Plugin is the main object responsible for creating basic Studio widgets, plugin toolbars, plugin buttons, and more. It is a custom add-on to Studio which adds new behavior and features that are not normally included. The Plugin object can be accessed through the plugin global reference in a Script that is executed as a plugin.
Code Samples
The plugin global reference is not passed to ModuleScripts within the plugin. In order to use it in a ModuleScript, you must explicitly pass it as seen in the example below.
assert(plugin, "This script must be run as a plugin!")
-- Code beyond this point will execute only if the script is run as a plugin
-- Load the module and pass the plugin reference
local pluginModule = require(script.Parent.PluginModule)
-- Verify if the plugin reference was initialized
local pluginModule = {}
local plugin -- Local plugin reference
-- Initialize the plugin reference if not already set
function pluginModule:Initialize(pluginReference: Plugin)
if plugin ~= pluginReference then
plugin = pluginReference
error("Plugin is already initialized")
-- Check if the plugin reference is set and print out appropriate info
function pluginModule:CheckForPluginGlobal()
if plugin ~= nil then
print("Plugin reference is set!")
warn("Plugin reference is missing!")
return pluginModule
Returns whether the user enabled Collisions in Studio under the Model tab.
Returns the grid snapping size the user has set in Studio.
Sets the state of the calling plugin to activated.
- CreatePluginAction(actionId : string,text : string,statusTip : string,iconName : string,allowBinding : bool):PluginAction
Creates a PluginAction which is an object that represents a generic performable action in Roblox Studio, with no directly associated Toolbar or Enum.Button.
Creates a new plugin menu.
Creates a new PluginToolbar with the given name.
Deactivates the plugin.
Returns the Enum.JointCreationMode the user has set in Studio under the Model tab.
Returns a Mouse that can be used while the plugin is active.
Returns the currently selected Enum.RibbonTool.
Retrieves a previously stored value with the given key, or nil if the given key doesn't exist.
Returns true if this plugin is currently active, after having been activated via the Plugin:Activate() function.
Returns true if this plugin is currently active with an exclusive mouse, after having been activated via the Plugin:Activate() function.
Negates the given parts and returns the resulting NegateOperations.
Used to open the given script instance in an editor window, in Roblox studio, at the given line. If no line is given as an argument it will default to 1.
Opens the context help window to the wiki page that url links to.
Opens an upload window for the user's current selection.
Activates the specified Roblox Studio tool.
Separates the given UnionOperations and returns the resulting parts.
Stores a given value for later use under the given key. The value will persist even after Studio is closed.
Starts a drag action given a dictionary of parameters.
Unions the given parts and returns the resulting UnionOperation.
- CreateDockWidgetPluginGui(pluginGuiId : string,dockWidgetPluginGuiInfo : DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo):DockWidgetPluginGui
Creates a DockWidgetPluginGui given a DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo.
Prompts the user to open a .fbx animation file that can be loaded onto the rigModel, then proceeds to insert the animation as a KeyframeSequence in the Workspace.
Prompts the user to open a .fbx file, uploads the individual components of the model as meshes, and generates a character rig for use in animation, which is loaded into the Workspace.
Opens a window in Roblox Studio, which prompts the user to select an asset based on the assetType specified. Returns what assetId was selected, or -1 if the window was closed.
Prompts the user to save their current selection with the specified file name. Returns true if the user did save the file.
Fired when the plugin is deactivated.
Fires immediately before the Plugin stops running.
Returns the grid snapping size the user has set in Studio under the Model or Avatar tabs. Note that this property may have slight rounding errors; for example it may be 0.0099999997764826 for a user setting of 1 or 0.4000000059604645 for a user setting of 0.4.
This function sets the state of the calling plugin to activated. Activating the plugin allows mouse control through the Plugin:GetMouse() method.
At any given time there are either 0 or 1 Activated Plugins. Activating a plugin will deactivate all other plugins (they will receive a Plugin.Deactivation event).
See also:
- Plugin:IsActivatedWithExclusiveMouse(), returns true if this plugin is currently active with an exclusive mouse, after having been activated via this function
- Plugin.Unloading, fires immediately before the plugin is unloaded or reloaded via uninstallation, deactivation, or updating
A boolean specifying whether to activate the plugin with exclusive mouse. If true, a PluginMouse can be retrieved via Plugin:GetMouse().
This function creates a PluginAction which is an object that represents a generic performable action in Roblox Studio, with no directly associated Toolbar or Enum.Button. In Roblox Studio, they can be assigned a keyboard shortcut under File → Advanced → Customize Shortcuts…, and they can also be added to the Quick Access Toolbar.
When an action is triggered, the PluginAction.Triggered event is signaled.
