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Wire connects one or more Instances to form a processing graph of their streams. Each Wire connects a source and target instance, and a source and target "pin" within each of those instances. Pins are string identifiers that select which stream is to be carried by the wire.

At the moment, only audio streams are supported, but this may expand in the future.

The following instances may be connected by Wires:





Read Only
Not Replicated
Read Parallel

Denotes whether the Wire is connected, meaning its SourceInstance, TargetInstance, SourceName, and TargetName properties are all assigned, the connection is valid, and the connection does not result in a cyclic processing graph. Cyclic processing graphs are invalid since they can result in infinite computation; attempting to create one will log an error.


Read Parallel

The Instance producing a stream to be carried over the wire. At the moment, only audio streams are wirable.


Read Parallel

The name of the pin on SourceInstance that is producing a stream. At the moment, various audio instances only have an Output pin, but this may expand in the future. The default value of this property is Output so it is not yet necessary to change.


Read Parallel

The Instance intended to receive a stream from SourceInstance. Currently, only audio streams are wirable.


Read Parallel

The name of the pin on TargetInstance that is receiving a stream. At the moment, audio instances typically have an Input pin, but AudioCompressor has an additional Sidechain pin. This may expand in the future.

