The FaceControls object defines a set of properties for controlling the facial expressions of a character head capable of animation.
The FaceControls properties are based on the Facial Action Coding System (FACS), a comprehensive system for describing all visually discernible facial movement based on anatomy. FaceControls properties can only be set between 0 and 1. Different combinations of the FaceControls property values create different facial expressions. Recording multiple facial expressions over time creates facial animation.
What is an Animatable Head?
An animatable head is a MeshPart that implements a facial rig and is capable of playing facial animations and triggering facial expressions. A FaceControls object that is a child of a head MeshPart can change the facial expressions of the head.
A head consists of the following three components:
- Skinned MeshPart instance for the head geometry with an internal rig that deforms this skinned MeshPart
- FaceControls instance that drives the internal rig when properties such as FaceControls.JawDrop are changed.
- Cage WrapTarget instance for tight fitting facial accessories
In a third-party modeling tool, such as Blender or Maya, an artist can create a joint-driven facial rig, pose the joints to match each of the individual FACS controls, and save as an FBX. When a head .FBX is imported in Studio, a facs-to-joint mapping is created. This mapping deforms the mesh geometry when FaceControls properties are changed. The mapping and the facial rig (including Bone instances) are not exposed to developers and can only be accessed through the FaceControls instance. The MeshPart for a Dynamic Head looks and behaves the same as a regular MeshPart except when a FaceControls instance is a child of the MeshPart. Editing the properties of the FaceControls deforms the MeshPart's geometry. These properties are available to animate in the Animation Editor.
See Facial Animation for more information on usage and creation of an animatable head.
Animatable Heads in the Marketplace
If you are publishing your head to the Marketplace, your head asset must include a minimum subset of face controls. Roblox's publishing validation rejects assets without the following required poses:
- EyesLookDown
- EyesLookLeft
- EyesLookRight
- EyesLookUp
- JawDrop
- LeftEyeClosed
- LeftLipCornerPuller
- LeftLipStretcher
- LeftLowerLipDepressor
- LeftUpperLipRaiser
- LipsTogether
- Pucker
- RightEyeClosed
- RightLipCornerPuller
- RightLipStretcher
- RightLowerLipDepressor
- RightUpperLipRaiser
See FACS pose reference for more information on usage and creation of an animatable head.
Raises the chin up; moves the lower lip upwards.
Moves the upper lip when ChinRaiser is engaged and touching the upper lip.
Brings the left and right brows inward together.
Moves gaze down. This is a required pose for avatars.
Moves gaze left. This is a required pose for avatars.
Moves gaze right. This is a required pose for avatars.
Moves gaze up. This is a required pose for avatars.
Also known as lip tightener; brings the corners of the mouth inward and pressing the lips back against the teeth.
Makes a 'O' shape with the mouth.
Lowers the jaw downward opening the mouth. This is a required pose for avatars.
Moves mouth and jaw to the left (character left).
Moves mouth and jaw to the right (character right).
Lowers the left brow down.
Puffs up the left cheek.
Squints the left eye.
Moves the corners of the mouth back in Z.
Closes the left eyelid. This is a required pose for avatars.
Raises the left eyelid upwards to reveal more of the eye white above the iris.
Raises the interior half of the left brow upwards.
Lowers the corners of the mouth downwards in a frown.
Raises the corners of the mouth upwards in a smile. This is a required pose for avatars.
Stretches the corners of the mouth apart. This is a required pose for avatars.
Lowers the lower lip down away from the upper lip revealing the lower teeth. This is a required pose for avatars.
Raise the left nostril, pulls the brow down slightly, and wrinkles on the side of the nose.
Raises the outer part of the left brow upwards.
Raises the left upper lip away from the lower lip revealing the upper teeth. This is a required pose for avatars.
Presses the lips together.
Brings the lips together relative to JawDrop. This is a required pose for avatars.
Rolls the lower lip up over the teeth.
Moves the mouth left.
Moves the mouth right.
Makes a kiss-like shape with the mouth. This is a required pose for avatars.
Lowers the right brow down.
Puffs up the right cheek.
Squints the right eye.
Moves the corners of the mouth back in Z.
Closes the right eyelid. This is a required pose for avatars.
Raises the right eyelid upwards to reveal more of the eye white above the iris.
Raises the interior half of the right brow upwards.
Lowers the corners of the mouth downwards in a frown.
Raises the corners of the mouth upwards in a smile. This is a required pose for avatars.
Stretches the corners of the mouth apart. This is a required pose for avatars.
Lowers the lower lip down away from the upper lip revealing the lower teeth. This is a required pose for avatars.
Raises the right nostril, pulls the brow down slightly, and wrinkles on the side of the nose.
Raises the outer part of the right brow upwards.
Raises the right upper lip away from the lower lip revealing the upper teeth. This is a required pose for avatars.
Bends the tongue down.
Extends the tip of the tongue out of the mouth.
Bends the tongue up.
Rolls the upper lip around the teeth.
Also known as lip tightener; brings the corners of the mouth inward and pressing the lips back against the teeth
Raises the left eyelid upwards to reveal more of the eye white above the iris
Raises the corners of the mouth upwards in a smile. This is a required pose for avatars.
Stretches the corners of the mouth apart. This is a required pose for avatars.
Lowers the lower lip down away from the upper lip revealing the lower teeth. This is a required pose for avatars.
Raise the left nostril, pulls the brow down slightly, and wrinkles on the side of the nose
Raises the left upper lip away from the lower lip revealing the upper teeth. This is a required pose for avatars.
Brings the lips together relative to JawDrop. This is a required pose for avatars.
Raises the right eyelid upwards to reveal more of the eye white above the iris
Raises the corners of the mouth upwards in a smile. This is a required pose for avatars.
Stretches the corners of the mouth apart. This is a required pose for avatars.
Lowers the lower lip down away from the upper lip revealing the lower teeth. This is a required pose for avatars.
Raises the right nostril, pulls the brow down slightly, and wrinkles on the side of the nose
Raises the right upper lip away from the lower lip revealing the upper teeth. This is a required pose for avatars.