In order for PluginActions work as expected, they must be created using this function.
See also:
- PluginMenu, a context menu that can be shown in Studio which displays a list of PluginActions and supports submenus
- Plugin:CreatePluginMenu(), creates a PluginMenu
Must be a unique string that identifies this PluginAction from others.
The displayed name of the action.
The displayed description of the action.
The name of the icon used to display the plugin.
Whether the PluginAction will be hidden from Studio's shortcuts view. Useful for contextual actions. Defaults to true.
Code Samples
This code sample visualizes how to create a PluginAction. These must be created using the Plugin:CreatePluginAction() method in order to work.
In order to work as expected, the code block must but pasted into the Command Bar, but only once. Consecutive attempts at executing the code in the Command Bar will result in an error because a plugin cannot create more than one PluginMenu with the same ID.
When the created action is bound and Triggered, it outputs Hello world!.
local pluginAction = plugin:CreatePluginAction(
"Hello World",
"Prints a 'Hello world!'",
pluginAction.Name = "Test Action"
local function actionTriggered()
print("Hello world!")
This function creates a new PluginMenu, which is a context menu that can be shown in Studio that displays a list of PluginActions and supports submenus.
In order for PluginMenus to work as expected, they must be created using this function.
See also:
- PluginAction, an object that represents a generic performable action in Roblox Studio, with no directly associated Toolbar or Enum.Button.
- Plugin:CreatePluginAction(), creates a PluginAction
- PluginMenu.Title, the text to be displayed when used as a sub menu
- PluginMenu.Icon, the icon to be displayed when used as a sub menu
- PluginMenu:AddAction(), adds the given action to the menu
- PluginMenu:AddNewAction(), creates a temporary action that is hidden from Studio's customize shortcuts window
- PluginMenu:AddMenu(), adds the given menu as a separator
- PluginMenu:AddSeparator(), adds a separator between items in the menu
- PluginMenu:Clear(), clears the menu
- PluginMenu:ShowAsync(), shows the menu at the mouse cursor. Yields until either an item is selected or the menu is closed. The selected action fires its Triggered event
Unique ID for the menu.
The text to be displayed when used as a sub menu.
The icon to be displayed when used as a sub menu.
Code Samples
This code sample visualizes how PluginMenus and PluginActions behave when created for a Plugin. Outside of this example, you should not parent the plugin or its functional components to the experience's workspace.
In order to work as expected, the code block must but pasted into the Command Bar, but only once. Consecutive attempts at executing the code in the Command Bar will result in an error because a plugin cannot create more than one PluginMenu with the same ID.
After executing the code, changing the created BoolValue in the experience's workspace opens the plugin's menus. Selecting an action from the menus the function connected to the trigger signal.
-- This code can be pasted into the command bar, but only once
local pluginMenu = plugin:CreatePluginMenu(math.random(), "Test Menu")
pluginMenu.Name = "Test Menu"
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionA", "A", "rbxasset://textures/loading/robloxTiltRed.png")
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionB", "B", "rbxasset://textures/loading/robloxTilt.png")
local subMenu = plugin:CreatePluginMenu(math.random(), "C", "rbxasset://textures/explosion.png")
subMenu.Name = "Sub Menu"
subMenu:AddNewAction("ActionD", "D", "rbxasset://textures/whiteCircle.png")
subMenu:AddNewAction("ActionE", "E", "rbxasset://textures/icon_ROBUX.png")
pluginMenu:AddNewAction("ActionF", "F", "rbxasset://textures/sparkle.png")
local toggle ="BoolValue")
toggle.Name = "TogglePluginMenu"
toggle.Parent = workspace
local function onToggled()
if toggle.Value then
toggle.Value = false
local selectedAction = pluginMenu:ShowAsync()
if selectedAction then
print("Selected Action:", selectedAction.Text, "with ActionId:", selectedAction.ActionId)
print("User did not select an action!")
The CreateToolbar function creates a new PluginToolbar with the given name. The toolbar can then be used to create plugin buttons.
The visible text on the toolbar, labeling the group of buttons contained within.
Code Samples
This code creates a toolbar with the name "ExampleToolbar".
Deactivates the plugin. This will disengage the associated PluginMouse if it has been activated
See also:
- Plugin:Activate(), sets the state of the calling plugin to activated
- Plugin.Deactivation, fires when the plugin is deactivated
- Plugin.Unloading, fires immediately before the plugin is unloaded or reloaded via uninstallation, deactivation, or updating
Returns the Enum.JointCreationMode the user has set in Studio under the Model tab.
GetMouse returns a PluginMouse that can be used while the plugin is active through Plugin:Activate().
