AudioChorus makes an audio stream sound more voluminous. It provides one Input pin and one Output pin which can be connected to/from by Wires.
AudioChorus is implemented by duplicating the input stream and modulating the pitch of several delayed copies so that the overall result sounds like a cloud of streams. If applied to a single voice, it may sound like multiple voices.
Whether audio streams are passed-through unaffected by this effect.
Controls the maximum delay time of the copied streams in the chorus effect.
Controls the balance of plain input stream to modified output stream.
Controls the rate of pitch modulations.
Returns an array of Wires that are connected to the specified pin.
Fires when another instance is connected to or disconnected from the AudioChorus via a Wire.
Controls how strong the chorus effect is by changing the maximum delay time of the copy streams. Ranges from 0 to 1 which corresponds to 0 to 100 milliseconds of maximum delay.
Event that fires after a Wire becomes connected or disconnected, and that Wire is now or was previously connected to a pin on the AudioChorus and to some other wirable instance.
Whether the instance got connected or disconnected.
The pin on the AudioChorus that the Wire targets.
The Wire between the AudioChorus and the other instance.