SurfaceGui allows for the rendering of UI objects onto a part's surface in the 3D world while also allowing for basic user interaction to occur. Similar to Decals and Textures, UI objects such as TextLabels and ImageLabels parented to a SurfaceGui face the same direction as the surface they're on, editable through the Face property.

Note that interactive UI elements like ImageButtons and TextButtons inside a SurfaceGui will only receive user input if they are parented to the PlayerGui, typically via placing the SurfaceGui inside StarterGui. The Adornee property can be used to target a part in the 3D world while the SurfaceGui itself remains in the PlayerGui.
See In-Experience UI for a guide on working with SurfaceGui containers.
Caching Behavior
To help improve performance, the appearance of a SurfaceGui is cached until one of the following occurs, after which its appearance will be recomputed on the next rendering frame.
- A descendant is added to or removed from the SurfaceGui.
- A property of a descendant of the SurfaceGui changes.
- A property of the SurfaceGui itself changes.
Determines whether the SurfaceGui will always be rendered on top of other 3D objects.
Determines the factor by which the SurfaceGui container's light is scaled when LightInfluence is 0.
The size of a "virtual screen" in "virtual pixels" which makes SurfaceGuis pixel-to-pixel compatible with ScreenGuis.
Whether portions of GuiObjects that fall outside of the SurfaceGui canvas borders will be drawn.
Controls how much the SurfaceGui is influenced by environmental lighting.
Controls how far away the SurfaceGui can be displayed before it stops rendering.
Determines the density of pixels used for each world-space stud to render the contents of the SurfaceGui.
Determines whether the SurfaceGui will render at a fixed size or scale with its size in studs.
Sets the distance in which left clicking starts acting on the SurfaceGui instead of for the held Tool.
Layers this SurfaceGui in relation to other SurfaceGuis on the same face.
BasePart on which to apply the SurfaceGui, overriding the default parent association.
Enum.NormalId face upon which to apply the SurfaceGui.
Toggles the visibility of this LayerCollector.
Determines if the LayerCollector resets (deletes itself and re-clones into the player's PlayerGui) every time the player's character respawns.
Controls how GuiObject.ZIndex behaves on all descendants of this LayerCollector.
Describes the actual screen position of a GuiBase2d element, in pixels.
Describes the actual screen rotation of a GuiBase2d element, in degrees.
Describes the actual screen size of a GuiBase2d element, in pixels.
When set to true, localization will be applied to this GuiBase2d and its descendants.
A reference to a LocalizationTable to be used to apply automated localization to this GuiBase2d and its descendants.
Customizes gamepad selection behavior in the down direction.
Customizes gamepad selection behavior in the left direction.
Customizes gamepad selection behavior in the right direction.
Customizes gamepad selection behavior in the up direction.
Allows customization of gamepad selection movement.
Events inherited from GuiBase2d- SelectionChanged(amISelected : bool,previousSelection : GuiObject,newSelection : GuiObject):RBXScriptSignal
Fires when the gamepad selection moves to, leaves, or changes within the connected GuiBase2d or any descendant GuiObjects.
This property determines whether the SurfaceGui will always render on top of other 3D objects.
When set to false (default), the SurfaceGui renders like other 3D content and is occluded by other 3D objects. When set to true, the SurfaceGui always renders on top of 3D content and the appearance changes significantly:
- Colors match how they appear inside a ScreenGui.
- Text may appear sharper on high DPI devices.
- LightInfluence is treated as though it's 0.
- Brightness has no effect.
This property determines the factor by which the SurfaceGui container's light is scaled when LightInfluence is 0. By default, this property is 1 and can be set to any number between 0 and 1000. By modifying this property, the apparent brightness of a SurfaceGui can be better matched to its environment. For instance, a video billboard can be brightened inside a dark room by increasing Brightness to 10.
Note that Brightness is inaccessible in Studio and has no effect when either LightInfluence is 1 or AlwaysOnTop is true.
The size of a "virtual screen" in "virtual pixels" which makes SurfaceGuis pixel-to-pixel compatible with ScreenGuis.
When set to true (default), portions of GuiObjects that fall outside of the SurfaceGui canvas borders will not be drawn.
Even when this property is false, GuiObjects that are completely outside of the canvas will not render.
Controls how much the SurfaceGui is influenced by environmental lighting, in a range from 0 to 1. Setting this to 1 means that surrounding lighting has complete control over the appearance, while setting it to 0 means that the lighting has no effect.
This property controls how far from the camera the SurfaceGui will be displayed before it stops rendering. A value of 0 means there is no limit and it will render infinitely far away. The default value of 1000 works fine for most cases.
For SurfaceGuis that appear outdoors, it's recommended that MaxDistance is high enough to ensure that the container's UI is sufficiently small on the screen when it appears or disappears, minimizing the sudden pop‑in/out effect.
This property determines the density of pixels used for each world-space stud to render the contents of the SurfaceGui. Higher values will cause the various GuiObjects within to appear smaller if they are kept the same size. Conversely, lower values will cause objects to appear larger. However, if the GuiObjects are scaled proportionally through use of UIScale, GuiObject.Size, TextLabel.TextSize, or similar, this property allows for higher definition to be used.
It's important to select a value based on how far away you expect a player to view the SurfaceGui. Also be mindful that a large pixel density could negatively affect performance if the face of the adorned part is large enough.
When set to Enum.SurfaceGuiSizingMode.PixelsPerStud (default), the SurfaceGui renders with a variable size based on PixelsPerStud and the surface's size in studs.
When set to Enum.SurfaceGuiSizingMode.FixedSize, the SurfaceGui renders with a fixed size set through CanvasSize.
Sets the distance in which left clicking starts acting on the SurfaceGui instead of for the held Tool. If a character is within this distance of the SurfaceGui, the Tool will not activate on click.
Layers this SurfaceGui in relation to others on the same face (changing this does not visually "lift" or "sink" a SurfaceGui from the surface).