Code Samples
This code would print Button 1 pressed from PluginMouse each time the mouse's left button was clicked.
local mouse = plugin:GetMouse()
local function button1Down()
print("Button 1 pressed from PluginMouse")
GetSelectedRibbonTool return the currently selected Enum.RibbonTool. It returns an Enum that corresponds to a particular tool. This will return whether the tool is selected manually or programmatically via Plugin:SelectRibbonTool().
Code Samples
This code must be run from a plugin. This code selects the move tool, checks which tool is selected, then prints out to the console which tool is selected. SelectRibbonTool will not return the value until the next frame.
task.wait() -- wait for next frame
local selectedRibbonTool = plugin:GetSelectedRibbonTool()
print("The selected RibbonTool is", selectedRibbonTool)
Retrieves a previously stored value with the given key, or nil if the given key doesn't exist.
Because multiple instances of the same plugin can run simultaneously (for example, if multiple Studio windows are open), you shouldn't depend on this value staying the same over time. The other plugin instances can update the setting at any time.
This call can silently fail and return nil if multiple instances of the same plugin are actively reading and writing data. If your plugin expects to write to settings frequently, you should double-check the returned value from this call after a short while to distinguish between a setting being temporarily unavailable and a setting not existing.
Code Samples
The below example would print the value saved to the key FirstTime. If the key doesn't exist, it would print nil.
local RAN_BEFORE_KEY = "RanBefore"
local didRunBefore = plugin:GetSetting(RAN_BEFORE_KEY)
if didRunBefore then
print("Welcome back!")
plugin:SetSetting(RAN_BEFORE_KEY, true)
print("Welcome! Thanks for installing this plugin!")
This function returns true if this plugin is currently active, after having been activated via the Plugin:Activate() function.
A boolean indicating whether the plugin is currently active.
This function returns true if this plugin is currently active with an exclusive mouse, after having been activated via the Plugin:Activate() function. If this returns true, a PluginMouse can be retrieved via Plugin:GetMouse().
See also:
- Plugin.Deactivation, fires when the plugin is deactivated
- Plugin.Unloading, fires immediately before the plugin is unloaded or reloaded via uninstallation, deactivation, or updating
Whether this plugin is currently active with an exclusive mouse.
Negates the given parts and returns the resulting NegateOperations.
Used to open the given script instance in an editor window, in Roblox studio, at the given line. If no line is given as an argument it will default to 1.
Code Samples
The following would open a newly created Script in Workspace, assuming the variable "Plugin" was already declared.
local newScript ="Script")
newScript.Parent = workspace
Opens the context help window to the wiki page that url links to.
Code Samples
The following, when executed in a plugin, will open the BasePart API page in the context help.
Opens an upload window for the user's current selection.
Activates the specified Roblox Studio tool. If the tool opens a window, the position parameter specifies where it should be shown on the screen.
- An object must be selected in order for this to work correctly.
- Altering the scale fields of the position property will not affect the dialog popups.
Separates the given UnionOperations and returns the resulting parts.
Stores a given value for later use under the given key. The value will persist even after Roblox Studio is closed. These settings are saved in JSON format as a map with string keys. Arrays are automatically converted to maps by converting the numeric keys to strings first.
Note that the JSON format imposes additional restrictions, including the following characters which can corrupt the settings file:
- Backslashes (\) in keys or values, in particular escaped quotes (\").
- Newlines (\n) in keys.
- Quotes (") in keys.
- Periods (.) in keys.
This call can silently fail if multiple instances of the same plugin are actively reading and writing data. If your plugin expects to write to settings frequently, you may check that the data has been properly written by calling Plugin:GetSetting().
Code Samples
This code sample demonstrates use of the Plugin:GetSetting() and Plugin:SetSetting() functions. They detect if a plugin is running for the first time by setting a key. If the key is true, it prints a "welcome back" message; otherwise it prints a "first run" message and sets the key to true.
local RAN_BEFORE_KEY = "RunBefore"
local hasRunBefore = plugin:GetSetting(RAN_BEFORE_KEY)
if hasRunBefore then
print("Welcome back!")
print("Thanks for installing this plugin!")
plugin:SetSetting(RAN_BEFORE_KEY, true)
StartDrag initiates a drag action using a dictionary of parameters. The parameters are as follows:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Sender | string | "" | Identifies the source of the drag action to the drop target |
MimeType | string | "" | The MIME type of Data. |
Data | string | "" | Information about the drag action, for example what is being dragged. Should be used by the drop target. |
MouseIcon | Content | "" | The icon to use for the mouse cursor during the drag. If empty, uses the default cursor. |
DragIcon | Content | "" | An image to render under the mouse cursor during the drag. This should represent the item being dragged. |
HotSpot | Vector2 |, 0) | The pixel offset from the top-left where the cursor should "hold" the DragIcon. |
See also:
Code Samples
This code sample creates two plugin widget windows: a drag source and a drop target. In the source window, the script creates a TextBox and TextButton to allow the user to begin a plugin drag action. The drop target window will display the MimeType of whatever is dragged into it using a TextLabel. If the MimeType is text/plain, it will display the plain text data instead.
