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AudioReverb reverberates audio streams, modeling the natural echoes of a room or enclosed space. It provides one Input pin and one Output pin which can be connected to/from by Wires.



  • 병렬 읽기
  • 병렬 읽기

    Controls how quickly high frequency sound decays compared to the overall reverb.

  • 병렬 읽기

    Controls how long it takes for the reverb to dissipate.

  • 병렬 읽기

    Controls how many reflections are generated.

  • 병렬 읽기

    Controls how smooth and reflective the simulated surfaces are.

  • 병렬 읽기

    Gain level determining how loud the original, unaltered audio stream will be.

  • 병렬 읽기

    Controls the amount of time before reverberation begins .

  • Frequency above which sound is filtered out of the reverb.

  • 병렬 읽기

    Time, following early delays, before diffuse reverberations begin.

  • Frequency below which audio can be boosted or reduced in the reverb.

  • 병렬 읽기

    Controls the presence of low frequency content in the reverb.

  • Frequency that separates low frequency decay speeds from high frequency decay speeds.

  • 병렬 읽기

    Gain level determining how loud the reverberated stream will be.



병렬 읽기


병렬 읽기

A ratio of high frequency decay time to total decay time, where high frequencies are determined to be anything above ReferenceFrequency, in hertz. Ranges from 0.1 to 1.


병렬 읽기

Time, in seconds, that it will take for the reverb to fully decay. Ranges from 0.1 to 20.


병렬 읽기

A number controlling how many reflections are generated. Ranges from 0 to 1.


병렬 읽기

A number controlling how smooth and reflective the reverb's simulated surfaces are. Ranges from 0 to 1.


병렬 읽기

Gain level, in decibels, determining how loud the original, unaltered audio stream will be. Ranges from -80 to 20.


병렬 읽기

Time, in seconds, before any reverberation begins. Ranges from 0 to 0.3.


병렬 읽기

Frequency, in hertz, which acts as a cutoff for a low-pass filter. Any audio that has a higher frequency than this is excluded from the reverb. Ranges from 20 to 20,000.


병렬 읽기

Time in seconds, following early delays, before diffuse reverberations begin. Ranges from 0 to 0.1.


병렬 읽기

Frequency, in hertz, below which audio can be boosted or reduced in the reverb via LowShelfGain. Ranges from 20 to 20,000.


병렬 읽기

Gain level, in decibels, that controls the presence of low frequency content in the reverb. Ranges from -36 to 12.


병렬 읽기

Frequency, in hertz, that separates low frequency decay speeds from high frequency decay speeds. This is used by DecayRatio to determine whether low or high frequencies decay faster. Ranges from 20 to 20,000.


병렬 읽기

Gain level, in decibels, determining how loud the reverberated stream will be. Ranges from -80 to 20.



매개 변수

pin: string

