The Part object is a type of BasePart. It comes in five different primitive shapes: Ball, Block, Cylinder, Wedge, and CornerWedge.
Code Samples
The script below spawns a new Part instance and sets several of the part's properties.
Most notably, the script sets the Part.Shape property to Enum.PartType.Ball. It also names the part JurassicPart, anchors it, makes it a child of Workspace, and sets its color to white.
local part ="Part")
part.Name = "JurassicPart"
part.Anchored = true
part.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball
part.Color =, 1, 1)
part.Parent = workspace -- Put the part into the Workspace
Sets the overall shape of the object.
Determines whether a part is immovable by physics.
The angular velocity of the part's assembly.
The center of mass of the part's assembly in world space.
The linear velocity of the part's assembly.
The total mass of the part's assembly.
A reference to the root part of the assembly.
Determines the type of surface for the Back face of a part (+Z direction).
Determines the type of surface for the Bottom face of a part (-Y direction).
Determines the color of a part.
Determines the position and orientation of the BasePart in the world.
Determines whether a part may collide with other parts.
Determines whether the part is considered during spatial query operations.
Determines if Touched and TouchEnded events fire on the part.
Determines whether or not a part casts a shadow.
Describes the world position in which a part's center of mass is located.
Describes the name of a part's collision group.
Determines the color of a part.
Indicates the current physical properties of the part.
Determines several physical properties of a part.
Used to enable or disable aerodynamic forces on parts and assemblies.
The actual physical size of the BasePart as regarded by the physics engine.
Determines the type of surface for the Front face of a part (-Z direction).
Determines the type of surface for the Left face of a part (-X direction).
Determines a multiplier for BasePart.Transparency that is only visible to the local client.
Determines whether a part is selectable in Studio.
Describes the mass of the part, the product of its density and volume.
Determines whether the part contributes to the total mass or inertia of its rigid body.
Determines the texture and default physical properties of a part.
The name of MaterialVariant.
Describes the rotation of the part in the world.
Specifies the offset of the part's pivot from its CFrame.
Describes the position of the part in the world.
Time since last recorded physics update.
Determines how much a part reflects the skybox.
Describes the smallest change in size allowable by the Resize method.
Describes the faces on which a part may be resized.
Determines the type of surface for the Right face of a part (+X direction).
The main rule in determining the root part of an assembly.
The rotation of the part in degrees for the three axes.
Determines the dimensions of a part (length, width, height).
Determines the type of surface for the Top face of a part (+Y direction).
Determines how much a part can be seen through (the inverse of part opacity).
Methods inherited from BasePartApply an angular impulse to the assembly.
Apply an impulse to the assembly at the assembly's center of mass.
Apply an impulse to the assembly at specified position.
Returns whether the parts can collide with each other.
Checks whether you can set a part's network ownership.
Returns a table of parts connected to the object by any kind of rigid joint.
Return all Joints or Constraints that is connected to this Part.
Returns the value of the Mass property.
Returns the current player who is the network owner of this part, or nil in case of the server.
Returns true if the game engine automatically decides the network owner for this part.
Returns the base part of an assembly of parts.
Returns a table of all BasePart.CanCollide true parts that intersect with this part.
Returns the linear velocity of the part's assembly at the given position relative to this part.
Returns true if the object is connected to a part that will hold it in place (eg an Anchored part), otherwise returns false.
Changes the size of an object just like using the Studio resize tool.
Sets the given player as network owner for this and all connected parts.
Lets the game engine dynamically decide who will handle the part's physics (one of the clients or the server).
- IntersectAsync(parts : Instances,collisionfidelity : Enum.CollisionFidelity,renderFidelity : Enum.RenderFidelity):Instance
Creates a new IntersectOperation from the overlapping geometry of the part and the other parts in the given array.
- SubtractAsync(parts : Instances,collisionfidelity : Enum.CollisionFidelity,renderFidelity : Enum.RenderFidelity):Instance
Creates a new UnionOperation from the part, minus the geometry occupied by the parts in the given array.
- UnionAsync(parts : Instances,collisionfidelity : Enum.CollisionFidelity,renderFidelity : Enum.RenderFidelity):Instance
Creates a new UnionOperation from the part, plus the geometry occupied by the parts in the given array.
Gets the pivot of a PVInstance.
Transforms the PVInstance along with all of its descendant PVInstances such that the pivot is now located at the specified CFrame.
Events inherited from BasePartFires when a part stops touching another part as a result of physical movement.
Fires when a part touches another part as a result of physical movement.
The Shape property sets the overall shape of the object to one of a predetermined list of built-in shapes.
The Enum.PartType enum controls the shape value, and has five possible shapes:
Shape/Value | Description |
Ball | A spherical shape. |
Block | A block shape. |
Cylinder | A cylinder shape. |
Wedge | A wedge shape with a slope on one side. |
CornerWedge | A wedge shape with slopes on two sides. |
MeshPart and solid modeling can be used to obtain completely custom part shapes.
Collisions between balls, blocks, and wedges, and corner wedges are exact, whereas collisions between terrain, cylinders, TriangleMeshes, and other geometry types are approximations. This means that the ball shape can be useful to create stable colliders for car wheels.
Code Samples
The script below spawns a new Part instance and sets several of the part's properties.
Most notably, the script sets the Part.Shape property to Enum.PartType.Ball. It also names the part JurassicPart, anchors it, makes it a child of Workspace, and sets its color to white.
local part ="Part")
part.Name = "JurassicPart"
part.Anchored = true
part.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball
part.Color =, 1, 1)
part.Parent = workspace -- Put the part into the Workspace