barre supérieure) est pris en compte dans la position.
Pour l'entrée de la molette de souris, le composant Z décrit si la molette a été déplacée vers l'avant (1), vers l'arrière (-1) ou du tout (0).
Pour l'entrée Enum.KeyCode, ceci indique la position du joueur.
Remarquez que l'entrée d'un InputObject correspondant à l'entrée d'un Entr
Voir aussi
Échantillons de code
The following example demonstrates one of many usage examples of handling user input from InputBegan depending on its type.
-- In order to use the InputBegan event, the UserInputService service must be used
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
-- A sample function providing multiple usage cases for various types of user input
UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, gameProcessed)
if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then
print("A key is being pushed down! Key:", input.KeyCode)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
print("The left mouse button has been pressed down at", input.Position)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then
print("The right mouse button has been pressed down at", input.Position)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then
print("A touchscreen input has started at", input.Position)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1 then
print("A button is being pressed on a gamepad! Button:", input.KeyCode)
if gameProcessed then
print("The game engine internally observed this input!")
print("The game engine did not internally observe this input!")
The following example demonstrates one of many usage examples of handling user input from InputChanged depending on its type.
-- In order to use the InputChanged event, the UserInputService service must be used
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
-- Prints the current input position and the change (delta) in position
local function printMovement(input)
print("Position:", input.Position)
print("Movement Delta:", input.Delta)
-- A sample function providing multiple usage cases for various types of user input
local function InputChanged(input, _gameProcessed)
if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
print("The mouse has been moved!")
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseWheel then
print("The mouse wheel has been scrolled!")
print("Wheel Movement:", input.Position.Z)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1 then
if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick1 then
print("The left thumbstick has been moved!")
elseif input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick2 then
print("The right thumbstick has been moved!")
elseif input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL2 then
print("The pressure being applied to the left trigger has changed!")
print("Pressure:", input.Position.Z)
elseif input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR2 then
print("The pressure being applied to the right trigger has changed!")
print("Pressure:", input.Position.Z)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then
print("The user's finger is moving on the screen!")
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Gyro then
local _rotInput, rotCFrame = UserInputService:GetDeviceRotation()
local rotX, rotY, rotZ = rotCFrame:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
local rot =, math.deg(rotY), math.deg(rotZ))
print("The rotation of the user's mobile device has been changed!")
print("Position", rotCFrame.p)
print("Rotation:", rot)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Accelerometer then
print("The acceleration of the user's mobile device has been changed!")
The following example demonstrates one of many usage examples of handling user input from InputEnded depending on its type.
-- In order to use the InputChanged event, the UserInputService service must be used
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
-- A sample function providing multiple usage cases for various types of user input
UserInputService.InputEnded:Connect(function(input, gameProcessed)
if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then
print("A key has been released! Key:", input.KeyCode)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
print("The left mouse button has been released at", input.Position)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then
print("The right mouse button has been released at", input.Position)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then
print("A touchscreen input has been released at", input.Position)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1 then
print("A button has been released on a gamepad! Button:", input.KeyCode)
if gameProcessed then
print("The game engine internally observed this input!")
print("The game engine did not internally observe this input!")
UserInputState décrit l'état d'une entrée en cours, en suivant un flux spécifique en fonction du UserInputType . Il utilise l'ensemble du même nom, Enum.UserInputState . Voir la page de l'ensemble pour une liste de tous les valeurs possibles pour cette propriété.
Voir aussi :
Échantillons de code
This example gets a list of navigation gamepads and a list of their supported Enum.KeyCodes. Then, it iterates through the supported KeyCode list and binds the ButtonX and X keys to functions if they are supported by a gamepad using the ContextActionService.
