An AnimationConstraint constrains its Attachments so that they're offset by the Transform CFrame. The Transform can be set manually during RunService.PreSimulation or by an Animator.
Toggles whether the AnimationConstraint is kinematic or physically simulated.
Maximum force magnitude the constraint can apply to achieve its goal.
Maximum torque the constraint can apply to reach its goal.
Describes the current animation offset of the AnimationConstraint joint.
Indicates if the constraint is currently active in the world.
The Attachment that is connected to Constraint.Attachment1.
The Attachment that is connected to Constraint.Attachment0.
The color of the constraint.
Toggles whether or not the constraint is enabled.
Toggles the constraint's visibility.
When true, the connected parts follow the Transform perfectly without participating in physics simulation. When false, the connected parts follow the trajectory using forces and torques limited by AnimationConstraint.MaxForce and AnimationConstraint.MaxTorque.
Maximum force magnitude the constraint can apply to achieve its goal. Only used if IsKinematic is false.
Maximum torque the constraint can use to reach its goal. Only used if IsKinematic is false.
The internal CFrame that is manipulated when a AnimationConstraint is being animated.
AnimationConstraint transforms are not applied immediately, but rather as a batch in a parallel job after RunService.PreSimulation, immediately before physics steps. The deferred batch update is much more efficient than many immediate updates.
If the AnimationConstraint is part of an animated model with an Animator, then AnimationConstraint.Transform is usually overwritten every frame by the Animator after RunService.PreAnimation and before RunService.PreSimulation.