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Một loại đặc biệt của Pages đối tượng có các trang chứa cặp giá trị chìa khóa từ một MemoryStoreHashMap . Pages:GetCurrentPage() có thể được sử dụng để lấy một loạt các bảng, mỗi bảng chứa một cặp giá tr

Mẫu mã

Listing items in a MemoryStore Hash Map

local MemoryStoreService = game:GetService("MemoryStoreService")
local testHashMap = MemoryStoreService:GetHashMap("HashMap1")
local EXPIRATION = 600
local NUM_TEST_ITEMS = 32
local function populateHashMap(hashMap: MemoryStoreHashMap, numItems: number): { [string]: any }
print("Setting HashMap data...")
local createdItems = {}
for index = 1, numItems do
local key = tostring(index) -- HashMap keys must be strings
local value = `{key}_test_value`
local success, result = pcall(hashMap.SetAsync, hashMap, key, value, EXPIRATION)
if success then
createdItems[key] = value
warn(`Error setting key {key}: {result}`)
print("Done setting HashMap data.")
return createdItems
local function getItemsFromAllPages(pages: MemoryStoreHashMapPages): { [string]: any }
-- Purely for logging purposes, we track what page number we're on
local currentPageNumber = 1
local retrievedItems = {}
while not pages.IsFinished do
print(`Getting items on page {currentPageNumber}...`)
local items = pages:GetCurrentPage()
for _, entry in pairs(items) do
print(`\t{entry.key}: {entry.value}`)
retrievedItems[entry.key] = entry.value
-- Advance pages if there are more pages to read
if not pages.IsFinished then
currentPageNumber += 1
print("Finished reading all pages")
return retrievedItems
local function compareAllItems(retrievedItems: { [string]: any }, expectedItems: { [string]: any }): number
print("Comparing retrieved items to expected items...")
local numMatchingItems = 0
for key, expectedValue in pairs(expectedItems) do
if retrievedItems[key] == expectedValue then
numMatchingItems += 1
warn(`Mismatched retrieved value for key {key}: expected {expectedValue}, retrieved {retrievedItems[key]}`)
print("Comparison complete!")
return numMatchingItems
-- Keys added to the hashmap are also added to this expectedItems table.
-- Later, the retrieved hashmap items will be compared against this table of expected items.
local expectedItems = populateHashMap(testHashMap, NUM_TEST_ITEMS)
-- Getting pages can error. In this case, we will let it error and stop program execution,
-- but you may want to pcall it and handle it differently.
print(`Getting HashMap pages with ListItemsAsync...`)
local pages = testHashMap:ListItemsAsync(NUM_TEST_ITEMS)
local retrievedItems = getItemsFromAllPages(pages)
local numMatchingItems = compareAllItems(retrievedItems, expectedItems)
-- If there were no errors setting or getting items, all items should match.
print(`Program complete. {numMatchingItems}/{NUM_TEST_ITEMS} retrieved items matched the expected values.`)

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