
Afficher les obsolètes
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LayerCollector is the base class of 2D UI containers which render GuiObject descendants, such as ScreenGui.

For performance improvements, the appearance of a LayerCollector is cached until one of the following events occurs:

  • A descendant is added to or removed from it.
  • A property of a descendant changes.
  • A property of the LayerCollector itself changes.



Propriétés hérités de GuiBase2d


Évènements hérités de GuiBase2d



Lecture parallèle

Toggles the visibility of this LayerCollector. When false, the UI contents will not render, process user input, or update in response to changes.


Lecture parallèle

When set to false and this LayerCollector is a direct child of StarterGui, it will only be cloned into each player's PlayerGui once and it will not be deleted when the player's character respawns.

When set to true (default), or if this LayerCollector is an indirect descendant of StarterGui, it will be cloned into each player's PlayerGui when their character respawns, and it will delete itself when the player's character respawns again.


Lecture parallèle

Controls how GuiObject.ZIndex behaves on all descendants of this LayerCollector.

With Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Sibling (default), children always render above their parents, and the ZIndex is used to decide the order in which children of a single UI object will render over each other.

Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Global sorts all descendants according to the ZIndex, then breaks ties using the hierarchy order. As a result, descendants of a GuiObject need to have a ZIndex value that's at least as high as the parent, or they will render underneath their parent.