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local ContextActionService = game:GetService("ContextActionService")
local function actionHandler(actionName, inputState, inputObject)
if inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then
print("Action Handler: " .. actionName)
-- Since this function does not return anything, this handler will
-- "sink" the input and no other action handlers will be called after
-- this one.
local navGamepads = UserInputService:GetNavigationGamepads()
for _, gamepad in pairs(navGamepads) do
local supportedKeyCodes = UserInputService:GetSupportedGamepadKeyCodes(gamepad)
for _, keycode in pairs(supportedKeyCodes) do
if keycode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonX then
ContextActionService:BindAction("SampleAction", actionHandler, false, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonX)
if keycode == Enum.KeyCode.X then
ContextActionService:BindAction("SampleAction", actionHandler, false, Enum.KeyCode.X)
By default, Roblox relies on a LocalScript to control the user's camera. However, this script can be overridden with a custom CameraScript. The example below demonstrates how to create a custom script to control the user's camera using many of the UserInputService events.
The script is broken into two parts:
- Mobile camera events, which rely on touch events
- Non-mobile camera events, which rely on keyboard input and tracking the user's movement
First, the camera script needs utility functions to setup the camera and set its Camera.CameraType to Scriptable so that the script can control the camera. It also needs a function to update the camera when it moves, rotates, and zooms.
Using touch events allows us to track user input as they interact with the touchscreen on their mobile device. These events allow us to handle camera movement, rotation, and zoom.
The second half of the code sample adds camera support for players on desktop devices. When input begans, the function Input() checks that the state of the input is Enum.UserInputState.Begin to ignore all keypress inputs other than when the user first presses a key down. When the user presses I and O the camera zooms in and out. When the presses down and moves their left mouse button, the script locks the player's mouse by changing the UserInputService.MouseBehavior property. The camera rotates according to the mouse's change in screen position. When the player moves their character, the camera moves with them.
All of the parts discussed above are combined and shown in the code sample below.
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local player = Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local torso = character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
local playerPosition = torso.Position
local default_CameraPosition = torso.Position
local default_CameraRotation =, math.rad(-60))
local default_CameraZoom = 15
local cameraPosition = default_CameraPosition
local cameraRotation = default_CameraRotation
local cameraZoom = default_CameraZoom
local cameraZoomBounds = nil -- {10,200}
local cameraRotateSpeed = 10
local cameraMouseRotateSpeed = 0.25
local cameraTouchRotateSpeed = 10
local function SetCameraMode()
camera.CameraType = "Scriptable"
camera.FieldOfView = 80
camera.CameraSubject = nil
local function UpdateCamera()
local cameraRotationCFrame = CFrame.Angles(0, cameraRotation.X, 0) * CFrame.Angles(cameraRotation.Y, 0, 0)
camera.CFrame = cameraRotationCFrame + cameraPosition + cameraRotationCFrame *, 0, cameraZoom)
camera.Focus = camera.CFrame -, camera.CFrame.p.Y, 0)
local lastTouchTranslation = nil
local function TouchMove(_touchPositions, totalTranslation, _velocity, state)
if state == Enum.UserInputState.Change or state == Enum.UserInputState.End then
local difference = totalTranslation - lastTouchTranslation
cameraPosition = cameraPosition +, 0, difference.Y)
lastTouchTranslation = totalTranslation
local lastTouchRotation = nil
local function TouchRotate(_touchPositions, rotation, _velocity, state)
if state == Enum.UserInputState.Change or state == Enum.UserInputState.End then
local difference = rotation - lastTouchRotation
cameraRotation = cameraRotation
+, 0) * math.rad(cameraTouchRotateSpeed * cameraRotateSpeed)
lastTouchRotation = rotation
local lastTouchScale = nil
local function TouchZoom(_touchPositions, scale, _velocity, state)
if state == Enum.UserInputState.Change or state == Enum.UserInputState.End then
local difference = scale - lastTouchScale
cameraZoom = cameraZoom * (1 + difference)
if cameraZoomBounds ~= nil then
cameraZoom = math.min(math.max(cameraZoom, cameraZoomBounds[1]), cameraZoomBounds[2])
cameraZoom = math.max(cameraZoom, 0)
lastTouchScale = scale
local function Input(inputObject)
if inputObject.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then
if inputObject.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then
-- (I) Zoom In
if inputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.I then
cameraZoom = cameraZoom - 15
elseif inputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.O then
cameraZoom = cameraZoom + 15
-- (O) Zoom Out
if cameraZoomBounds ~= nil then
cameraZoom = math.min(math.max(cameraZoom, cameraZoomBounds[1]), cameraZoomBounds[2])
cameraZoom = math.max(cameraZoom, 0)
local pressed = UserInputService:IsMouseButtonPressed(Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1)
