Name | Value | Summary |
Plastic | 256 | Applies to BasePart only. |
SmoothPlastic | 272 | Applies to BasePart only. |
Neon | 288 | Applies to BasePart only. |
Wood | 512 | Applies to BasePart only. |
WoodPlanks | 528 | |
Marble | 784 | Applies to BasePart only. |
Basalt | 788 | |
Slate | 800 | |
CrackedLava | 804 | |
Concrete | 816 | |
Limestone | 820 | |
Granite | 832 | Applies to BasePart only. |
Pavement | 836 | |
Brick | 848 | |
Pebble | 864 | Applies to BasePart only. |
Cobblestone | 880 | |
Rock | 896 | |
Sandstone | 912 | |
CorrodedMetal | 1040 | |
DiamondPlate | 1056 | Applies to BasePart only. |
Foil | 1072 | Applies to BasePart only. |
Metal | 1088 | Applies to BasePart only. |
Grass | 1280 | |
LeafyGrass | 1284 | |
Sand | 1296 | |
Fabric | 1312 | Applies to BasePart only. |
Snow | 1328 | |
Mud | 1344 | |
Ground | 1360 | |
Asphalt | 1376 | |
Salt | 1392 | |
Ice | 1536 | |
Glacier | 1552 | |
Glass | 1568 | Applies to BasePart only. |
ForceField | 1584 | Must be used on a MeshPart with UVs laid out to cover much of the 0:1 UV space or more (larger is better). The MeshPart must also have a texture applied to its TextureID, and that texture image must have a wide value range since the material displays the range from dark/black to light/white values. Obtain this model for a functional example of the ForceField material. |
Air | 1792 | Applies to Terrain only. |
Water | 2048 | Applies to Terrain only. |
Cardboard | 2304 | Applies to BasePart only. |
Carpet | 2305 | Applies to BasePart only. |
CeramicTiles | 2306 | Applies to BasePart only. |
ClayRoofTiles | 2307 | Applies to BasePart only. |
RoofShingles | 2308 | Applies to BasePart only. |
Leather | 2309 | Applies to BasePart only. |
Plaster | 2310 | Applies to BasePart only. |
Rubber | 2311 | Applies to BasePart only. |