To run this code sample as a plugin, paste it into a Script. Then, right-click the script in the Explorer window and choose "Save as Local Plugin".
assert(plugin, "This script must be run as a Studio plugin")
local widgetInfo =, true, true, 300, 200)
local dragSourceWidget = plugin:CreateDockWidgetPluginGui("Drag Source", widgetInfo)
dragSourceWidget.Title = "Drag Source"
local textBox ="TextBox")
textBox.Parent = dragSourceWidget
textBox.Size =, 0, 0, 32)
textBox.Text = "Hello, plugin drags"
local dragButton ="TextButton")
dragButton.Size =, 0, 1, -32)
dragButton.Position =, 0, 0, 32)
dragButton.Text = "Edit the text above, then start drag here"
dragButton.Parent = dragSourceWidget
function onMouseButton1Down()
local dragData = {
Sender = "SomeDragSource",
MimeType = "text/plain",
Data = textBox.Text,
MouseIcon = "",
DragIcon = "",
HotSpot =, 0),
-- This widget will receive drops
local dragTargetWidget = plugin:CreateDockWidgetPluginGui("Drop Target", widgetInfo)
dragTargetWidget.Title = "Drop Target"
-- This TextLabel will display what was dropped
local textLabel ="TextLabel")
textLabel.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
textLabel.Text = "Drop here..."
textLabel.Parent = dragTargetWidget
local function onDragDrop(dragData)
if dragData.MimeType == "text/plain" then
textLabel.Text = dragData.Data
textLabel.Text = dragData.MimeType
Unions the given parts and returns the resulting UnionOperation.
CreateDockWidgetPluginGui creates a new DockWidgetPluginGui from the given DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo. The first parameter, pluginGuiId, should be a unique and consistent string. It is used to save the state of the widget's dock state and other internal details.
A unique and consistent identifier used to storing the widget's dock state and other internal details.
Describes the DockWidgetPluginGui to create (initial state, size, etc).
Code Samples
This code, when ran inside a Plugin, creates a DockWidgetPluginGui with a simple TextButton.
-- Create new 'DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo' object
local widgetInfo =
Enum.InitialDockState.Float, -- Widget will be initialized in floating panel
true, -- Widget will be initially enabled
false, -- Don't override the previous enabled state
200, -- Default width of the floating window
300, -- Default height of the floating window
150, -- Minimum width of the floating window (optional)
150 -- Minimum height of the floating window (optional)
-- Create new widget GUI
local testWidget = plugin:CreateDockWidgetPluginGui("TestWidget", widgetInfo)
local testButton ="TextButton")
testButton.BorderSizePixel = 0
testButton.TextSize = 20
testButton.TextColor3 =, 0.2, 0.4)
testButton.AnchorPoint =, 0.5)
testButton.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
testButton.Position =, 0, 0.5, 0)
testButton.SizeConstraint = Enum.SizeConstraint.RelativeYY
testButton.Text = "Click Me"
testButton.Parent = testWidget
This function prompts the user to open a .fbx animation file that can be loaded onto the rigModel, then proceeds to insert the animation as a KeyframeSequence in the Workspace.
Prompts the user to open a .fbx file, uploads the individual components of the model as meshes, and generates a character rig for use in animation, which is loaded into the Workspace.
Opens a window in Roblox Studio, which prompts the user to select an asset based on the assetType specified. Returns what assetId was selected, or -1 if the window was closed.
Fired when the Plugin is deactivated. This occurs when either the plugin code calls Plugin:Deactivate(), or because some other plugin called Plugin:Activate(), which forces all other plugins to lose their active state.
See also:
- Plugin.Unloading, fires immediately before the plugin is unloaded or reloaded via uninstallation, deactivation, or updating
This event fires immediately before the Plugin stops running. Plugins are unloaded when disabled, uninstalled, about to be updated, or when the place is closing.
It enables a plugin to clean up after itself before its scripts stop running, e.g. to remove unnecessary instances from the DataModel. If a plugin does not clean up properly, the old copies will remain. When this occurs, users may be forced to close and reopen the place which is a bad user experience.
Plugin-related instances such as PluginToolbarButtons, DockWidgetPluginGuis, and PluginGuis are automatically cleaned up when the plugin is unloaded so there is no need to remove them.