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EditableMesh changes the applied visual mesh when linked to a MeshPart, allowing for querying and modification of the mesh both in Studio and in experience.

An EditableMesh can be created from an existing Content of a MeshPart or a mesh ID using AssetService:CreateEditableMeshAsync(), or a blank EditableMesh can be created with AssetService:CreateEditableMesh(). It can then be displayed, modified, and its collision model updated. Not all of the steps are necessary; for example, you might want to create an EditableMesh just to raycast without ever displaying it.

An EditableMesh is displayed when it's linked to a new MeshPart, through AssetService:CreateMeshPartAsync(). You can create more MeshPart instances that reference the same EditableMesh content, or link to an existing MeshPart through MeshPart:ApplyMesh().

To recalculate collision and fluid geometry after editing, you can again call AssetService:CreateMeshPartAsync() and MeshPart:ApplyMesh() to update an existing MeshPart. It's generally recommended to do this at the end of a conceptual edit, not after individual calls to methods that manipulate geometry. Visual changes to the mesh will always be immediately reflected by the engine, without the need to call AssetService:CreateMeshPartAsync().

Enabling EditableMesh for Published Experiences

For security purposes, using EditableMesh fails by default for published experiences. To enable usage, EditableMesh, you must be 13+ age verified and ID verified. After you are verified, open Studio's Game Settings, select Security, and enable the Allow Mesh & Image APIs toggle. Remember to review the Terms of Use before enabling the toggle.


To prevent misuse, AssetService:CreateEditableMeshAsync() will only allow you to load and edit mesh assets:

  • That are owned by the creator of the experience (if the experience is owned by an individual).
  • That are owned by a group (if the experience is owned by the group).
  • That are owned by the logged in Studio user (if the place file has not yet been saved or published to Roblox).

The APIs throw an error if they are used to load an asset that does not meet the criteria above.

Fixed-Size Meshes

When creating an EditableMesh from an existing mesh asset (via AssetService:CreateEditableMeshAsync()), the resulting editable mesh is fixed-size by default. Fixed-size meshes are more efficient in terms of memory but you cannot change the number of vertices, faces, or attributes. Only the values of vertex attributes and positions can be edited.

Stable Vertex/Face IDs

Many EditableMesh methods take vertex, normal, UV, color and face IDs. These are represented as integers in Luau but they require some special handling. The main difference is that IDs are stable and they remain the same even if other parts of the mesh change. For example, if an EditableMesh has five vertices {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and you remove vertex 4, the new vertices will be {1, 2, 3, 5}.

Note that the IDs are not guaranteed to be in order and there may be holes in the numbering, so when iterating through vertices or faces, you should iterate through the table returned by GetVertices() or GetFaces().

Split Vertex Attributes

A vertex is a corner of a face, and topologically connects faces together. Vertices can have several attributes: position, normal, UV coordinate, color, and transparency.

Sometimes it's useful for all faces that touch a vertex to use the same attribute values, but sometimes you'll want different faces to use different attribute values on the same vertex. For example, on a smooth sphere, each vertex will only have a single normal. In contrast, at the corner of a cube, the vertex will have 3 different normals (one for each adjacent face). You can also have seams in the UV coordinates or sharp changes in the vertex colors.

When creating faces, every vertex will by default have one of each attribute: one normal, one UV coordinate, and one color/transparency. If you want to create a seam, you should create new attributes and set them on the face. For example, this code will create a sharp cube:

local AssetService = game:GetService("AssetService")
-- Given 4 vertex IDs, adds a new normal and 2 triangles, making a sharp quad
local function addSharpQuad(eMesh, vid0, vid1, vid2, vid3)
local nid = eMesh:AddNormal() -- This creates a normal ID which is automatically computed
local fid1 = eMesh:AddTriangle(vid0, vid1, vid2)
eMesh:SetFaceNormals(fid1, {nid, nid, nid})
local fid2 = eMesh:AddTriangle(vid0, vid2, vid3)
eMesh:SetFaceNormals(fid2, {nid, nid, nid})
-- Makes a cube with creased edges between the 6 sides
local function makeSharpCube()
local eMesh = AssetService:CreateEditableMesh()
local v1 = eMesh:AddVertex(Vector3.new(0, 0, 0))
local v2 = eMesh:AddVertex(Vector3.new(1, 0, 0))
local v3 = eMesh:AddVertex(Vector3.new(0, 1, 0))
local v4 = eMesh:AddVertex(Vector3.new(1, 1, 0))
local v5 = eMesh:AddVertex(Vector3.new(0, 0, 1))
local v6 = eMesh:AddVertex(Vector3.new(1, 0, 1))
local v7 = eMesh:AddVertex(Vector3.new(0, 1, 1))
local v8 = eMesh:AddVertex(Vector3.new(1, 1, 1))
addSharpQuad(eMesh, v5, v6, v8, v7) -- Front
addSharpQuad(eMesh, v1, v3, v4, v2) -- Back
addSharpQuad(eMesh, v1, v5, v7, v3) -- Left
addSharpQuad(eMesh, v2, v4, v8, v6) -- Right
addSharpQuad(eMesh, v1, v2, v6, v5) -- Bottom
addSharpQuad(eMesh, v3, v7, v8, v4) -- Top
return eMesh

Mesh faces have a front side and a back side. When drawing meshes, only the front of the faces are drawn by default, although you can change this by setting the mesh' DoubleSided property to true.

