
Visualizza obsoleti

For handles to be interactive, they must be parented to a player's PlayerGui or the CoreGui.

The CylinderHandleAdornment is a cylinder that can be adorned to a BasePart. This adornment can listen to input events and is commonly used to make dragger tools.



  • lettura parallela

    Angle of cylindrical sector (pie-slice).

  • lettura parallela

    The height of the cylinder adornment.

  • lettura parallela

    Inner radius of a hollow cylinder.

  • lettura parallela

    The radius of the cylinder adornment.

Proprietà inherited from HandleAdornmentProprietà inherited from PVAdornmentProprietà inherited from GuiBase3d
  • lettura parallela

    Sets the color of a GUI object.

  • lettura parallela

    Sets the transparency of a GUI object, where 1 is invisible and 0 is completely visible.

  • lettura parallela

    Determines whether the object and its descendants will be displayed.


Eventi inherited from HandleAdornment



lettura parallela

If Angle is <360, a cylindrical sector (aka a pie-slice) of that angle is rendered instead of a full cylinder. The Angle property can be combined with InnerRadius to render a sector of a hollow cylinder.


lettura parallela

The height of the cylinder adornment.


lettura parallela

If InnerRadius is >0, a hollow cylinder with that inner radius is rendered instead of a full cylinder. The InnerRadius property can be combined with Angle to render a sector of a hollow cylinder.


lettura parallela

The radius of the cylinder adornment.

