AssetService is a non-replicated service that handles asset-related queries to the Roblox web API.
Creates a new EditableImage.
Creates a new, empty EditableMesh.
Creates a new asset from the given object.
- CreateAssetVersionAsync(object : Object,assetType : Enum.AssetType,assetId : number,requestParameters : Dictionary):Tuple
Creates a new version for an existing asset from the given object.
Creates a new EditableImage object populated with the given image.
Returns a new EditableMesh object created from an existing mesh content ID.
Creates a new MeshPart with a specified mesh ID and an optional table of fidelity values.
Clones a place through the given templatePlaceID.
- CreatePlaceInPlayerInventoryAsync(player : Instance,placeName : string,templatePlaceID : number,description : string):number
Clones a place through the given templatePlaceID and puts it into the inventory of the given player.
Returns an array of asset IDs that are contained in a specified package.
Provides relevant metadata about a specific audio source.
Returns details of the contents of specified bundle.
Returns a StandardPages object which contains the name and PlaceId of places within the current experience.
Allows in-experience asset creation for users by prompting a publish dialog.
Saves the state of the current place.
Finds audio assets matching a variety of search criteria.
Creates a new EditableImage. By default, the resolution is set at 512×512, but you can specify a different size using the method's option table.
If the device‑specific editable memory budget is exhausted, creation fails and this method returns nil.
Options table containing controls for the method:
- Size – A Vector2 that specifies the image's desired width and height.
Creates a new, empty EditableMesh. Vertices, triangles, and their attributes can be added dynamically to it. If the device‑specific editable memory budget is exhausted, creation will fail and this method will return nil.
Table containing options for the created EditableMesh. Currently no options are available since FixedSize will always be false for empty editable meshes.
Creates a new asset from the given object in Plugin or Open Cloud Luau Execution context.
The object to be created as an asset.
Currently supported types are:
Options table containing asset metadata:
- Name – Name of the asset as a string. Defaults to [object.Name].
- Description – Description of the asset as a string. Defaults to "Created with AssetService:CreateAssetAsync".
- CreatorId – ID of the asset creator as a number. Defaults to the logged in Roblox Studio user for Plugin context. Required for Open Cloud Luau Execution context.
- CreatorType – Enum.AssetCreatorType indicating the type of asset creator. Defaults to Enum.AssetCreatorType.User in Plugin context. Required for Open Cloud Luau Execution context.
The Enum.CreateAssetResult and asset ID pair if successful.
Code Samples
The following code creates a Mesh asset from an EditableMesh.
local AssetService = game:GetService("AssetService")
local editableMesh = AssetService:CreateEditableMesh()
-- add vertices, faces, and uvs to the mesh
local requestParameters = {
CreatorId = 123,
CreatorType = Enum.AssetCreatorType.User,
Name = "My asset",
Description = "a good asset",
local ok, result, idOrUploadErr = pcall(function()
return AssetService:CreateAssetAsync(editableMesh, Enum.AssetType.Mesh, requestParameters)
if not ok then
warn(`error calling CreateAssetAsync: {result}`)
elseif result == Enum.CreateAssetResult.Success then
print(`success, new asset id: {idOrUploadErr}`)
warn(`upload error in CreateAssetAsync: {result}, {idOrUploadErr}`)
Creates a new version for an existing asset from the given object in Plugin or Open Cloud Luau Execution context.
The object to be created as an asset.
Currently supported types are:
The ID of the asset for the new version.
Options table containing asset metadata:
- Name – A string. Name of the asset. Default: object.Name.
- Description – A string. Description of the asset. Default: "Created with AssetService:CreateAssetAsync".
- CreatorId – A number. ID of the asset creator. Default: The logged in Roblox Studio user for Plugin context. Required for Open Cloud Luau Execution context.
- CreatorType – A Enum.AssetCreatorType. Type of asset creator. Default: Enum.AssetCreatorType.User in Plugin context. Required for Open Cloud Luau Execution context.
The Enum.CreateAssetResult and asset version number pair if successful.