if pressed then
UserInputService.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.LockCurrentPosition
local rotation = UserInputService:GetMouseDelta()
cameraRotation = cameraRotation + rotation * math.rad(cameraMouseRotateSpeed)
UserInputService.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.Default
local function PlayerChanged()
local movement = torso.Position - playerPosition
cameraPosition = cameraPosition + movement
playerPosition = torso.Position
-- Determine whether the user is on a mobile device
if UserInputService.TouchEnabled then
-- The user is on a mobile device, use Touch events
-- The user is not on a mobile device use Input events
-- Camera controlled by player movement
RunService:BindToRenderStep("PlayerChanged", Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value - 1, PlayerChanged)
Type d'entrée de l'utilisateur est un propriété qui décrit pour quel type d'entrée ce InputObject représente, tels que la souris, le clavier, l'entrée de touche ou le gamepad. Il utilise l'ensemble du même nom, Enum.UserInputType . Voir la page d'ensemble pour une liste de tous les possibles valeurs pour cette propriété.
Voir aussi :
Échantillons de code
The following example demonstrates one of many usage examples of handling user input from InputChanged depending on its type.
-- In order to use the InputChanged event, the UserInputService service must be used
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
-- Prints the current input position and the change (delta) in position
local function printMovement(input)
print("Position:", input.Position)
print("Movement Delta:", input.Delta)
-- A sample function providing multiple usage cases for various types of user input
local function InputChanged(input, _gameProcessed)
if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
print("The mouse has been moved!")
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseWheel then
print("The mouse wheel has been scrolled!")
print("Wheel Movement:", input.Position.Z)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1 then
if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick1 then
print("The left thumbstick has been moved!")
elseif input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick2 then
print("The right thumbstick has been moved!")
elseif input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL2 then
print("The pressure being applied to the left trigger has changed!")
print("Pressure:", input.Position.Z)
elseif input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR2 then
print("The pressure being applied to the right trigger has changed!")
print("Pressure:", input.Position.Z)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then
print("The user's finger is moving on the screen!")
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Gyro then
local _rotInput, rotCFrame = UserInputService:GetDeviceRotation()
local rotX, rotY, rotZ = rotCFrame:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
local rot =, math.deg(rotY), math.deg(rotZ))
print("The rotation of the user's mobile device has been changed!")
print("Position", rotCFrame.p)
print("Rotation:", rot)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Accelerometer then
print("The acceleration of the user's mobile device has been changed!")
The following example demonstrates one of many usage examples of handling user input from InputBegan depending on its type.
-- In order to use the InputBegan event, the UserInputService service must be used
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
-- A sample function providing multiple usage cases for various types of user input
UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, gameProcessed)
if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then
print("A key is being pushed down! Key:", input.KeyCode)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
print("The left mouse button has been pressed down at", input.Position)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then
print("The right mouse button has been pressed down at", input.Position)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then
print("A touchscreen input has started at", input.Position)
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1 then
print("A button is being pressed on a gamepad! Button:", input.KeyCode)
if gameProcessed then
print("The game engine internally observed this input!")
print("The game engine did not internally observe this input!")
By default, Roblox relies on a LocalScript to control the user's camera. However, this script can be overridden with a custom CameraScript. The example below demonstrates how to create a custom script to control the user's camera using many of the UserInputService events.
The script is broken into two parts:
- Mobile camera events, which rely on touch events
- Non-mobile camera events, which rely on keyboard input and tracking the user's movement
First, the camera script needs utility functions to setup the camera and set its Camera.CameraType to Scriptable so that the script can control the camera. It also needs a function to update the camera when it moves, rotates, and zooms.
Using touch events allows us to track user input as they interact with the touchscreen on their mobile device. These events allow us to handle camera movement, rotation, and zoom.
