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A type of BasePart that a player character can 'sit' in. When a character touches an enabled Seat object, it will be attached to the part by a Weld and the default character scripts will play a sitting animation.

How do Seats work?

When a model containing a Humanoid and a BasePart called 'HumanoidRootPart' (generally a player character) touches a seat, a Weld is created between the seat and the part. The C0 and C1 properties are configured so that the character is welded 2 studs above the seat. This weld is named 'SeatWeld' and parented to the seat.

When sitting the Seat.Occupant property is set to the Humanoid that is 'sitting' in the seat. Furthermore the Humanoid.SeatPart property of the humanoid is set to the seat.

A character can also be forced to sit in a seat using the Seat:Sit() function.

There are two ways for a character to get out of a seat. When a player jumps, they are removed from the seat. However this can also be done manually by destroying the seat weld, for example:


Note seats have a cooldown (currently 3 seconds) that is on a per-character per-seat basis. This means once a character has gotten out of a seat they cannot sit back on the same seat for 3 seconds. This cooldown behavior may change and should not be relied upon by developers.

What can Seats be used for?

Seats have a diverse range of uses, ranging from the obvious to the more unconventional.

  • Creating chairs or benches without the need for any programming
  • Allowing characters to 'sit' in moving objects such as vehicles without getting flung around
  • Creating interfaces that are controlled by the character in the seat using the Seat.Occupant property

Code Samples

This code sample includes a demonstration of how the Seat.Occupant property can be used to track which player is sitting in a seat and when they sit down or sit up.

Detecting Seat Occupant

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local seat ="Seat")
seat.Anchored = true
seat.Position =, 1, 0)
seat.Parent = workspace
local currentPlayer = nil
local function onOccupantChanged()
local humanoid = seat.Occupant
if humanoid then
local character = humanoid.Parent
local player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character)
if player then
print(player.Name .. " has sat down")
currentPlayer = player
if currentPlayer then
print(currentPlayer.Name .. " has got up")
currentPlayer = nil



  • Read Parallel

    Whether or not the seat is usable. If set to true, the seat will act as a normal part.

  • Read Only
    Not Replicated
    Read Parallel

    The humanoid that is sitting in the seat.

Properties inherited from PartProperties inherited from BasePartProperties inherited from PVInstance


  • Sit(humanoid : Instance):void

    Forces the character with the specified Humanoid to sit in the Seat.

Methods inherited from BasePartMethods inherited from PVInstance


Events inherited from BasePart



Read Parallel

Whether or not the seat is usable. If set to true, the seat will act as a normal part.


Read Only
Not Replicated
Read Parallel

The humanoid that is sitting in the seat




Forces the character with the specified Humanoid to sit in the Seat.


humanoid: Instance