Code Samples
The following code creates a new Model asset version.
local AssetService = game:GetService("AssetService")
local assetIdToUpdate = 321
local model ="Model")
local requestParameters = {
CreatorId = 123,
CreatorType = Enum.AssetCreatorType.User,
local ok, result, versionOrUploadErr = pcall(function()
return AssetService:CreateAssetVersionAsync(model, Enum.AssetType.Model, assetIdToUpdate, requestParameters)
if not ok then
warn(`error calling CreateAssetVersionAsync: {result}`)
elseif result == Enum.CreateAssetResult.Success then
print(`success, new asset version: {versionOrUploadErr}`)
warn(`upload error in CreateAssetVersionAsync: {result}, {versionOrUploadErr}`)
Creates a new EditableImage object populated with the given texture. Non-asset texture IDs such as rbxthumb:// are supported. If using an image asset, it must be associated with and/or owned by a creator of the experience, or it must have been created inside the experience. If the device-specific editable memory budget is exhausted, creation will fail and this method will return nil.
See the EditableImage documentation for special considerations when using this API.
Reference to asset content stored externally or as an object within the place, wrapping a single value of one of the supported Enum.ContentSourceType values.
Table containing options for the created EditableImage. Currently no options are available since resizing via Size is not supported.
A new EditableImage containing the provided image.
Returns a new EditableMesh object created from an existing EditableMesh or mesh Content ID. By default, an EditableMesh created from this method will be fixed size such that mesh data can only be modified, not added nor removed. A fixed size EditableMesh consumes less memory and should be preferred when possible.
If the device-specific editable memory budget is exhausted, creation will fail and this method will return nil.
See the Enabling EditableMesh for Published Experiences and Permissions sections of EditableMesh for special considerations when using this API.
Reference to asset content stored externally or as an object within the place, wrapping a single value of one of the supported Enum.ContentSourceType values.
Options table containing controls for the method:
- FixedSize – A bool. Default value is true, and the returned EditableMesh will not allow you to add or remove vertices, only modify their values. Set to false if the ability to change the mesh topology is required, at the expense of using more memory.
The new EditableMesh instance.
This method creates a MeshPart with a specified CollisionFidelity, RenderFidelity, and FluidFidelity. Because MeshPart.MeshId is read only, this method is for creating a mesh with any mesh ID through scripts, without having to clone an existing MeshPart. It throws errors if creation fails.
Reference to asset content stored externally or as an object within the place, wrapping a single value of one of the supported Enum.ContentSourceType values.
Options table containing one or more controls for the method:
- CollisionFidelity – The value of CollisionFidelity in the resulting part. Defaults to Enum.CollisionFidelity.Default if the option is absent or the options table is nil.
- RenderFidelity – The value of RenderFidelity in the resulting part. Defaults to Enum.RenderFidelity.Automatic if the option is absent or the options table is nil.
- FluidFidelity – The value of FluidFidelity in the resulting part. Defaults to Enum.FluidFidelity.Automatic if the option is absent or the options table is nil.
Clones a place through the given templatePlaceID and returns the PlaceId of the new place, which you can use with TeleportService. The clone place displays within the inventory of the place's creator with the given name and description.
Note that the template place must have template copying enabled through place settings. You cannot use this method to clone places that you don't own.
Frequent use of this API is not recommended, particularly if the created places contain scripts, as updating the code in a large volume of places quickly becomes infeasible. For user-generated worlds, consider serializing user creations and saving them in DataStores instead.
Name of the new place.
Description of the new place.
Returns an array of asset IDs that are contained in a specified package.
Asset IDs that are contained in a specified package.
Provides relevant metadata about a specific audio source (artist, title, duration, type, etc.).
Array of asset or content IDs for which to retrieve metadata. Max batch size is 30.
Array of dictionary tables in the same order as the request, where each dictionary contains the following metadata for its asset/content:
AssetId (string)
Title (string)
Artist (string)
Duration (number) in seconds
AudioType (Enum.AudioSubType)
Note that if an error occurs on fetching metadata for any of the requested assets, for example the asset ID doesn't exist, its dictionary table is still included in the returned array but it only contains the AssetId field for reference purposes. Additionally, if the AudioType cannot be determined for a given asset (perhaps because it's private audio), the resulting dictionary will not contain an AudioType entry.
