
Show Deprecated

A SoundGroup is used to manage the volume and effects on multiple Sounds at once. Every sound in the sound group will have its volume adjusted by the group's Volume property which acts as a multiplier, meaning a Sound with volume 0.5 assigned to a SoundGroup with a volume of 0.5 will have an effective volume of 0.25.

If the SoundGroup has any SoundEffects as children, those effects will be applied to all of the Sounds in the group.

Note that a Sound must be added to a SoundGroup by setting its SoundGroup property, not by simply parenting the Sound to the SoundGroup. A Sound can only belong to one SoundGroup at a time, although you can nest groups as outlined here.

See Sound Groups for further details on working with the SoundGroup class.



Read Parallel

The volume multiplier applied to Sounds which belong to the SoundGroup. Value can range from 0 to 10.

Code Samples

This sample demonstrates how a SoundGroup can be used to change the volume of its associated Sounds and apply SoundEffects.

In this example a Sound is instanced in the Workspace and assigned to a new SoundGroup. The Sound is played and during playback the volume is changed via the SoundGroup and a SoundEffect is added.


local SoundService = game:GetService("SoundService")
-- create a sound group
local soundGroup ="SoundGroup")
soundGroup.Parent = SoundService
-- create a sound
local sound ="Sound")
sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://9120386436"
sound.Looped = true
sound.PlaybackSpeed = 2
sound.SoundGroup = soundGroup
sound.Parent = workspace
-- play the sound
-- change the volume
soundGroup.Volume = 0.1
-- return the volume
soundGroup.Volume = 0.5
-- add a sound effect
local reverb ="ReverbSoundEffect")
reverb.Parent = soundGroup

