The BindableEvent object enables custom events through asynchronous one-way communication between scripts on the same side of the client-server boundary. When you fire a BindableEvent through the BindableEvent:Fire() method, the firing script does not yield and the target function receives the passed arguments with certain limitations. BindableEvents create threads of each connected function, so even if one firing errors, others continue.
As an alternative for two-way communication between two scripts on the same side of the client-server boundary, consider BindableFunction.
As stated, BindableEvents do not allow for communication between the server and clients. If you are looking for this functionality, use a RemoteEvent as outlined in Remote Events and Callbacks.
See Bindable events and callbacks for code samples and further details on BindableEvent.
Parameter Limitations
Any type of Roblox object such as an Enum, Instance, or others can be passed as a parameter when a BindableEvent is fired, as well as Luau types such as numbers, strings, and booleans, although you should carefully explore the limitations.
Fires the BindableEvent which in turn fires the Event event.
Fires when any script calls the Fire() method on the same BindableEvent instance.
Fires the BindableEvent which in turn fires the Event event. This method does not yield, even if no script has connected to the event, and even if a connected function yields.
Any type of Roblox object such as an Enum, Instance, or others can be passed as a parameter to Fire(), as well as Luau types such as numbers, strings, and booleans, although you should carefully explore the limitations.
See Bindable events and callbacks for code samples and further details on Fire().
Values to pass to Event events connected to the same BindableEvent.
Fires when any script calls the Fire() method on the same BindableEvent instance, using the same arguments as parameters.
See Bindable events and callbacks for code samples and further details on Event.