MessagingService allows servers of the same experience to communicate with each other in real time (less than 1 second) using topics. Topics are developer‑defined strings (1–80 characters) that servers use to send and receive messages.
Delivery is best effort and not guaranteed. Make sure to architect your experience so delivery failures are not critical.
Cross-Server Messaging explores how to communicate between servers in greater detail.
If you want to publish ad-hoc messages to live game servers, you can use the Open Cloud APIs.
Note that these limits are subject to change.
Limit | Maximum |
Size of message | 1kB |
Messages sent per game server | 600 + 240 * (number of players in this game server) per minute |
Messages received per topic | (40 + 80 * number of servers) per minute |
Messages received for entire game | (400 + 200 * number of servers) per minute |
Subscriptions allowed per game server | 20 + 8 * (number of players in this game server) |
Subscribe requests per game server | 240 requests per minute |
Invokes the supplied callback whenever a message is pushed to the topic.
Begins listening to the given topic.
This function sends the provided message to all subscribers to the topic, triggering their registered callbacks to be invoked.
Yields until the message is received by the backend.
Determines where the message is sent.
The data to include in the message.
This function registers a callback to begin listening to the given topic. The callback is invoked when a topic receives a message. It can be called multiple times for the same topic.
The callback is invoked with a single argument, a table with the following entries:
Field | Summary |
Data | Developer supplied payload |
Sent | Unix time in seconds at which the message was sent |
It yields until the subscription is properly registered and returns a connection object.
To unsubscribe, call Disconnect() on the returned object. Once called, the callback should never be invoked. Killing the script containing the connections also causes the underlying connect to be unsubscribed.
See also MessagingService:PublishAsync() which sends the provided message to all subscribers to the topic, triggering their registered callbacks to be invoked.
Determines where to listen for messages.
Function to be invoked whenever a message is received.
Connection that can be used to unsubscribe from the topic.
Code Samples
This example demonstrates how to use MessagingService:SubscribeAsync() to listen to a topic for cross-server chat within a game universe.
When a player joins, the example subscribes to the topic player-<player.UserId>. When a message is sent with this topic, the connected callback executes and prints Received message for <player.Name">. It also disconnects the connection when the player's ancestry changes.
In order for this to work as expected it must be placed in a server Script.
local MessagingService = game:GetService("MessagingService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local function onPlayerAdded(player)
--subscribe to the topic
local topic = "player-" .. player.UserId
local connection = MessagingService:SubscribeAsync(topic, function(message)
print("Received message for", player.Name, message.Data)
-- unsubscribe from the topic