A SensorBase that outputs data about another BasePart based on Humanoid floor and ladder detection logic. It is primarily used for sending data to a character controller. Using a ControllerPartSensor allows you to detect BaseParts in the same manner as the Humanoid uses for detecting floors and ladders.
The position in world space where the sensor hit the ControllerPartSensor.SensedPart.
The surface normal at the position where the sensor hit the ControllerPartSensor.SensedPart.
The distance from the sensor's parent BasePart to use when sensing other parts.
A reference to the BasePart hit by the sensor.
Determines what behavior this SensorBase uses when sensing other parts.
Determines how the sensor will update its output data.
Determines what behavior this SensorBase uses when sensing other parts.
A setting of Enum.SensorMode.Ladder performs the same ladder detection logic used by a Humanoid to populate sensor output. It currently always senses along the forward vector of its parent BasePart.
A setting of Enum.SensorMode.Floor performs the same floor detection logic used by a Humanoid to populate sensor output. It currently always senses along the negative up vector of the world.