The order of the vertices around the face determines whether you are looking at the front or the back. The front of the face is visible when the vertices go counterclockwise around it.

Order of the vertices around the face

EditableMesh currently has a limit of 60,000 vertices and 20,000 triangles. Attempting to add too many vertices or triangles will cause an error.






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Fixed-sized meshes allow changing the values of vertex attributes but do not allow vertices and triangles to be added or deleted.


Baca Paralel



Adds a new color to the geometry and returns a stable color ID.


color: Color3

The new color.

alpha: number

The color alpha (transparency).

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Stable color ID of the new color.


Adds a new normal to the geometry and returns a stable normal ID. If the normal value isn't specified, the normal will be automatically calculated.


normal: Vector3

The normal vector. If the normal value isn't specified, the normal will be automatically calculated.

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Stable normal ID of the new normal.


Adds a new triangle to the mesh and returns a stable face ID.


vertexId0: number

ID of the first vertex of the triangle.

vertexId1: number

ID of the second vertex of the triangle.

vertexId2: number

ID of the third vertex of the triangle.

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Stable face ID of the new face.


Adds a new UV to the geometry and returns a stable UV ID.


The new UV coordinate.

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Stable UV ID of the new UV.


Adds a new vertex to the geometry and returns a stable vertex ID.


Position in the mesh's local object space.

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Stable vertex ID of the new vertex.



Destroys the contents of the mesh, immediately reclaiming used memory.

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Finds the closest point on the mesh's surface. Returns the face ID, point on the mesh in local object space, and the barycentric coordinate of the position within the face. See RaycastLocal() for more information on barycentric coordinates.


point: Vector3

Point position in the mesh's local object space.

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Tuple of the face ID, point on the mesh in local object space, and the barycentric coordinate of the position within the face.


Finds the closest vertex to a specific point in space and returns a stable vertex ID.


toThisPoint: Vector3

Point position in the mesh's local object space.

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Closest stable vertex ID to the specified point in space.


Finds all vertices within a specific sphere and returns a list of stable vertex IDs.


center: Vector3

Center of the sphere in the mesh's local object space.

radius: number

Radius of the sphere.

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List of stable vertex IDs within the requested sphere.


Given a stable face ID, returns a list of adjacent faces.

Adjacent faces indicated around requested face


faceId: number

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List of face IDs adjacent to the given face.


Given a stable vertex ID, returns a list of adjacent vertices.

Adjacent vertices indicated around requested vertex


vertexId: number

Vertex ID around which to get adjacent vertices.

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List of IDs of adjacent vertices around the given vertex ID.


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Center of the bounding box of the EditableMesh.


Returns the color for the given color ID.


colorId: number

Color ID for which to get the color.

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Color for the requested stable color ID.


Returns the color alpha (transparency) at the given stable color ID.


colorId: number

Color ID for which to get the alpha.

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Color alpha at the request stable color ID.


Returns all colors of the mesh as a list of stable color IDs.

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List of stable color IDs.


Returns the face's color IDs for the vertices on the face.


faceId: number

Face ID for which to get the color IDs.

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List of color IDs used for the vertices on the given face.


Returns the face's normal IDs for the vertices on the face.


faceId: number

Face ID for which to get the normal IDs.

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List of normal IDs used for the vertices on the given face.


Returns the face's UV IDs for the vertices on the face.


faceId: number

Face ID for which to get the UV IDs.

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List of UV IDs used for the vertices on the given face.


Returns the face's vertex IDs.


faceId: number

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List of vertex IDs around the given face.


Returns all faces of the mesh as a list of stable face IDs.

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List of stable face IDs.


Returns a list of faces that use a given vertex ID, normal ID, UV ID, or color ID.


id: number

Attribute ID for which to find faces that use it.

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List of face IDs which use the given attribute ID.


Returns the normal vector for the given normal ID.


normalId: number

Normal ID for which to get the normal vector.

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Normal vector at the requested normal ID.


Returns all normals of the mesh as a list of stable normal IDs.

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List of stable normal IDs.


Gets the position of a vertex in the mesh's local object space.


vertexId: number

Stable vertex ID for which to get the position.

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Position of a vertex in the mesh's local object space.


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Size of the EditableMesh.


Returns UV coordinates at the given UV ID.


uvId: number

UV ID for which to get the UV coordinate.

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UV coordinates at the requested UV ID.


Returns all UVs of the mesh as a list of stable UV IDs.

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List of stable UV IDs.


