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Un menu contestuale che può essere mostrato in Studio. Mostra una lista di PluginActions e supporta i menu. PluginMenu deve essere creato utilizzando il metodo Plugin:CreatePluginMenu() per funzionare come previsto.
Vedi anche
- PluginAction , un oggetto che rappresenta un'azione generica in Roblox Studio, con nessun Toolbar o Enum.Button .
- Plugin:CreatePluginAction() che crea un PluginAction .
- PluginMenu.Title che è il testo da mostrare quando viene utilizzato come sottomenu.
- PluginMenu.Icon che è l'icona da mostrare quando viene utilizzato come sottomenu.
- PluginMenu:AddAction() che aggiunge l'azione fornita al menu.
- PluginMenu:AddNewAction() che crea un'azione temporanea nascosta dalla finestra di scelta rapida di Studio.
- PluginMenu:AddMenu() che aggiunge il menu dato come separatore.
- PluginMenu:AddSeparator() che aggiunge un separatore tra gli elementi nel menu
- PluginMenu:Clear() che limita il menu.
- PluginMenu:ShowAsync() che mostra il menu al cursore del mouse e rende fino a quando un oggetto non è selezionato o il menu chiuso.
Campioni di codice
This code sample visualizes how PluginMenus and PluginActions behave when created for a Plugin. Outside of this example, you should not parent the plugin or its functional components to the experience's workspace.
In order to work as expected, the code block must but pasted into the Command Bar, but only once. Consecutive attempts at executing the code in the Command Bar will result in an error because a plugin cannot create more than one PluginMenu with the same ID.
After executing the code, changing the created BoolValue in the experience's workspace opens the plugin's menus. Selecting an action from the menus the function connected to the trigger signal.
-- This code can be pasted into the command bar, but only once
local pluginMenu = plugin:CreatePluginMenu(math.random(), "Test Menu")
pluginMenu.Name = "Test Menu"
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionA", "A", "rbxasset://textures/loading/robloxTiltRed.png")
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionB", "B", "rbxasset://textures/loading/robloxTilt.png")
local subMenu = plugin:CreatePluginMenu(math.random(), "C", "rbxasset://textures/explosion.png")
subMenu.Name = "Sub Menu"
subMenu:AddNewAction("ActionD", "D", "rbxasset://textures/whiteCircle.png")
subMenu:AddNewAction("ActionE", "E", "rbxasset://textures/icon_ROBUX.png")
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionF", "F", "rbxasset://textures/sparkle.png")
local toggle ="BoolValue")
toggle.Name = "TogglePluginMenu"
toggle.Parent = workspace
local function onToggled()
if toggle.Value then
toggle.Value = false
local selectedAction = pluginMenu:ShowAsync()
if selectedAction then
print("Selected Action:", selectedAction.Text, "with ActionId:", selectedAction.ActionId)
print("User did not select an action!")
L'icona da mostrare quando viene utilizzata come sottomenu.
Il testo da mostrare quando viene utilizzato come sottomenu.
Aggiunge l'azione fornita al menu.
Aggiunge il menu dato come separatore.
Crea un'azione temporanea che è nascosta dalla finestra di scelta rapida di Studio.
Aggiunge un separatore tra gli elementi nel menu.
Svuota il menu.
Mostra il menu al cursore del mouse. Si ottiene fino a quando non viene selezionato un oggetto o chiuso il menu.
Questa proprietà determina l'icona da visualizzare quando viene visualizzata come sottomenù. Predefinito vuoto stringa "" .
Campioni di codice
This code sample visualizes how PluginMenus and PluginActions behave when created for a Plugin. Outside of this example, you should not parent the plugin or its functional components to the experience's workspace.
In order to work as expected, the code block must but pasted into the Command Bar, but only once. Consecutive attempts at executing the code in the Command Bar will result in an error because a plugin cannot create more than one PluginMenu with the same ID.
After executing the code, changing the created BoolValue in the experience's workspace opens the plugin's menus. Selecting an action from the menus the function connected to the trigger signal.
