BackpackItem is an abstract class for backpack items such as HopperBins and Tools.
The texture icon that is displayed for a tool in the player's backpack.
Sets the level of detail on the model for experiences with instance streaming enabled.
Controls the model streaming behavior on Models when instance streaming is enabled.
Points to the primary part of the Model.
Editor-only property used to scale the model around its pivot. Setting this property will move the scale as though Model/ScaleTo was called on it.
Determines where the pivot of a Model which does not have a set Model.PrimaryPart is located.
Methods inherited from ModelSets this model to be persistent for the specified player. Model.ModelStreamingMode must be set to PersistentPerPlayer for behavior to be changed as a result of addition.
Returns a description of a volume that contains all parts of a Model.
Returns the size of the smallest bounding box that contains all of the BaseParts in the Model, aligned with the Model.PrimaryPart if it is set.
Returns all the Player objects that this model object is persistent for. Behavior varies based on whether this method is called from a Script or a LocalScript.
Returns the canonical scale of the model, which defaults to 1 for newly created models and will change as it is scaled via Model/ScaleTo.
Moves the PrimaryPart to the given position. If a primary part has not been specified, the root part of the model will be used.
Makes this model no longer persistent for specified player. Model.ModelStreamingMode must be set to PersistentPerPlayer for behavior to be changed as a result of removal.
Sets the scale factor of the model, adjusting the sizing and location of all descendant Instances such that they have that scale factor relative to their initial sizes and locations when scale factor was 1.
Shifts a Model by the given Vector3 offset, preserving the model's orientation. If another BasePart or Terrain already exists at the new position then the Model will overlap said object.
Gets the pivot of a PVInstance.
Transforms the PVInstance along with all of its descendant PVInstances such that the pivot is now located at the specified CFrame.