This service is used for interacting with ScriptDocument instances.
Removes a previously registered callback with the name name.
Removes a previously registered callback with the name name.
Returns the open ScriptDocument corresponding to the given LuaSourceContainer, or nil if the given script is not open.
Returns the edit-time source for the given script.
Returns an array of the currently open script documents, including the command bar.
Registers an autocomplete callback callbackFunction named name with priority priority.
Registers a Script Analysis callback callbackFunction named name with priority.
Requests that a Script Editor open the specified script. Returns (true, nil) if the request succeeds. Returns (false, string) if the request fails, with a string that describes the problem.
Generates new content from the old script and updates the script editor if it's open, or the Script instance if the script editor is closed.
Fires just after a ScriptDocument changes.
Fires just before a ScriptDocument object is destroyed, which happens right after the script editor closes.
Fires just after a ScriptDocument object is created and parented to the service, which happens right after the script editor opens.
Removes a previously registered callback with the name name.
Code Samples
Removes a previously registered callback with the name name.
Code Samples
local ScriptEditorService = game:GetService("ScriptEditorService")
Returns the open ScriptDocument corresponding to the given LuaSourceContainer, or nil if the given script is not open.
Code Samples
-- Run the following code in the Command Bar
local ScriptEditorService = game:GetService("ScriptEditorService")
local documents = ScriptEditorService:GetScriptDocuments()
local scriptDocument
-- Find the first open script document
for _, document in documents do
-- The Command Bar can't be closed, so don't select it
if not document:IsCommandBar() then
scriptDocument = document
if scriptDocument then
local success, err = scriptDocument:CloseAsync()
if success then
print(`Closed {scriptDocument.Name}`)
warn(`Failed to close {scriptDocument.Name} because: {err}`)
print("No open scripts")
Demonstrates using ScriptDocument.ViewportChanged to print the start and end line of the script's viewport when it changes.
To run: 1. Ensure Output view is open 2. Run the below code in the Command Bar 3. Scroll up and down in the opened Script window
To run:
1. Ensure Output view is open
2. Run the below code in the Command Bar
3. Scroll up and down in the opened Script window
Print statements from the ViewportChanged event will appear in the Output
local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")
local ScriptEditorService = game:GetService("ScriptEditorService")
-- Create text that spans many lines
local dummyText = string.rep("-- Dummy Text\n", 60)
-- Create a script containing the dummy text and open it
local otherScript ="Script")
otherScript.Source = dummyText
otherScript.Parent = Workspace
local success, err = ScriptEditorService:OpenScriptDocumentAsync(otherScript)
if not success then
warn(`Failed to open script because: {err}`)
-- Get a reference to the opened script
local scriptDocument = ScriptEditorService:FindScriptDocument(otherScript)
local function onViewportChanged(startLine: number, endLine: number)
print(`Script Viewport Changed - startLine: {startLine}, endLine: {endLine}`)
-- Connect the ViewportChanged event to the function above that prints the start and end line of the updated viewport
Returns the edit-time source for the given script.
If the script is open in the Script Editor, this method returns the text currently being displayed in the editor. If the script is not open in the editor, the method returns the text that the editor would display if it's opened. The edit-time source is not always be consistent with the Script.Source property.
Returns an array of the currently open script documents, including the command bar.
Code Samples
Gets all script documents in the place with ScriptEditorService:GetScriptDocuments() and prints their names.
-- Run the following code in the Command Bar
local ScriptEditorService = game:GetService("ScriptEditorService")
local scriptDocuments = ScriptEditorService:GetScriptDocuments()
for _, scriptDocument in scriptDocuments do
-- Prints the name of each script
if not scriptDocument:IsCommandBar() then
Registers an autocomplete callback callbackFunction named name with priority priority.
When the Script Editor invokes autocomplete, all registered autocomplete callbacks call in order of ascending priority with the autocomplete request and response. Multiple callbacks may share a priority, but then their calling order is unpredictable. Each callback is intended to return a response table with the same format as the response input table. Callbacks shouldn't yield. The first callback invoked receives the internal autocomplete's response as its response table, and subsequent callbacks receive the previous callback's output as their response table. Callbacks may either modify the passed table or return a new table of the same format.