-- This code can be pasted into the command bar, but only once
local pluginMenu = plugin:CreatePluginMenu(math.random(), "Test Menu")
pluginMenu.Name = "Test Menu"
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionA", "A", "rbxasset://textures/loading/robloxTiltRed.png")
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionB", "B", "rbxasset://textures/loading/robloxTilt.png")
local subMenu = plugin:CreatePluginMenu(math.random(), "C", "rbxasset://textures/explosion.png")
subMenu.Name = "Sub Menu"
subMenu:AddNewAction("ActionD", "D", "rbxasset://textures/whiteCircle.png")
subMenu:AddNewAction("ActionE", "E", "rbxasset://textures/icon_ROBUX.png")
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionF", "F", "rbxasset://textures/sparkle.png")
local toggle ="BoolValue")
toggle.Name = "TogglePluginMenu"
toggle.Parent = workspace
local function onToggled()
if toggle.Value then
toggle.Value = false
local selectedAction = pluginMenu:ShowAsync()
if selectedAction then
print("Selected Action:", selectedAction.Text, "with ActionId:", selectedAction.ActionId)
print("User did not select an action!")
Questa proprietà determina il testo da visualizzare quando un PluginMenu è utilizzato come sottomenù. Predefinito vuoto stringa "" .
Campioni di codice
This code sample visualizes how PluginMenus and PluginActions behave when created for a Plugin. Outside of this example, you should not parent the plugin or its functional components to the experience's workspace.
In order to work as expected, the code block must but pasted into the Command Bar, but only once. Consecutive attempts at executing the code in the Command Bar will result in an error because a plugin cannot create more than one PluginMenu with the same ID.
After executing the code, changing the created BoolValue in the experience's workspace opens the plugin's menus. Selecting an action from the menus the function connected to the trigger signal.
-- This code can be pasted into the command bar, but only once
local pluginMenu = plugin:CreatePluginMenu(math.random(), "Test Menu")
pluginMenu.Name = "Test Menu"
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionA", "A", "rbxasset://textures/loading/robloxTiltRed.png")
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionB", "B", "rbxasset://textures/loading/robloxTilt.png")
local subMenu = plugin:CreatePluginMenu(math.random(), "C", "rbxasset://textures/explosion.png")
subMenu.Name = "Sub Menu"
subMenu:AddNewAction("ActionD", "D", "rbxasset://textures/whiteCircle.png")
subMenu:AddNewAction("ActionE", "E", "rbxasset://textures/icon_ROBUX.png")
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionF", "F", "rbxasset://textures/sparkle.png")
local toggle ="BoolValue")
toggle.Name = "TogglePluginMenu"
toggle.Parent = workspace
local function onToggled()
if toggle.Value then
toggle.Value = false
local selectedAction = pluginMenu:ShowAsync()
if selectedAction then
print("Selected Action:", selectedAction.Text, "with ActionId:", selectedAction.ActionId)
print("User did not select an action!")
Aggiunge l'azione fornita al menu.
L'azione da aggiungere or Inserire.
Campioni di codice
This code sample visualizes how PluginMenus and PluginActions behave when created for a Plugin. Outside of this example, you should not parent the plugin or its functional components to the experience's workspace.
In order to work as expected, the code block must but pasted into the Command Bar, but only once. Consecutive attempts at executing the code in the Command Bar will result in an error because a plugin cannot create more than one PluginMenu with the same ID.
After executing the code, changing the created BoolValue in the experience's workspace opens the plugin's menus. Selecting an action from the menus the function connected to the trigger signal.
