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The Studio object is a settings object that is exclusive to Roblox Studio. It can be found in Roblox Studio's settings under the Studio tab.





"TODO" Color

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"function" Color

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"local" Color

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"nil" Color

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"self" Color

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Active Color

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Active Hover Over Color

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Always Save Script Changes

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If set to true, Roblox Studio will attempt to transfer script changes that were made during a Play Solo session to the opened place.

Animate Hover Over

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If set to true, the hover selection box that is shown when mousing over selectable objects in the Workspace will flash between Hover Over Color and Select Color based on the Hover Animate Speed.

Auto Clean Empty Line

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Auto Closing Brackets

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Auto Closing Quotes

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Auto Delete Closing Brackets and Quotes

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Auto Indent Rule

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Auto-Recovery Enabled

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Auto-Recovery Interval (Minutes)

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Automatically trigger AI Code Completion

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Background Color

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Specifies the background color of Roblox Studio's script editor.

Basic Objects Display Mode

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Sets the scrolling mode of the Advanced Objects tab in Roblox Studio.

Bool Color

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Bracket Color

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Built-in Function Color

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Sets the color of built-in functions and keywords in the script editor.

Camera Mouse Wheel Speed

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Sets how many studs the camera will move forward or backwards when using the mouse wheel.

Camera Pan Speed

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Camera Shift Speed

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Sets the speed in studs/sec that the camera moves while holding down Shift with the movement keys.

Camera Speed

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Sets the speed in studs/sec that the camera moves when movement keys are pressed.

Camera Speed Adjust Binding

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Camera Zoom to Mouse Position

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Clear Output On Start

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If set to true, the output will be automatically cleared when game sessions are switched.


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Comment Color

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Specifies the color of comments in Roblox Studio's script editor.

Current Line Highlight Color

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Debugger Current Line Color

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Debugger Error Line Color

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Specifies the default prompt directory that will be opened when the user activates the Execute Script button in Roblox Studio.


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If set to true, deprecated objects will be shown in the Advanced Objects window, as well as the Object Browser.


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Enable Autocomplete

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When set to true, the script editor and command bar will show an autocomplete menu while writing.

Enable Autocomplete Doc View

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Enable CoreScript Debugger

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Enable Http Sandboxing

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Enable Internal Beta Features

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Enable Internal Features

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Enable Script Analysis

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Enable Scrollbar Markers

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Enable Signature Help

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Enable Signature Help Doc View

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Enable Temporary Tabs

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Enable Temporary Tabs In Explorer

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Enable Type Hover

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Error Color

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Specifies the color of the wavy underline shown when malformed code is detected in the script editor.

Find Selection Background Color

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Sets the highlight color of matches in the script editor's Find Selection operation (Ctrl+F).


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Specifies the font used in the script editor.

Format On Paste

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Format On Type

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Function Name Color

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Highlight Current Line

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Highlight Occurances

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No replicado
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Hover Animate Speed

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Specifies how frequently the hover animation flashes when the mouse is hovering over a selectable object in the Workspace.

Hover Box Thickness

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Hover Line Thickness

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Hover Over Color

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Specifies the color that the hover selection box uses.


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Indent Using Spaces

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No replicado
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No replicado
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Keyword Color

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Sets the text color of built-in Lua keywords.


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Line Thickness

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Sets the thickness of the Model.PrimaryPart selection adornee. This value is constrained between 0 and 0.05.


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Specifies whether or not the Lua Debugger feature is enabled.


Solo lectura
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Luau Keyword Color

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Main Volume

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Matching Word Background Color

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Sets the highlight color of double-clicked variables in the script editor.

Maximum Output Lines

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The maximum number of lines that can be displayed in the output.

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Method Color

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Number Color

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Specifies the color of numbers in Roblox Studio's script editor.

Only Play Audio from Window in Focus

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If set to true, audio being played will only be heard if the game window is being focused on.

Operator Color

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Sets the text color of operator characters in the script editor.

Output Font

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Specifies the font used by the output.

Output Layout Mode

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Sets the layout mode of the output.


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Sets the highest permission level that APIs have to have in order to be shown in the Object Browser. See Enum.PermissionLevelShown for more info.

Physical Draggers Select Scope By Default

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Pivot Snap To Geometry Color

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The directory where local plugins are stored.

Primary Text Color

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Property Color

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Respect Studio shortcuts when game has focus

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When set to true, Roblox Studio shortcuts will take priority over inputs being captured in the game window.

Ruler Color

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Script Editor Color Preset

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Script Editor Scrollbar Background Color

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Script Editor Scrollbar Handle Color

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The time (in seconds) a script can wait to be resumed before timing out.

Scroll Past Last Line

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Secondary Text Color

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Select Color

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The color of the selection box used with object selections in the Workspace

Select/Hover Color

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Sets the color of the Model.PrimaryPart selection box.

Selected Menu Item Background Color

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Selected Text Color

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Selection Background Color

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Sets the background color of selected text in the script editor.

Selection Box Thickness

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Selection Color

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Sets the text color of selected text in the script editor.

Selection Line Thickness

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Set Pivot of Imported Parts

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Show Core GUI in Explorer while Playing

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If set to true, the CoreGui will be visible in the Explorer while the game is running.

Show Diagnostics Bar

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If set to true, basic diagnostic information is shown in the bottom right.

Show FileSyncService

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Show Hidden Objects in Explorer

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Show Hover Over

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If set to true, hovering over an object in the Workspace will show a selection box.

Show Light Guides

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Show Navigation Labels

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Show Navigation Mesh

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When set to true, the navigation mesh used by the PathfindingService will be visualized.

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Show Plugin GUI Service in Explorer

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When set to true, the PluginGuiService will be shown in Roblox Studio's explorer.

Show Singly Selected Attachment Parent Frame

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Show Whitespace

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Show plus button on hover in Explorer

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Skip Closing Brackets and Quotes

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String Color

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Specifies the color of strings in the script editor.

Tab Width

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Specifies how many spaces are used to represent a tab in the script editor.

Text Color

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Specifies the color of normal text in the script editor.

Text Wrapping

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If set to true, text in the script editor will be wrapped.

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The Theme property is used to get/set the current StudioTheme used by Studio.

This is intended for use within Plugins, but will also execute in the Command Line. You can access the function via:


For instance, if you would like to print the current Studio theme:

print("The current Studio theme is:", settings().Studio.Theme)

Use Bounding Box Move Handles

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Warning Color

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Specifies the color of the wavy underline shown when the script analyzer picks up a problem that should be addressed in the script editor.

Whitespace Color

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Seguridad del plugin

The GetAvailableThemes() function returns a list of StudioThemes available in Studio. You can access the function via:



A list of themes available in Studio.

Muestras de código

Output Studio Themes

local themes = settings().Studio:GetAvailableThemes()
for _, theme in pairs(themes) do



Seguridad del plugin

The ThemeChanged event fires when Studio's Theme changes. The best use of this event is to get the colors from the theme that changed and update your plugin's UI accordingly.