*เนื้อหานี้จะพร้อมใช้งานในภาษาที่คุณเลือกในเร็วๆ นี้
ReflectionMetadataMember represents either a Function, YieldFunction, or Property in Roblox's ReflectionMetadata.
คุณสมบัติรับทอดมาจากReflectionMetadataItemWhether or not this can be seen in studio.
Describes the category of this class.
Describes a constraint for a single-argument function whose argument type is a Object.ClassName.
Whether or not this item is deprecated.
Toggles whether this property can be edited from the Properties window.
Vague value for showing if this depends on backend stuff.
Describes the context where this member can be used. If set to "Server", this member will not be available to auto fill when editing a LocalScript. If set to "Client", this member will not be available to auto fill when editing a Script.
The maximum value of this property. Used with ReflectionMetadataItem.UIMinimum to control the slider bar of this property in the Properties window.
The minimum value of this property. Used with ReflectionMetadataItem.UIMaximum to control the slider bar of this property in the Properties window.
The number of potential values the property's slider bar can be set to, ReflectionMetadataItem.UIMinimum and ReflectionMetadataItem.UIMaximum.