The callbackFunction must have the following type: (Request: table, Response: table) -> table
The Request table has the following format:
type Request = {position: {line: number,character: number},textDocument: {document: ScriptDocument?,script: LuaSourceContainer?}}
- position is the one-indexed cursor position where you are autocompleting.
- textDocument.document is the open ScriptDocument you are completing in, if it exists.
- textDocument.script is the LuaSourceContainer you are completing in, if it exists.
If both textDocument.document and textDocument.script are present, then they correspond to each other: req.textDocument.document:GetScript() == req.textDocument.script
The Response table has the following format:
type Response = {items: {{label: string, -- The labelkind: Enum.CompletionItemKind?,tags: {Enum.CompletionItemTag}?,detail: string?,documentation: {value: string,}?,overloads: number?,learnMoreLink: string?,codeSample: string?,preselect: boolean?,textEdit: {newText: string,insert: { start: { line: number, character: number }, ["end"]: { line: number, character: number } },replace: { start: { line: number, character: number }, ["end"]: { line: number, character: number } },}?}}}
- Response.items is an array of the completion items. The order of this array is insignificant, and it resorts in the editor as the user types.
- Response.items[n].label is the label of the item which display in the autocomplete menu.
- Response.items[n].kind specifies what type of autocomplete item this is. Primarily this controls the icon given to the item in the editor. Not all kinds have a unique icon. If not specified, the editor uses the "Text" icon. Unsupported kinds default to displaying the "Property" icon.
- Response.items[n].tags specifies an array of tags describing this completion item. See the Enum.CompletionItemTag for details on their function.
- Response.items[n].details specifies a string describing details about the completion item. For default items, this is a string representation of their type. Note that, in order for the documentation widget to display, documentation must be present, but documentation.value may be empty.
- Response.items[n].documentation specifies the main body of the documentation in its value field. documentation is present, even if value is empty, so the documentation window displays if either details or overloads are specified.
- Response.items[n].overloads specifies the number of overloads of a function autocompletion.
- Response.items[n].learnMoreLink links to a relevant page on the creator docs. This URL must be a https request to; no other URLs display in the editor.
- Response.items[n].codeSample specifies a sample use of the completion item. documentation must be non-empty to display this field.
- Response.items[n].preselect If true, the editor sorts this completion item ahead of all others and selects it for the user by default. No effect if false or missing.
- Response.items[n].textEdit If present, accepting the completion applies this text edit - inserting or replacing the span between the positions start and end with newText.
If a callback returns a malformed result or encounters an error, the editor discards the modified Response table and uses the built-in autocomplete result list.
Code Samples
ScriptEditorService:RegisterAutocompleteCallback ScriptEditorService:DeregisterAutocompleteCallback
-- Run the following code in the Command Bar
local ScriptEditorService = game:GetService("ScriptEditorService")
type Request = {
position: {
line: number,
character: number,
textDocument: {
document: ScriptDocument?,
script: LuaSourceContainer?,
type Response = {
items: {
label: string,
kind: Enum.CompletionItemKind?,
tags: { Enum.CompletionItemTag }?,
detail: string?,
documentation: {
value: string,
overloads: number?,
learnMoreLink: string?,
codeSample: string?,
preselect: boolean?,
textEdit: {
newText: string,
replace: {
start: { line: number, character: number },
["end"]: { line: number, character: number },
local autocompleteCallback = function(request: Request, response: Response): Response
local item = {
label = "foo",
preselect = true,
table.insert(response.items, item)
return response
ScriptEditorService:RegisterAutocompleteCallback("foo", 1, autocompleteCallback)
-- To deregister the callback, run the following code in the Command Bar
Registers a Script Analysis callback callbackFunction named name with priority. When Script Analysis in Studio runs, all registered callbacks call in order of ascending priority. Each callback is intended to return a response table matching the format specified below. Callbacks should not yield.
The request table has the following format, where script is the LuaSourceContainer that is going to be analyzed.
type Request = {script: LuaSourceContainer?}
The response table has the following format, where diagnostics is an array of diagnostic tables. Each diagnostic table has the entries listed below.
type Response = {diagnostics: {{range: {start: {line: number,character: number,},["end"]: {line: number,character: number,}},code: string?,message: string,severity: Enum.Severity?,codeDescription: { href: string }?}}}
- range represents a text range that should be highlighted by the linter, providing what line/character to start highlighting and what line/character to stop highlighting.
