GenerationService is a service that allows developers to generate 3D objects from text prompts utilizing Roblox's Cube 3D foundation model.
Mesh generation is a two step process:
- GenerateMeshAsync() starts the mesh generation process using a text prompt and other required parameters. It returns a unique identifier (generation ID) that can be used to retrieve the future result.
- LoadGeneratedMeshAsync() loads the generated mesh into the experience. The mesh is returned as a MeshPart containing an EditableMesh.
Currently, GenerationService only supports the following usage:
- GenerateMeshAsync() must be called from server scripts.
- LoadGeneratedMeshAsync() must be called from client scripts.
As a result, when a mesh generation request originates from a client, the client must send a signal to the server to initiate generation. Once the server determines that generation is complete, it should notify the appropriate client to call LoadGeneratedMeshAsync() and retrieve the mesh. Note that since the generated mesh is loaded with EditableMesh content and only on the client, it is not replicated to any other clients.
The following code illustrates this design pattern. See this demo experience for a more detailed example. Click the ⋯ button and Edit in Studio.
Amostras de código
Adds server-side functionality to handle mesh generation requests from clients.
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local GenerationService = game:GetService("GenerationService")
-- Create a RemoteEvent for client-server communication
local meshGenerationEvent ="RemoteEvent")
meshGenerationEvent.Name = "MeshGenerationEvent"
meshGenerationEvent.Parent = ReplicatedStorage
-- Event to send generation results back to clients
local generationResultEvent ="RemoteEvent")
generationResultEvent.Name = "GenerationResultEvent"
generationResultEvent.Parent = ReplicatedStorage
-- Handle mesh generation requests from clients
meshGenerationEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, prompt)
print("Generating mesh for player", player.Name, "with prompt:", prompt)
-- Generate the mesh on the server
local success, generationId, contextId = pcall(function()
return GenerationService:GenerateMeshAsync(
{["Prompt"] = prompt},
function(intermediateType, intermediateGenerationId, intermediateContextId)
-- Send intermediate result to the requesting client
true -- isIntermediate
if success then
-- Send the final generation ID to the client
generationResultEvent:FireClient(player, generationId, false)
print("Successfully generated mesh with ID:", generationId)
-- Notify the client of failure
generationResultEvent:FireClient(player, nil, false)
warn("Failed to generate mesh:", generationId)
Adds client-side functionality to request mesh generation from the server and display the results.
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local GenerationService = game:GetService("GenerationService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
-- Connect to the RemoteEvents
local meshGenerationEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("MeshGenerationEvent")
local generationResultEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("GenerationResultEvent")
-- Local player
local player = Players.LocalPlayer
-- Store generated meshes
local generatedMeshes = {}
-- Function to request mesh generation
local function requestMeshGeneration(prompt)
print("Requesting mesh generation for prompt: " .. prompt)
-- Handle generation results from the server
generationResultEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(generationId, isIntermediate)
if not generationId then
print("Generation failed")
print(isIntermediate and "Loading intermediate result..." or "Loading final result...")
local mesh = GenerationService:LoadGeneratedMeshAsync(generationId)
if mesh then
-- Clean up previous mesh if it exists
if generatedMeshes[isIntermediate and "intermediate" or "final"] then
generatedMeshes[isIntermediate and "intermediate" or "final"]:Destroy()
mesh.Parent = workspace
-- Position the mesh in front of the player
local character = player.Character
if character and character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
local rootPart = character.HumanoidRootPart
mesh:PivotTo(rootPart.CFrame *, 0, -10))
-- Store the mesh for cleanup
generatedMeshes[isIntermediate and "intermediate" or "final"] = mesh
print(isIntermediate and "Loaded intermediate result" or "Loaded final result")
print("Failed to load mesh")
-- Example usage
requestMeshGeneration("toy robot")
- GenerateMeshAsync(inputs : Dictionary,player : Player,options : Dictionary,intermediateResultCallback : function?):Tuple
Starts the generation of a new 3D mesh from a text prompt and returns unique IDs used to track and retrieve the result. After the generation is complete, use LoadGeneratedMeshAsync() to load and display the generated mesh.
Retrieves and loads a mesh generated by GenerationService:GenerateMeshAsync() using the provided generationId. The mesh is returned as a MeshPart with EditableMesh content.
Starts the generation of a new 3D mesh from a text prompt and returns unique IDs used to track and retrieve the result. You can optionally receive intermediate results, such as the untextured mesh, by providing an intermediateResultCallback function. After the generation is complete, use LoadGeneratedMeshAsync() to load and display the generated mesh.
Rate limits
There is a rate limit of 5 generations per minute per experience. If you exceed this limit, further generation requests are blocked until the next minute.
Error codes
Error | Description | Recommended developer action |
Rate limit exceeded | The maximum number of mesh generations has been exceeded for the minute. | Wait until the rate limit resets. |
Moderation failure | The mesh generation was flagged for moderation. | Review and modify the prompt to ensure it adheres to Roblox's moderation guidelines. |
Internal server error | An unexpected issue occurred on the server. | Retry the request later or check server status for issues. |
Character limit exceeded | The input prompt length for this generation request exceeded the limit. | Reduce the number of characters in the Prompt string of the input dictionary. |
A dictionary containing the mesh generation prompts. Currently, the only supported key is the Prompt (string) that describes the mesh to generate.
Additional generation options. Currently, no options are supported.
A callback function triggered with intermediate generation results. Useful for retrieving early mesh versions (e.g. before textures are applied).
A tuple of generation ID and context ID.
- Generation ID: A unique ID returned for each invocation of GenerateMeshAsync().
- Context ID: Not currently used.
Amostras de código
Simple example showing how to use GenerateMeshAsync() to generate a mesh from a prompt.
local generationId, contextId = GenerationService:GenerateMeshAsync({["Prompt"] = "toaster"}, player, {})
Example showing how to use GenerateMeshAsync() with a callback for intermediate results.
local generationId, contextId = GenerationService:GenerateMeshAsync({["Prompt"] = prompt}, player, {}, function(intermediateType, generationId, contextId)
-- Add your logic here
Example showing how to handle errors when generating meshes with GenerateMeshAsync().
local success, generationIdOrError, contextId = pcall(function()
return GenerationService:GenerateMeshAsync(
{["Prompt"] = "robot toy"},
function(intermediateType, intermediateId, intermediateContextId)
-- Notify client about intermediate result
generationResultEvent:FireClient(player, intermediateId, true)
-- Handle a specific error code
if generationIdOrError == "Rate limit exceeded" then
-- Wait for the rate limit to reset
elseif success then
-- Send the final generation ID to the client
generationResultEvent:FireClient(player, generationIdOrError, false)
Retrieves and loads a mesh generated by GenerationService:GenerateMeshAsync() using the provided generationId. The mesh is returned as a MeshPart with EditableMesh content. Because editable meshes are not replicated, the loaded mesh is not replicated to any other clients and can only be loaded once per generationId.
The unique ID returned by GenerateMeshAsync(). Identifies the mesh to load.
The generated mesh, returned as a MeshPart containing an EditableMesh.
Amostras de código
Example showing how to load a generated mesh using LoadGeneratedMeshAsync().
-- Take your generation ID generated on the server and load your generation
local mesh = GenerationService:LoadGeneratedMeshAsync(generationId)
mesh.Parent = workspace