
Show Deprecated
Not Creatable

A PluginToolbarButton is an object created by the PluginToolbar:CreateButton() function. It allows the user to initiate a single, one-off action in Roblox Studio through the Click event.

When pressed, the Click event fires. A button will also remain in the pressed state, which may be set manually using SetActive. Upon plugin activation (Plugin:Activate()), buttons in all other PluginToolbars will be toggled off. If all buttons in a toolbar are off, the toolbar's plugin is deactivated (Plugin:Deactivate()).

When the game viewport is not visible, buttons will be disabled as if their Enabled property were false. Disabled buttons are desaturated and do not respond to user clicks. By setting ClickableWhenViewportHidden to true, you can allow plugin buttons to remain clickable (such as during script editing).



  • Not Replicated
    Read Parallel

    Determines whether the button can be clicked when the game viewport is hidden, such as while editing a script in a different Studio tab.

  • Not Replicated
    Read Parallel

    Determines whether the button is clickable in general.

  • Icon:ContentId
    Not Replicated
    Read Parallel

    Determines what icon should represent the button.


  • SetActive(active : bool):void
    Plugin Security

    Sets the state of the plugin button.


  • Plugin Security

    Fires when the user presses and releases their cursor on the button.



Not Replicated
Read Parallel

ClickableWhenViewportHidden determines whether a PluginToolbarButton may be clicked while the game viewport is hidden, such as when a Script is being edited in another tab.

Typically, this property is good to enable if an action triggered by a plugin button's Click event doesn't occur in the game world (Workspace). For example, a button that opens a widget should have this property be true, as showing a widget is visible to the user even if the game view isn't visible.


Not Replicated
Read Parallel

Enabled determines whether a button is clickable in general. When this property is false, the button will be greyed out and unclickable, preventing the user from firing the Click event. Buttons are enabled by default.

When re-enabling this property, the plugin button's state won't be remembered from the previous state in which the user left the button in. Instead, it will default to the last state set by SetActive() or to the inactive state if SetActive() was never used.

Plugins should disable their buttons when the button action isn't relevant in the current context. For example, a plugin button that assigns random colors to selected should not be enabled when the selection contains no parts. See the code samples for more information.

See also:

Code Samples

This code sample is for a studio Plugin. The plugin creates a PluginToolbarButton which randomizes the BrickColor() of each selected part using BrickColor.random(). Furthermore, the button is only enabled if at least one part is selected. It does this by detecting changes in the Selection using Selection.SelectionChanged.

BrickColor Randomizer Plugin

assert(plugin, "This script must be run as a plugin")
local Selection = game:GetService("Selection")
local toolbar = plugin:CreateToolbar("Parts")
local pluginToolbarButton = toolbar:CreateButton(
"Randomize Colors",
"Click this button to assign random colors to selected parts",
"rbxassetid://5325741572" -- A rainbow
local function onClick()
local selection = Selection:Get()
for _, object in pairs(selection) do
if object:IsA("BasePart") then
object.BrickColor = BrickColor.random()
local function doesSelectionContainAPart()
local selection = Selection:Get()
for _, object in pairs(selection) do
if object:IsA("BasePart") then
return true
return false
local function onSelectionChanged()
pluginToolbarButton.Enabled = doesSelectionContainAPart()


Not Replicated
Read Parallel

Icon determines what icon should be shown for the button in the plugin toolbar. When this property is not set, the button will instead use the button's text given by PluginToolbar:CreateButton().



Plugin Security

This method can be used to manually set the active state of the plugin button.

When the Enabled property is toggled back on, the button will either revert to the last state set by this method or default to inactive if this method hasn't been used previously.


active: bool





Plugin Security

Click fires when the PluginToolbarButton is pressed and released by the user.

Clicking a PluginToolbarButton causes the state of the button to toggle. Call SetActive to manually set the state of the button.

Code Samples

This code sample demonstrates creating a PluginToolbar and a PluginToolbarButton on it, then connecting a function onClick to the PluginToolbarButton.Click event. When pressed, the button will print "Hello, world" to the output.


assert(plugin, "This script must be run as a plugin")
local toolbar = plugin:CreateToolbar("Hello World Plugin Toolbar")
local pluginToolbarButton = toolbar:CreateButton(
"Print Hello World",
"Click this button to print Hello World!",
local function onClick()
print("Hello, world")