Code Samples
local AssetService = game:GetService("AssetService")
local SoundService = game:GetService("SoundService")
local trackIDs = {
local success, result = pcall(function()
return AssetService:GetAudioMetadataAsync(trackIDs)
if success then
for i = 1, #trackIDs do
local contentId = "rbxassetid://" .. result[i].AssetId
if trackIDs[i] == contentId then
print(result[i].Title, "by", result[i].Artist)
warn("No metadata fetched for requested asset #" .. tostring(i))
This function returns details of the contents of the specified bundle.
If the bundle ID does not exist, it throws HTTP 400 (Bad Request). If bundleId is not convertible to an integer, it throws Unable to cast string to int64.
The ID of the specified bundle.
Dictionary with the following key-value pairs containing details about the specified bundle:
Id — Bundle ID (same as passed bundleId argument)
Name — Bundle name
Description — Bundle description
BundleType — String representing the Enum.BundleType, for example "BodyParts" or "DynamicHead"
Items — Array of items in the bundle, each with details represented through the following keys:
Id — Item ID
Name — Item name
Type — Item type such as "Asset" .
Code Samples
local AssetService = game:GetService("AssetService")
local BUNDLE_ID = 14
local success, result = pcall(function()
return AssetService:GetBundleDetailsAsync(BUNDLE_ID)
if success then
["BundleType"] = "BodyParts",
["Description"] = "The year is 5003, Battlebot 5000 must face his mightiest foe, or face becoming obsolete.",
["Id"] = 14,
["Items"] = {
[1] = {...},
[2] = {
["Id"] = 1678225030,
["Name"] = "SinisterBot 5001 Left Arm",
["Type"] = "Asset"
[3] = {...},
[4] = {...},
[5] = {...},
[6] = {...},
[7] = {...}
["Name"] = "SinisterBot 5001"
Returns a StandardPages object which contains the name and PlaceId of places within the current experience.
Code Samples
The following code prints the name and PlaceId of each place in the experience.
local AssetService = game:GetService("AssetService")
local placePages = AssetService:GetGamePlacesAsync()
while true do
for _, place in placePages:GetCurrentPage() do
print("Name:", place.Name)
print("PlaceId:", place.PlaceId)
if placePages.IsFinished then
Allows in-experience asset creation for users by prompting a publish dialog. When called, it presents a dialog to the user, allowing them to enter a name, description, and preview the asset. Upon submitting, it saves the asset to the user's inventory. Can only be invoked on the server side.
The user who submits an asset creation.
The asset to be created. Currently can't contain scripts or nest non-public assets.
The asset type. Currently can only be Enum.AssetType.Model.
The Enum.PromptCreateAssetResult and asset ID pair if successful.
Saves the state of the current place. Only works for places that are created with AssetService:CreatePlaceAsync() or which have the API enabled through place settings.
Returns a AudioPages object containing the result of the given search. Will not return fields with empty values.
Note that this method has a low HTTP request limit and can throw an error, so it should always be wrapped in pcall() for error handling. Possible error messages include:
Error Message | Reason |
HTTP 429 (Too Many Requests) | AssetService:SearchAudio() has been called too many times. |
Unexpected type for data, expected array got null | The keyword argument was filtered. |
Code Samples
This code gets the music assets returned by the keyword "happy" and prints out their titles.
local AssetService = game:GetService("AssetService")
local audioSearchParams ="AudioSearchParams")
audioSearchParams.SearchKeyword = "happy"
local success, result = pcall(function()
return AssetService:SearchAudio(audioSearchParams)
if success then
local currentPage = result:GetCurrentPage()
for _, audio in currentPage do
warn("AssetService error: " .. result)
--[[ Returned data format
"AudioType": string,
"Artist": string,
"Title": string,
"Tags": {
"Id": number,
"IsEndorsed": boolean,
"Description": string,
"Duration": number,
"CreateTime": string,
"UpdateTime": string,
"Creator": {
"Id": number,
"Name": string,
"Type": number,
"IsVerifiedCreator": boolean