Determines behavior of the collision hitbox for MeshPart and PartOperation instances. See here for a visual representation of the various options.
Name | Value | Summary |
Default | 0 | Collision model uses a voxel-based convex-hull decomposition that is relatively fast but may not be highly accurate, especially for holes, doorways, and cavities in general. |
Hull | 1 | Collision model uses the convex hull of the visual mesh. |
Box | 2 | Collision model uses a bounding box that encompasses the visual mesh. |
PreciseConvexDecomposition | 3 | Collison model uses a convex-hull decomposition of the visual mesh which is computed by a variation of an algorithm called HACD. This option is the most accurate representation of collision geometry for complex objects with built-in tolerances to reduce the total number of convex-hulls by compromising on accuracy when justified. |