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The WrapTarget object defines a target. A target is the 3D body with only an outer surface, or an Outer Cage.

This target, often an Avatar, is what 3D accessories (using WrapLayer) will be applied to, allowing multiple accessories items to naturally layer over the source target.



Propriedades herdados de BaseWrap



não replicado
não scriptável
ler parallel

Sets color used for the debug rendering. See WrapTarget.DebugMode

não replicado
não scriptável
ler parallel

Allows switching between different debugging visualization modes for cage meshes.


ler parallel
segurança do plugin

Defines how much the body mesh can be compressed by clothing. Super tight clothing may lead to an intersection between the clothing mesh and body mesh. To solve this visual artifact, the deformer can compress the body mesh slightly to solve possible intersections.

Valid range is 0 to 1. A value of 0 will compress the body mesh as much as necessary to ensure that the intersections are eliminated (visible body parts might look a little bit deformed). A value of 1 will prevent the body mesh from being compressed (may lead to visible intersections or Z-fighting). A value of 0.9 (default) is a reasonable default that solves most of the intersections without introducing any significant body deformation.

