Properties inherited from PluginGuiThe title that is displayed above the contents of the PluginGui.
Toggles the visibility of this LayerCollector.
Determines if the LayerCollector resets (deletes itself and re-clones into the player's PlayerGui) every time the player's character respawns.
Controls how GuiObject.ZIndex behaves on all descendants of this LayerCollector.
Describes the actual screen position of a UI element, in pixels.
Describes the actual screen rotation of a UI element, in degrees.
Describes the actual screen size of a UI element, in pixels.
When set to true, localization will be applied to this GuiBase2d and its descendants based on the GuiBase2d.RootLocalizationTable specified for this GuiBase2d.
A reference to a LocalizationTable to be used to apply automated localization to this GuiBase2d and its descendants.
Customizes gamepad selection behavior in the down direction.
Customizes gamepad selection behavior in the left direction.
Customizes gamepad selection behavior in the right direction.
Customizes gamepad selection behavior in the up direction.
Allows customization of gamepad selection movement.
Methods inherited from PluginGuiBinds a function to the PluginGui close button, overriding the default behavior.
Returns the position of the mouse relative to the PluginGui.
Events inherited from PluginGuiFires when the user releases their mouse when hovering over a PluginGui during a drag operation started by Plugin:StartDrag().
Fires when the user's mouse enters a PluginGui during a drag operation started by Plugin:StartDrag().
Fires when the user's mouse leaves a PluginGui during a drag operation started by Plugin:StartDrag().
Fires when the user's mouse moves within a PluginGui during a drag operation started by Plugin:StartDrag().
Fires when the user stops interacting with the window of the PluginGui.
Fires when the user begins interacting with the window of the PluginGui.
- SelectionChanged(amISelected : bool,previousSelection : GuiObject,newSelection : GuiObject):RBXScriptSignal
Fires when the gamepad selection moves to, leaves, or changes within the connected GuiBase2d or any descendant GuiObjects.