AvatarEditorService is a service to support developer Avatar Editors. It provides methods to modify the player's platform avatar, request information about a user's inventory, and request information about the catalog.
For more information regarding the Avatar Editor, see Avatar Editor Service.
The following endpoints on AvatarEditorService have experience-level throttling:
For each experience, this throttling allows you to send up to 100 requests per second to these AvatarEditorService endpoints, regardless of the number of servers or user count. Exceeding these limits returns a 429 Too Many Requests error.
If you find that your experience requires an adjustment to this throttling, you can submit a feature request.
Prompts the Players.LocalPlayer to allow the developer to read what items the user has in their inventory and other avatar editor related information.
Prompts the Players.LocalPlayer to save the given HumanoidDescription as an outfit.
Prompts the Players.LocalPlayer to delete the given outfit.
Prompts the Players.LocalPlayer to rename the given outfit.
Prompts the Players.LocalPlayer to update their avatar based on the given HumanoidDescription and Enum.RigType of R6 or R15.
Prompts the Players.LocalPlayer to favorite or unfavorite the given asset or bundle.
- PromptUpdateOutfit(outfitId : number,updatedOutfit : HumanoidDescription,rigType : Enum.HumanoidRigType):void
Prompts the Players.LocalPlayer to update the given outfit.
Used to apply default clothing to the HumanoidDescription if necessary.
Returns the platform Avatar rules for things such as scaling, default shirts and pants, number of wearable assets.
Gets the item details for a list of items at once.
Returns if the Players.LocalPlayer has favorited the given bundle or asset.
Returns an InventoryPages object with information about owned items in the users inventory with the given AvatarAssetTypes.
Returns the item details for the given item.
Returns the outfit details for the given outfit.
Returns outfit data for the Players.LocalPlayer.
Returns a list of recommended assets based on a given Enum.AssetType and asset id.
Returns a list of recommended bundles for a given bundle id.
Returns a CatalogPages object containing the result of the given search.
Fires when the AvatarEditorService:PromptAllowInventoryReadAccess() prompt is responded to by the user.
Fires when the PromptSaveOutfit operation is completed.
Fires when the PromptDeleteOutfit operation is completed.
Fires when the PromptRenameOutfit operation is completed.
- PromptSaveAvatarCompleted(result : Enum.AvatarPromptResult,humanoidDescription : HumanoidDescription):RBXScriptSignal
Fires when the AvatarEditorService:PromptSaveAvatar() operation is completed.
Fires when the AvatarEditorService:PromptSetFavorite() operation is completed.
Fires when the AvatarEditorService:PromptUpdateOutfit() operation is completed.
Prompts the Players.LocalPlayer to allow the developer to read what items the user has in their inventory and other avatar editor related information. The prompt needs to be confirmed by the user for the developer to use AvatarEditorService:GetInventory(), AvatarEditorService:GetOutfits() and AvatarEditorService:GetFavorite(). Permission does not persist between sessions.
Prompts the Players.LocalPlayer to save the given HumanoidDescription as an outfit. Does not yield. The result can be retrieved by listening to the AvatarEditorService.PromptCreateOutfitCompleted event.
The Outfit that the player will be prompted to created.
The Enum.RigType that the outfit will be created for if the player confirms the prompt.
Prompts the Players.LocalPlayer to delete the given outfit. Does not yield. The result can be retrieved by listening to the AvatarEditorService.PromptDeleteOutfitCompleted event.
The outfitId of the outfit to delete.
Prompts the Players.LocalPlayer to rename the given outfit. Does not yield. The result can be retrieved by listening to the AvatarEditorService.PromptRenameOutfitCompleted event.
The outfitId of the outfit to rename.
This function prompts the Players.LocalPlayer to update their avatar based on the given HumanoidDescription and Enum.RigType (R6 or R15). Does not yield and can get the result by listening to the PromptSaveAvatarCompleted event. This is similar to how other prompts such as PromptPurchase work.
The given HumanoidDescription being prompted to save.
The Enum.RigType that the avatar will be saved for if the player confirms the prompt.
This function prompts the Players.LocalPlayer to favorite or unfavorite the given asset or bundle.
The ItemId of the item being prompted to favorite.
The type of item being prompted to favorite.
Prompts the Players.LocalPlayer to update the given outfit with the given HumanoidDescription.
The outfitId of the outfit to update.
A HumanoidDescription that represents the new outfit data.
The HumanoidRigType to update the outfit to.
Returns a new HumanoidDescription with the Shirt and Pants properties updated if necessary. Returns nil if default clothing was not needed.
