The ShirtGraphic object applies a texture to the front surface of a character's torso. It is used to display t-shirts.
Determines the colorization to be applied to the ShirtGraphic texture.
The content ID link pointing to the ShirtGraphic texture hosted on the Roblox website. This property sets the texture associated with a t-shirt.
This property determines the colorization to be applied to the ShirtGraphic texture. It functions similarly to ImageLabel.ImageColor3 except that it is applied to ShirtGraphic textures. This is useful for creating shirt graphics that have many different color variations but share the same basic look.
See also:
- Clothing.Color3 which determines the colorization to be applied to the Clothing texture
The content ID link pointing to the ShirtGraphic texture hosted on the Roblox website. This property sets the texture associated with a t-shirt.
Finding the ID
This content ID is different than the website URL of the t-shirt. It can be found by pasting the website URL of the t-shirt into the Graphic property of the ShirtGraphic in Roblox Studio, as Studio will correct it. Alternatively InsertService:LoadAsset() can be used to insert the t-shirt into the workspace, for example:
local InsertService = game:GetService("InsertService")
local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")
local webURL = ""
local assetId = tonumber(string.match(webURL, "%d+") or 0) -- Extract the number
local success, model = pcall(function()
return InsertService:LoadAsset(assetId)
if success then
model.Parent = Workspace