- code is a label for the message.
- message is a warning message to be displayed for the line. This will also appear on a tooltip when the user hovers their cursor over the line in the Script Editor.
- severity is a Enum.Severity value for the diagnostics. This determines how the diagnostic is categorized in the Script Analysis tool in Studio, as well as how text is highlighted in the Script Editor.
- codeDescription links to a relevant page on the creator docs. This URL must be an https request to; no other URLs display in the editor.
Code Samples
type Request = {
["script"]: LuaSourceContainer,
type Response = {
diagnostics: {
range: {
start: {
line: number,
character: number,
["end"]: {
line: number,
character: number,
code: string?,
message: string,
severity: Enum.Severity?,
codeDescription: { href: string }?,
local ScriptEditorService = game:GetService("ScriptEditorService")
ScriptEditorService:RegisterScriptAnalysisCallback("foo", 1, function(
Req : Request): Response
local response = {
diagnostics = {}
local lineNo = 1
-- Iterate line by line
for text, newline in Req.script.Source:gmatch("([^\r\n]*)([\r\n]*)") do
local startIndex, endIndex = string.find(text, "Foo")
if startIndex and endIndex then
table.insert(response.diagnostics, {
range = {
["start"] = {
line = lineNo,
character = startIndex,
["end"] = {
line = lineNo,
character = endIndex,
code = "FooFinder",
message = "Foo found here!",
severity = Enum.Severity.Warning,
lineNo = lineNo + #newline:gsub("\n+", "\0%0\0"):gsub(".%z.", "."):gsub("%z", "")
return response
Requests that a Script Editor open the specified script. Returns (true, nil) if the request succeeds. Returns (false, string) if the request fails, with a string that describes the problem.
If the script is already open, this function succeeds and switches tabs to the associated editor.
Code Samples
-- Run the following code in the Command Bar
local ScriptEditorService = game:GetService("ScriptEditorService")
local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")
local newScript ="Script")
newScript.Parent = Workspace
local success, err = ScriptEditorService:OpenScriptDocumentAsync(newScript)
if success then
print("Opened script document")
print(`Failed to open script document: {err}`)
Returns the edit-time Script.Source for the given script.
This function calls the passed callback using the old contents of the script to calculate the new contents of the script.
If the script is open in the Script Editor, then it issues a request to the editor to update its source. The editor may reject this update if the Script.Source property was out of date with the user's version of the script when this function was called, in which case the callback will be re-invoked and the attempt will be repeated.
The callback may not yield. If the callback returns nil, the operation is cancelled. This function yields until the operation is cancelled or succeeds.
If the script is not open in the editor, the new content updates to the script source, which is the text the editor would display if it is opened.
local ses = game:GetService('ScriptEditorService')
ses:UpdateSourceAsync(Workspace.Script, function(oldContent)
return oldContent .. " World!"
Script instance to be updated.
The function to return new script content.
Fires just after a ScriptDocument changes. The textChanged is an array of change structures of the format:
{ range : { start : { line : number, character : number }, end : { line : number, character : number } }, text: string }
Code Samples
-- Run the following code in the Command Bar
local ScriptEditorService = game:GetService("ScriptEditorService")
ScriptEditorService.TextDocumentDidChange:Connect(function(scriptDocument, changes)
print("Changed", scriptDocument, changes)
Fires just before a ScriptDocument object is destroyed, which happens right after the script editor closes. After this event fires, the ScriptDocument enters a "Closed" state, and trying to call its methods throws an error. ScriptDocument objects aren't reusable, even if the script editor reopens the same script.
Code Samples
-- Run the following code in the Command Bar
local ScriptEditorService = game:GetService("ScriptEditorService")
print("Closed", scriptDocument)
Fires just after a ScriptDocument object is created and parented to the service, which happens right after the script editor opens.
Code Samples
-- Run the following code in the Command Bar
local ScriptEditorService = game:GetService("ScriptEditorService")
print("Opened", scriptDocument)