Configures properties of the default chat window.
It is parented to TextChatService.
Describes the actual screen position of the default chat window, in pixels.
Describes the actual screen size of the default chat window, in pixels.
Determines the background color of the default chat window.
Determines the background transparency of the default chat window.
Determines whether to show the default chat window.
Determines the font used to render text in the default chat window.
Determines by what factor the height of the default chat window should be scaled.
Determines the horizontal alignment of the chat window.
Determines the color of the text in default chat window.
Determines the size of the text in default chat window.
Determines the color of the text stroke of text in default chat window.
Determines the transparency of the text stroke of text in default chat window.
Determines the vertical alignment of the chat window.
Determines by what factor the width of the default chat window should be scaled.
Read-only property that provides the screen position of the default chat window in pixels. Behaves similarly to GuiBase2d.AbsolutePosition.
Read-only property that provides the screen size of the default chat window in pixels. Behaves similarly to GuiBase2d.AbsoluteSize.
Determines the background color of the default chat window. If the background color is not overridden, this value will respect the user's GuiService.PreferredTransparency by making the menu more gray as the transparency of the menu decreases. Default value is,27,29).
Determines the background transparency of the default chat window in a number between 0 and 1. This value is multiplied with the user's GuiService.PreferredTransparency to create the effective background transparency used by the chat window, which may be more opaque than this value set here. Default value is 0.3.
Determines whether to show the default chat window.
Set to false to hide the default chat window.
Determines by what factor the height of the default chat window should be scaled. Must be a value between 0.5 and 2. Defining a value outside of range clamps the actual value to the closest bound.
Determines the horizontal alignment of the chat window. Behaves similarly to UIGridStyleLayout.HorizontalAlignment. Setting to Left or Right adding a small padding away from touching the corresponding horizontal edge of the screen. Setting to Center aligns the window in the horizontal middle of the screen. Default value is Left.
Determines the color of the text in default chat window. Default value is, 255, 255) (white).
Determines the color of the text stroke of text in default chat window. Default value is, 0, 0) (black).
Determines the color of the text stroke of text in default chat window. Default value is 0.5.
Determines the vertical alignment of the chat window. Behaves similarly to UIGridStyleLayout.VerticalAlignment. Setting to Top or Bottom adds a small padding away from touching the corresponding edge of the screen. Setting to Center aligns the window in the vertical middle of the screen. Default value is Top.
Determines by what factor the width of the default chat window should be scaled. Must be a value between 0.5 and 2. Defining a value outside of range clamps the actual value to the closest bound.