Returns all vertices as a list of stable vertex IDs.

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List of stable vertex IDs.


Returns a list of vertices that use a given face ID, normal ID, UV ID, or color ID.


id: number

Attribute ID for which to find vertices that use it.

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List of vertex IDs which use the given attribute ID.


Returns a string describing a stable ID, useful for debugging purposes, like f17 or v12, containing the type, ID number, and version.


id: number

ID for which to return a debugging information string.

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String that describes the ID in human-readable format.



Merges vertices that touch together, to use a single vertex ID but keep the other original attribute IDs.


mergeTolerance: number

The distance at which the vertices are considered to touch each other.

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A mapping of old vertex ID to new vertex ID for vertices that have been merged.


Casts a ray and returns a point of intersection, face ID, and barycentric coordinates. The inputs and outputs of this method are in the mesh's local object space.

A barycentric coordinate is a way of specifying a point within a face as a weighted combination of the 3 vertices of the face. This is useful as a general way of blending vertex attributes. See this method's code sample as an illustration.


origin: Vector3

Origin of the ray in the mesh's local object space.

direction: Vector3

Direction of the ray.

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Tuple of the point of intersection, face ID, and barycentric coordinates.

Contoh Kode


local AssetService = game:GetService("AssetService")
-- Initialize EditableMesh in space
local success, editableMesh = pcall(function()
return AssetService:CreateEditableMeshAsync(Content.fromUri("rbxassetid://ASSET_ID"))
local meshPart = nil
if success then
local initialSize = Vector3.new(1, 1, 1)
meshPart = editableMesh:CreateMeshPartAsync(initialSize)
meshPart.Parent = workspace
local function castRayFromCamera(position)
if not meshPart then return end
-- Create ray from camera along the direction of a clicked point
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local ray = camera:ScreenPointToRay(position.X, position.Y)
-- Convert to object space to use with RaycastLocal()
local relativeOrigin = meshPart.CFrame:PointToObjectSpace(ray.Origin)
local relativeDirection = meshPart.CFrame:VectorToObjectSpace(ray.Direction)
local triangleId, point, barycentricCoordinate
triangleId, point, barycentricCoordinate = editableMesh:RaycastLocal(relativeOrigin, relativeDirection * 100)
if not triangleId then
-- Didn't hit any triangles
-- Interpolate UVs within the triangle
local vert1, vert2, vert3 = editableMesh:GetTriangleVertices(triangleId)
local uv0 = editableMesh:GetUV(vert1)
local uv1 = editableMesh:GetUV(vert2)
local uv2 = editableMesh:GetUV(vert3)
local u = (barycentricCoordinate.x * uv0.x) + (barycentricCoordinate.y * uv1.x) + (barycentricCoordinate.z * uv2.x)
local v = (barycentricCoordinate.x * uv0.y) + (barycentricCoordinate.y * uv1.y) + (barycentricCoordinate.z * uv2.y)
return Vector2.new(u, v)



Removes a face using its stable face ID.


faceId: number

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Removes all vertices, normals, UVs, and colors which are not used in any face, and returns the removed IDs.

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All of the removed stable IDs.



Reset this normal ID to be automatically calculated based on the shape of the mesh, instead of manually set.


normalId: number

Stable normal ID to reset.

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Sets the color for a color ID.


colorId: number

Stable color ID for which to set the color.

color: Color3

Color to set.

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Sets the color alpha (transparency) for a color ID.


colorId: number

Stable color ID for which to set the color alpha.

alpha: number

Alpha to set.

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Sets the face's vertex colors to new color IDs.


faceId: number

Face ID for which to update the vertex colors.

ids: Array

List of new stable color IDs to use for the given face's vertices.

Memberikan nilai




Sets the face's vertex normals to new normal IDs.


faceId: number

Face ID for which to update the vertex normals.

ids: Array

List of new stable normal IDs to use for the given face's vertices.

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Sets the face's vertex UVs to new UV IDs.


faceId: number

Face ID for which to update the vertex UVs.

ids: Array

List of new stable UV IDs to use for the given face's vertices.

Memberikan nilai




Sets the face's vertices to new vertex IDs.


faceId: number

Face ID for which to update the vertices.

ids: Array

List of new stable vertex IDs to use for the given face.

Memberikan nilai




Set the normal for a normal ID. This will change the normal value for every face vertex which is using the normal ID.


normalId: number

Stable normal ID for which to set the normal vector.

normal: Vector3

Normal vector to set.

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Sets a vertex position in the mesh's local object space.


vertexId: number

Stable vertex ID of the vertex to position.

Position in the mesh's local object space.

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Sets UV coordinates for a UV ID.


uvId: number

UV ID for which to set the UV coordinates.

UV coordinates.

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Splits all faces on the mesh to be triangles. Currently this does nothing since only triangles can be created, but if your code relies on triangles, it's recommended that you call this method after calling AssetService:CreateEditableMeshAsync().

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