
Afficher les obsolètes

A PointLight is a light source that emits illumination from a single point. Light is emitted spherically based on the PointLight.Range of the PointLight.

In order for a PointLight to provide illumination, it must be the direct child of a BasePart or Attachment (the part or attachment itself must be a descendant of the Workspace).

If a PointLight is parented to a part, then the light will emanate from the part's BasePart.Position. If a PointLight is parented to an attachment, then the light will emanate from the attachment's Attachment.WorldPosition.

For more light types, see the see also section.

See Also

Échantillons de code

Creating a New Point Light

local part = Instance.new("Part")
part.Anchored = true
part.Position = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0)
part.Parent = workspace
local light = Instance.new("PointLight")
light.Color = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
light.Brightness = 1
light.Range = 16
light.Parent = part



  • lecture parallèle

    The size of the area that the PointLight will illuminate.

Propriétés hérités de Light
  • lecture parallèle

    Sets how bright the emitted light is, defaults to 1.

  • lecture parallèle

    The color of the emitted light.

  • lecture parallèle

    If set to true, light will be emitted from the source object.

  • lecture parallèle

    If set to true, will project shadows if light is blocked by an obstacle.



lecture parallèle

The size of the area that the PointLight will illuminate.