-- This code can be pasted into the command bar, but only once
local pluginMenu = plugin:CreatePluginMenu(math.random(), "Test Menu")
pluginMenu.Name = "Test Menu"
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionA", "A", "rbxasset://textures/loading/robloxTiltRed.png")
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionB", "B", "rbxasset://textures/loading/robloxTilt.png")
local subMenu = plugin:CreatePluginMenu(math.random(), "C", "rbxasset://textures/explosion.png")
subMenu.Name = "Sub Menu"
subMenu:AddNewAction("ActionD", "D", "rbxasset://textures/whiteCircle.png")
subMenu:AddNewAction("ActionE", "E", "rbxasset://textures/icon_ROBUX.png")
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionF", "F", "rbxasset://textures/sparkle.png")
local toggle ="BoolValue")
toggle.Name = "TogglePluginMenu"
toggle.Parent = workspace
local function onToggled()
if toggle.Value then
toggle.Value = false
local selectedAction = pluginMenu:ShowAsync()
if selectedAction then
print("Selected Action:", selectedAction.Text, "with ActionId:", selectedAction.ActionId)
print("User did not select an action!")
Aggiunge il menu dato come separatore.
Il menu da aggiungere come sottomenù. Usa il suo PluginMenu.Title e PluginMenu.Icon per visualizzarlo.
Campioni di codice
This code sample visualizes how PluginMenus and PluginActions behave when created for a Plugin. Outside of this example, you should not parent the plugin or its functional components to the experience's workspace.
In order to work as expected, the code block must but pasted into the Command Bar, but only once. Consecutive attempts at executing the code in the Command Bar will result in an error because a plugin cannot create more than one PluginMenu with the same ID.
After executing the code, changing the created BoolValue in the experience's workspace opens the plugin's menus. Selecting an action from the menus the function connected to the trigger signal.
-- This code can be pasted into the command bar, but only once
local pluginMenu = plugin:CreatePluginMenu(math.random(), "Test Menu")
pluginMenu.Name = "Test Menu"
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionA", "A", "rbxasset://textures/loading/robloxTiltRed.png")
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionB", "B", "rbxasset://textures/loading/robloxTilt.png")
local subMenu = plugin:CreatePluginMenu(math.random(), "C", "rbxasset://textures/explosion.png")
subMenu.Name = "Sub Menu"
subMenu:AddNewAction("ActionD", "D", "rbxasset://textures/whiteCircle.png")
subMenu:AddNewAction("ActionE", "E", "rbxasset://textures/icon_ROBUX.png")
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionF", "F", "rbxasset://textures/sparkle.png")
local toggle ="BoolValue")
toggle.Name = "TogglePluginMenu"
toggle.Parent = workspace
local function onToggled()
if toggle.Value then
toggle.Value = false
local selectedAction = pluginMenu:ShowAsync()
if selectedAction then
print("Selected Action:", selectedAction.Text, "with ActionId:", selectedAction.ActionId)
print("User did not select an action!")
Crea un'azione temporanea che è nascosta dalla finestra di scelta rapida di Studio.
Deve essere una stringa unica che identifica questa PluginAction dagli altri.
Il testo da mostrare.
L'icona da mostrare.
Il creato PluginAction .
Campioni di codice
This code sample visualizes how PluginMenus and PluginActions behave when created for a Plugin. Outside of this example, you should not parent the plugin or its functional components to the experience's workspace.
In order to work as expected, the code block must but pasted into the Command Bar, but only once. Consecutive attempts at executing the code in the Command Bar will result in an error because a plugin cannot create more than one PluginMenu with the same ID.
After executing the code, changing the created BoolValue in the experience's workspace opens the plugin's menus. Selecting an action from the menus the function connected to the trigger signal.
-- This code can be pasted into the command bar, but only once
local pluginMenu = plugin:CreatePluginMenu(math.random(), "Test Menu")
pluginMenu.Name = "Test Menu"
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionA", "A", "rbxasset://textures/loading/robloxTiltRed.png")
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionB", "B", "rbxasset://textures/loading/robloxTilt.png")
local subMenu = plugin:CreatePluginMenu(math.random(), "C", "rbxasset://textures/explosion.png")
subMenu.Name = "Sub Menu"
subMenu:AddNewAction("ActionD", "D", "rbxasset://textures/whiteCircle.png")
subMenu:AddNewAction("ActionE", "E", "rbxasset://textures/icon_ROBUX.png")
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionF", "F", "rbxasset://textures/sparkle.png")
local toggle ="BoolValue")
toggle.Name = "TogglePluginMenu"
toggle.Parent = workspace
local function onToggled()
if toggle.Value then
toggle.Value = false
local selectedAction = pluginMenu:ShowAsync()
if selectedAction then
print("Selected Action:", selectedAction.Text, "with ActionId:", selectedAction.ActionId)
print("User did not select an action!")
