
Hiển Thị Bản Đã Lỗi Thời

*Nội dung này sẽ sớm có sẵn bằng ngôn ngữ bạn chọn.

Không Thể Tạo
Không Sao Chép

Represents the result of a call to TextService:FilterStringAsync(). Used to distribute a filtered string accordingly.

Tóm Tắt

Phương Pháp

Thuộc Tính

Phương Pháp


Sinh Lợi

This method returns the text in a properly filtered manner for the specified Player.UserId using the least restrictive filtering appropriate for that user, with Chat privacy settings of both users enforced. This should be used in the context of chats between players, although there are some other cases where text filtering is required.

The returned string should only be shown to the target user, as it might not be appropriate for all users.

If this method throws an error, the string should not be displayed to the user. Cases for error include:

  • The two users are not allowed to chat, for example if Chat:CanUserChatAsync() would return false for the given sender and receiver.
  • The user with the ID toUserId is not online on the current server.

This function will return immediately in most cases, although it will yield if the target user has just joined the server and their filtering info is not yet loaded.

Tham Số

toUserId: number

Player.UserId of the user being chatted.

Lợi Nhuận

Filtered text string.


Sinh Lợi

Returns the text in a properly filtered manner for all users. This should be used in the context of non-chat text that every user can see, such as for a dialog that lets a user write a message on a sign, visible to all users on the server even after the author has left.

Lợi Nhuận

Filtered text string.


Sinh Lợi

Returns the text in a properly filtered manner for the specified Player.UserId based on age and other details. This should be used in the context of non-chat text that one specific user can see, such as the name of a pet.

Tham Số

toUserId: number

Player.UserId of the user intended to see/receive the text.

Lợi Nhuận

Filtered text string.

Sự Kiện