The second half of the code sample adds camera support for players on desktop devices. When input begans, the function Input() checks that the state of the input is Enum.UserInputState.Begin to ignore all keypress inputs other than when the user first presses a key down. When the user presses I and O the camera zooms in and out. When the presses down and moves their left mouse button, the script locks the player's mouse by changing the UserInputService.MouseBehavior property. The camera rotates according to the mouse's change in screen position. When the player moves their character, the camera moves with them.
All of the parts discussed above are combined and shown in the code sample below.
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local player = Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local torso = character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
local playerPosition = torso.Position
local default_CameraPosition = torso.Position
local default_CameraRotation =, math.rad(-60))
local default_CameraZoom = 15
local cameraPosition = default_CameraPosition
local cameraRotation = default_CameraRotation
local cameraZoom = default_CameraZoom
local cameraZoomBounds = nil -- {10,200}
local cameraRotateSpeed = 10
local cameraMouseRotateSpeed = 0.25
local cameraTouchRotateSpeed = 10
local function SetCameraMode()
camera.CameraType = "Scriptable"
camera.FieldOfView = 80
camera.CameraSubject = nil
local function UpdateCamera()
local cameraRotationCFrame = CFrame.Angles(0, cameraRotation.X, 0) * CFrame.Angles(cameraRotation.Y, 0, 0)
camera.CFrame = cameraRotationCFrame + cameraPosition + cameraRotationCFrame *, 0, cameraZoom)
camera.Focus = camera.CFrame -, camera.CFrame.p.Y, 0)
local lastTouchTranslation = nil
local function TouchMove(_touchPositions, totalTranslation, _velocity, state)
if state == Enum.UserInputState.Change or state == Enum.UserInputState.End then
local difference = totalTranslation - lastTouchTranslation
cameraPosition = cameraPosition +, 0, difference.Y)
lastTouchTranslation = totalTranslation
local lastTouchRotation = nil
local function TouchRotate(_touchPositions, rotation, _velocity, state)
if state == Enum.UserInputState.Change or state == Enum.UserInputState.End then
local difference = rotation - lastTouchRotation
cameraRotation = cameraRotation
+, 0) * math.rad(cameraTouchRotateSpeed * cameraRotateSpeed)
lastTouchRotation = rotation
local lastTouchScale = nil
local function TouchZoom(_touchPositions, scale, _velocity, state)
if state == Enum.UserInputState.Change or state == Enum.UserInputState.End then
local difference = scale - lastTouchScale
cameraZoom = cameraZoom * (1 + difference)
if cameraZoomBounds ~= nil then
cameraZoom = math.min(math.max(cameraZoom, cameraZoomBounds[1]), cameraZoomBounds[2])
cameraZoom = math.max(cameraZoom, 0)
lastTouchScale = scale
local function Input(inputObject)
if inputObject.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then
if inputObject.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then
-- (I) Zoom In
if inputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.I then
cameraZoom = cameraZoom - 15
elseif inputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.O then
cameraZoom = cameraZoom + 15
-- (O) Zoom Out
if cameraZoomBounds ~= nil then
cameraZoom = math.min(math.max(cameraZoom, cameraZoomBounds[1]), cameraZoomBounds[2])
cameraZoom = math.max(cameraZoom, 0)
local pressed = UserInputService:IsMouseButtonPressed(Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1)
if pressed then
UserInputService.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.LockCurrentPosition
local rotation = UserInputService:GetMouseDelta()
cameraRotation = cameraRotation + rotation * math.rad(cameraMouseRotateSpeed)
UserInputService.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.Default
local function PlayerChanged()
local movement = torso.Position - playerPosition
cameraPosition = cameraPosition + movement
playerPosition = torso.Position
-- Determine whether the user is on a mobile device
if UserInputService.TouchEnabled then
-- The user is on a mobile device, use Touch events
-- The user is not on a mobile device use Input events
-- Camera controlled by player movement
RunService:BindToRenderStep("PlayerChanged", Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value - 1, PlayerChanged)