
Mostrar obsoleto

A SurfaceLight is a light source that emits illumination of a specified Light.Color and Light.Brightness from a SurfaceLight.Face for a specified SurfaceLight.Range.

In order for a SurfaceLight to provide illumination, it must be the direct child of a BasePart or Attachment (the part or attachment itself must be a descendant of the Workspace). If a SurfaceLight is parented to a part, then the light will emanate from the part's selected face(s). If parented to an attachment SurfaceLight is equivalent to a SpotLight.

For more light types, please see the see also section.

See Also

Amostras de código

Creating a New Surface Light

local part ="Part")
part.Anchored = true
part.Position =, 0, 0)
part.Parent = workspace
local light ="SurfaceLight")
light.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
light.Brightness = 1
light.Range = 16
light.Parent = part



  • ler parallel

    The angle of which the light is shone from the SurfaceLight.

  • ler parallel

    Sets the side of the parent that the SurfaceLight comes from.

  • ler parallel

    The distance from the SurfaceLight's face that will illuminate.

Propriedades herdados de Light
  • ler parallel

    Sets how bright the emitted light is, defaults to 1.

  • ler parallel

    The color of the emitted light.

  • ler parallel

    If set to true, light will be emitted from the source object.

  • ler parallel

    If set to true, will project shadows if light is blocked by an obstacle.



ler parallel

The angle of which the light is shone from the SurfaceLight.

ler parallel

Sets the side of the parent that the SurfaceLight comes from.


ler parallel

The distance from the SurfaceLight's face that will illuminate.