Default clothing is necessary if the HumanoidDescription does not currently have Shirt and Pants equipped and the body colors are too similar.
The HumanoidDescription to check if default clothing is required.
Returns a HumanoidDescription if default clothing was necessary. Otherwise returns nil.
This function returns the platform Avatar rules for things like scaling, default shirts and pants, number of wearable assets, ect.
The returned table includes the following fields:
{"PlayerAvatarTypes": ["R6"],"Scales": {},"WearableAssetTypes": [{"MaxNumber": 0,"Id": 0,"Name": "string"}],"BodyColorsPalette": [{"BrickColorId": 0,"NexColor": "string","Name": "string"}],"BasicBodyColorsPalette": [{"BrickColorId": 0,"HexColor": "string","Name": "string"}],"MinimumDeltaEBodyColorDifference": 0,"ProportionsAndBodyTypeEnabledForUser": true,"DefaultClothingAssetLists": {"DefaultShirtAssetIds": [0],"DefaultPantAssetIds": [0]},"BundlesEnabledForUser": true,"EmotesEnabledForUser": true}
A dictionary containing the platform Avatar rules for things like scaling, default shirts and pants, number of wearable assets, ect. See the example return in the main description above.
Gets the item details for a list of items at once. More efficient than AvatarEditorService:GetItemDetails if you need to get all the item details of a list.
The list of item ids to get details of.
The type of the item ids provided.
Returns an array of item details with the following fields:
{"AssetType" = "string","CreatorName" = "string","CreatorTargetId" = 0,"CreatorType" = "string","Description" = "string","FavoriteCount" = 0,"Genres" = ["All"],"Id" = 0,"ItemRestrictions" = ["Limited"],"ItemStatus": ["New"],"ItemType" = "string","LowestPrice" = 0,"Name" = "string","Price" = 0,"ProductId" = 0}
This function returns if the Players.LocalPlayer has favorited the given bundle or asset.
The id of the specified asset or bundle.
The Enum.AvatarItemType of the specified asset or bundle.
Whether the LocalPlayer has favorited the given bundle or asset.
Returns an InventoryPages object with information about owned items in the users inventory with the given AvatarAssetTypes.
The returned table includes the following fields:
[{"AssetId": 0,"AssetType" : "string","Created": "string","Name": "string",}]
The Enum.AvatarAssetType that can will be checked for in the player's inventory.
This function returns the item details for the given item. It accepts two parameters - the first indicating the ID of the item being retrieved and the second indicating its Enum.ItemType.
Data returned in the format:
{"IsForRent": true,"ExpectedSellerId": 0,"Owned": true,"IsPurchasable": true,"Id": 0,"ItemType": "Asset","AssetType": "Image","BundleType": "BodyParts","Name": "string","Description": "string","ProductId": 0,"Genres": ["All"],"BundledItems": [{"Owned": true,"Id": 0,"Name": "string","Type": "string"}],"ItemStatus": ["New"],"ItemRestrictions": ["ThirteenPlus"],"CreatorType": "User","CreatorTargetId": 0,"CreatorName": "string","Price": 0,"PremiumPricing": {"PremiumDiscountPercentage": 0,"PremiumPriceInRobux": 0},"LowestPrice": 0,"PriceStatus": "string","UnitsAvailableForConsumption": 0,"PurchaseCount": 0,"FavoriteCount": 0}
To query for limited or unlimited assets, use the following
itemRestrictions values:
itemRestrictions | Limited or Unlimited |
empty | Unlimited |
Collectible | UGC Limited |
Limited | Roblox Limited |
LimitedUnique | Roblox Limited Unique |
The ID of the item whose details are being retrieved.
An enum value indicating the type of item whose details are being retrieved.
A table containing the item info for the retrieved item. See above for a sample table.
This function returns the outfit details for the given outfit. It accepts one parameter: the ID of the outfit.
Data returns in the following format:
{"Assets": [{"AssetType": {"Id": 31,"Name": "RightLeg"}"CurrentVersionId": 16447385805,"Id": 11584239464,"Name": "Anime Female - Right Leg"}],"BodyColors": {"HeadColor": Color3(204, 142, 105),"LeftArmColor": Color3(204, 142, 105),"LeftLegColor": Color3(204, 142, 105),"RightArmColor": Color3(204, 142, 105),"RightLegColor": Color3(204, 142, 105),"TorsoColor": Color3(204, 142, 105)},"Id": 14703770624,"IsEditable": true,"Name": "Your Costume","OutfitType": "Avatar","PlayerAvatarType": "R15","Scale": {"BodyType": 0,"Depth": 1,"Head": 1,"Height": 1,"Proportion": 0,"Width": 1},}
The ID of the outfit whose details are being retrieved.