Aggiunge un separatore tra gli elementi nel menu.
Campioni di codice
This code sample visualizes how PluginMenus and PluginActions behave when created for a Plugin. Outside of this example, you should not parent the plugin or its functional components to the experience's workspace.
In order to work as expected, the code block must but pasted into the Command Bar, but only once. Consecutive attempts at executing the code in the Command Bar will result in an error because a plugin cannot create more than one PluginMenu with the same ID.
After executing the code, changing the created BoolValue in the experience's workspace opens the plugin's menus. Selecting an action from the menus the function connected to the trigger signal.
-- This code can be pasted into the command bar, but only once
local pluginMenu = plugin:CreatePluginMenu(math.random(), "Test Menu")
pluginMenu.Name = "Test Menu"
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionA", "A", "rbxasset://textures/loading/robloxTiltRed.png")
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionB", "B", "rbxasset://textures/loading/robloxTilt.png")
local subMenu = plugin:CreatePluginMenu(math.random(), "C", "rbxasset://textures/explosion.png")
subMenu.Name = "Sub Menu"
subMenu:AddNewAction("ActionD", "D", "rbxasset://textures/whiteCircle.png")
subMenu:AddNewAction("ActionE", "E", "rbxasset://textures/icon_ROBUX.png")
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionF", "F", "rbxasset://textures/sparkle.png")
local toggle ="BoolValue")
toggle.Name = "TogglePluginMenu"
toggle.Parent = workspace
local function onToggled()
if toggle.Value then
toggle.Value = false
local selectedAction = pluginMenu:ShowAsync()
if selectedAction then
print("Selected Action:", selectedAction.Text, "with ActionId:", selectedAction.ActionId)
print("User did not select an action!")
Svuota il menu.
Mostra il menu al cursore del mouse. Genera fino a quando non viene selezionato un oggetto o chiuso il menu. L'azione selezionata attiva il suo evento PluginAction.Triggered .
L'elemento PluginAction che è stato selezionato o null.
Campioni di codice
This code sample visualizes how PluginMenus and PluginActions behave when created for a Plugin. Outside of this example, you should not parent the plugin or its functional components to the experience's workspace.
In order to work as expected, the code block must but pasted into the Command Bar, but only once. Consecutive attempts at executing the code in the Command Bar will result in an error because a plugin cannot create more than one PluginMenu with the same ID.
After executing the code, changing the created BoolValue in the experience's workspace opens the plugin's menus. Selecting an action from the menus the function connected to the trigger signal.
-- This code can be pasted into the command bar, but only once
local pluginMenu = plugin:CreatePluginMenu(math.random(), "Test Menu")
pluginMenu.Name = "Test Menu"
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionA", "A", "rbxasset://textures/loading/robloxTiltRed.png")
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionB", "B", "rbxasset://textures/loading/robloxTilt.png")
local subMenu = plugin:CreatePluginMenu(math.random(), "C", "rbxasset://textures/explosion.png")
subMenu.Name = "Sub Menu"
subMenu:AddNewAction("ActionD", "D", "rbxasset://textures/whiteCircle.png")
subMenu:AddNewAction("ActionE", "E", "rbxasset://textures/icon_ROBUX.png")
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionF", "F", "rbxasset://textures/sparkle.png")
local toggle ="BoolValue")
toggle.Name = "TogglePluginMenu"
toggle.Parent = workspace
local function onToggled()
if toggle.Value then
toggle.Value = false
local selectedAction = pluginMenu:ShowAsync()
if selectedAction then
print("Selected Action:", selectedAction.Text, "with ActionId:", selectedAction.ActionId)
print("User did not select an action!")