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Un <a href="https://developer.prismatic约束">PrismaticConstraint\ crea una articulación rígida entre dos <a href="https://developer.prismatic Class.Attachment|Attachments</a>, permitiendo que se deslicen por un eje pero no rotar. Esto limita los atributos para que sus ejes <a href="https://developer.prismatic. X</a> estén alineados pero apuntan en direcciones opuestas. También limita
Esta restricción hereda muchas propiedades de SlidingBallConstraint , incluida la ActuatorType, la LimitsEnabled
Al configurar este límite, puede ser útil estudiar Roblox Unidades para entender cómo las unidades de Roblox se comparan con las unidades métricas.
Propiedades heredados de SlidingBallConstraintSets whether the translation of the SlidingBallConstraint is actuated and, if so, what kind of actuation.
The current offset between the constraint's Attachments.
Sets whether the SlidingBallConstraint will limit the range of translation.
Specifies the "sharpness" of the linear servo motor in reaching the TargetPosition.
The lower positional limit along the X axis of Attachment0 if LimitsEnabled is true.
The constraint's maximum acceleration when ActuatorType is set to Motor as the constraint attempts to reach its desired Velocity.
The constraint's maximum force when ActuatorType is set to Motor, as the constraint attempts to reach its desired Velocity.
The elasticity of the constraint's Attachments when they reach the end of the range specified by UpperLimit and LowerLimit, assuming LimitsEnabled is set to true.
The constraint's maximum force when ActuatorType is set to Servo, as the constraint attempts to reach its desired Speed.
The constraint's visualized size.
The constraint's desired speed when ActuatorType is set to Servo, as the constraint translates towards its TargetPosition. Measured in studs per second.
The constraint's attempted target position when ActuatorType is set to Servo. Measured in studs.
The upper positional limit along the X axis of Attachment0 if LimitsEnabled is true.
The constraint's attempted velocity when ActuatorType is set to Motor. Measured in studs per second.
Indica si el límite está activo en el mundo.
El Constraint.Attachment1 que está conectado a Class.Constraint.Attachment1.
El Constraint.Attachment0 que está conectado a Class.Constraint.Attachment0.
El color del restricción.
Alterna si el límite está habilitado o no.
Alterna la visibilidad del límite.