A table containing the outfit info for the retrieved outfit. See above for a sample table.
This function returns outfit data for the Players.LocalPlayer. This would be used with Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromOutfitId() to update the players character to the outfit. Access to this would also depend on AvatarEditorService:PromptAllowInventoryReadAccess() being accepted by the user.
The returned table includes the following fields:
[{"Id": 0,"Name": "string","IsEditable": true}]
Name | type | Description |
id | int | |
name | string | |
isEditable | boolean |
Returns a list of recommended assets based on a given Enum.AssetType and asset id. Use this to gather a list of similar assets to the asset provided. Take a look at the code sample below for more information on possible usages for this function.
Data is in the format:
[{"Item": {"AssetId": 0,"Name": "string","Price": 0,"PremiumPrice": 0,},"Creator": {"CreatorId": 0,"CreatorType": "string","Name": "string",},"Product": {"Id": 0,"PriceInRobux": 0,"IsForSale": true,"IsResellable": true,"IsLimited": true,"IsLimitedUnique": true,"TotalPrivateSales": 0,"OffsaleDeadline": "string","IsFree": true}}]
The type of asset recommendations to retrieve recommendations for. Only affects the response when item based recommendations don't exist for the given contextAssetId.
The id of an asset with a type matching the provided assetType used for context when retrieving recommendations.
A list of recommendations based on the given Enum.AssetType.
Code Samples
This will return a list of similar hats much like how similar assets are displayed when viewing the catalog page on the website. The contextAssetId is optional and if not provided it will return some popular items from that category.
local AvatarEditorService = game:GetService("AvatarEditorService")
local assets = AvatarEditorService:GetRecommendedAssets(Enum.AvatarAssetType.Hat, 9255093)
for _, asset in ipairs(assets) do
This function returns a list of recommended bundles for a given bundle id.
Data is in the format:
[{"Id": 0,"Name": "string","Description": "string","BundleType": "string","Items": [{"Owned": true,"Id": 0,"Name": "string","Type": "string"}],"Creator": {"Id": 0,"Name": "string","Type": "string"},"Product": {"Id": 0,"Type": "string","IsPublicDomain": true,"IsForSale": true,"PriceInRobux": 0,"PremiumPricing": {"PremiumDiscountPercentage": 0,"PremiumPriceInRobux": 0}}}]
A list of recommended bundles.
The bundle ID that the recommended bundles will be returned for.
This function returns a CatalogPages object containing the result of the given search.
The returned data has the format:
[{"Id": 0,"ItemType": "Asset","AssetType": "Image","BundleType": "BodyParts","Name": "string","Description": "string","ProductId": 0,"Genres": ["All"],"BundledItems": [{"Owned": true,"Id": 0,"Name": "string","Type": "string"}],"ItemStatus": ["New"],"ItemRestrictions": ["ThirteenPlus"],"CreatorType": "User","CreatorTargetId": 0,"CreatorName": "string","Price": 0,"PremiumPricing": {"PremiumDiscountPercentage": 0,"PremiumPriceInRobux": 0},"LowestPrice": 0,"PriceStatus": "string","UnitsAvailableForConsumption": 0,"PurchaseCount": 0,"FavoriteCount": 0}]
An object containing the parameters used for the search.
This event fires when the AvatarEditorService:PromptAllowInventoryReadAccess() prompt is responded to by the user. It can only return the Success or PermissionDenied enum statuses as it does not perform any web requests which could fail.
The result of the prompt.
This event fires when the PromptSaveOutfit operation is completed. It gives a status enum indicating whether the prompt succeeded, failed or permission was not granted by the user.
The result of the prompt.
Fires when the PromptDeleteOutfit operation is completed. It gives a status enum indicating whether the prompt succeeded, failed or permission was not granted by the user.
The result of the prompt.
Fires when the PromptRenameOutfit operation is completed. It gives a status enum indicating whether the prompt succeeded, failed or permission was not granted by the user.
The result of the prompt.
This event fires when the AvatarEditorService:PromptSaveAvatar() operation is completed. It gives a status enum indicating whether the prompt succeeded, failed or permission was not granted by the user.
The result of the prompt.
Fires when the AvatarEditorService:PromptSetFavorite() operation is completed. It gives a status enum indicating whether the prompt succeeded, failed or permission was not granted by the user.
The result of the prompt.
Fires when the AvatarEditorService:PromptUpdateOutfit() operation is completed. It gives a status enum indicating whether the prompt succeeded, failed or permission was not granted by the user.
The result of the prompt.