Frame is a GuiObject that renders as a plain rectangle with no other content. They are the simplest concrete example of a GuiObject, as they provide very little additional functionality (Frame.FrameStyle). Despite this, Frames are useful as containers for other GuiObjects, such as TextLabel, ImageLabel. The key benefit to using a Frame over a Folder as a container object is the ability to further manipulate the GuiObject.Size and GuiObject.Position of any descendant GuiObject.
Sets what the frame looks like from a selection of pre-determined styles.
Determines whether this UI element sinks input.
Determines the origin point of a GuiObject, relative to its absolute size.
Determines whether resizing occurs based on child content.
Determines the GuiObject background color.
Determines the transparency of the GuiObject background and border.
Determines the color of the GuiObject border.
Determines in what manner the GuiObject border is laid out relative to its dimensions.
Determines the pixel width of the GuiObject border.
Determines if descendant GuiObjects outside of the bounds of a parent GUI element should render.
Controls the sort order of the GuiObject when used with a UIGridStyleLayout.
Sets the GuiObject which will be selected when the gamepad selector is moved downward.
Sets the GuiObject which will be selected when the gamepad selector is moved to the left.
Sets the GuiObject which will be selected when the gamepad selector is moved to the right.
Sets the GuiObject which will be selected when the gamepad selector is moved upward.
Determines the pixel and scalar position of the GuiObject.
Determines the number of degrees by which the GuiObject is rotated.
Determine whether the GUI can be selected by a gamepad.
Overrides the default selection adornment used for gamepads.
The order of GuiObjects selected by the gamepad UI selection.
Determines the pixel and scalar size of the GuiObject.
Sets the Size axes that the GuiObject will be based on, relative to the size of its parent.
A mixed property of BackgroundTransparency and TextTransparency.
Determines whether the GuiObject and its descendants will be rendered.
Determines the order in which a GuiObject renders relative to others.
Describes the actual screen position of a UI element, in pixels.
Describes the actual screen rotation of a UI element, in degrees.
Describes the actual screen size of a UI element, in pixels.
When set to true, localization will be applied to this GuiBase2d and its descendants based on the GuiBase2d.RootLocalizationTable specified for this GuiBase2d.
A reference to a LocalizationTable to be used to apply automated localization to this GuiBase2d and its descendants.
Customizes gamepad selection behavior in the down direction.
Customizes gamepad selection behavior in the left direction.
Customizes gamepad selection behavior in the right direction.
Customizes gamepad selection behavior in the up direction.
Allows customization of gamepad selection movement.
Methods inherited from GuiObject- TweenPosition(endPosition : UDim2,easingDirection : Enum.EasingDirection,easingStyle : Enum.EasingStyle,time : number,override : bool,callback : function):bool
Smoothly moves a GUI to a new UDim2.
- TweenSize(endSize : UDim2,easingDirection : Enum.EasingDirection,easingStyle : Enum.EasingStyle,time : number,override : bool,callback : function):bool
Smoothly resizes a GUI to a new UDim2.
- TweenSizeAndPosition(endSize : UDim2,endPosition : UDim2,easingDirection : Enum.EasingDirection,easingStyle : Enum.EasingStyle,time : number,override : bool,callback : function):bool
Smoothly moves a GUI to a new size and position.
Events inherited from GuiObjectFired when a user begins interacting via a Human-Computer Interface device (Mouse button down, touch begin, keyboard button down, etc).
Fired when a user changes how they're interacting via a Human-Computer Interface device (Mouse button down, touch begin, keyboard button down, etc).
Fired when a user stops interacting via a Human-Computer Interface device (Mouse button down, touch begin, keyboard button down, etc).
Fires when a user moves their mouse into a GUI element.
Fires when a user moves their mouse out of a GUI element.
Fires whenever a user moves their mouse while it is inside a GUI element.
Fires when a user scrolls their mouse wheel back when the mouse is over a GUI element.
Fires when a user scrolls their mouse wheel forward when the mouse is over a GUI element.
Fired when the GuiObject is being focused on with the Gamepad selector.
Fired when the Gamepad selector stops focusing on the GuiObject.
Fires when the player starts, continues and stops long-pressing the UI element.
- TouchPan(touchPositions : Array,totalTranslation : Vector2,velocity : Vector2,state : Enum.UserInputState):RBXScriptSignal
Fires when the player moves their finger on the UI element.
- TouchPinch(touchPositions : Array,scale : number,velocity : number,state : Enum.UserInputState):RBXScriptSignal
Fires when the player performs a pinch or pull gesture using two fingers on the UI element.
- TouchRotate(touchPositions : Array,rotation : number,velocity : number,state : Enum.UserInputState):RBXScriptSignal
Fires when the player performs a rotation gesture using two fingers on the UI element.
Fires when the player performs a swipe gesture on the UI element.
Fires when the player performs a tap gesture on the UI element.
- SelectionChanged(amISelected : bool,previousSelection : GuiObject,newSelection : GuiObject):RBXScriptSignal
Fires when the gamepad selection moves to, leaves, or changes within the connected GuiBase2d or any descendant GuiObjects.
Sets what the frame looks like from a selection of pre-determined styles. See Enum.FrameStyle for a description of each style.