
Afficher les obsolètes
Création impossible
Non répliqué

BanHistoryPages is returned by Players:GetBanHistoryAsync(). This instance allows an experience to view the entire ban and unban history of any player within the experience's universe.

The items within BanHistoryPages are tables with the following fields:

DisplayReasonstringThe DisplayReason that was shown to the user
PrivateReasonstringThe PrivateReason that was sent with this ban.
StartTimestringThe time that this ban was applied in ISO 8601 format.
DurationnumberThe length of the ban in seconds. If it is a permanent ban, it will be -1.
BanbooleanIf the action was a ban, it will be true. If the action was an unban, it will be false.
PlaceIdnumberThe place in which a ban or unban was explicitly updated. This field is -1 if the action was applied on the universe level.



Propriétés hérités de Pages
  • Lecture uniquement
    Non répliqué
    Lecture parallèle

    Whether or not the current page is the last page available.


Méthodes hérités de Pages
  • Returns the items on the current page. The keys in the item are determined by the source of this object.

  • Rendement

    Iterates to the next page in the pages object, if possible.


