AnalyticsService is a collection of methods that allows developers to track how users interact with their experiences, specifically player progression, in-experience economy, funnels, and custom events.
Logs an event used to track custom metrics of a user in experience.
- LogEconomyEvent(player : Player,flowType : Enum.AnalyticsEconomyFlowType,currencyType : string,amount : number,endingBalance : number,transactionType : string,itemSku : string,customFields : Dictionary):void
Logs an event used to track player actions related in experience.
- LogFunnelStepEvent(player : Player,funnelName : string,funnelSessionId : string,step : number,stepName : string,customFields : Dictionary):void
Logs an event used to track user actions stepping through a pre-planned funnel.
- LogOnboardingFunnelStepEvent(player : Player,step : number,stepName : string,customFields : Dictionary):void
Logs an event used to track user actions stepping through an onboarding funnel.
- LogProgressionCompleteEvent(player : Player,progressionPathName : string,level : number,levelName : string,customFields : Dictionary):void
Logs an event for when a user has completed a level attempt.
- LogProgressionEvent(player : Player,progressionPathName : string,status : Enum.AnalyticsProgressionType,level : number,levelName : string,customFields : Dictionary):void
Logs an event for when a user has started, completed, or failed a level attempt.
- LogProgressionFailEvent(player : Player,progressionPathName : string,level : number,levelName : string,customFields : Dictionary):void
Logs an event for when a user has failed a level attempt.
- LogProgressionStartEvent(player : Player,progressionPathName : string,level : number,levelName : string,customFields : Dictionary):void
Logs an event for when a user has started a level attempt.
Logs an event used to track custom metrics of a user in experience. For additional information, see Custom Events.
The user who triggered the event.
The name of the custom event.
The value of the event that will be used in aggregation.
Optional dictionary of custom fields that will provide breakdowns in Roblox-provided charts. Only specific keys, provided by Enum.AnalyticsCustomFieldKeys, will be used for these breakdowns. Limited to 8,000 unique combinations of values across the three custom fields per experience.
Code Samples
This example uses AnalyticsService:LogCustomEvent() to log two custom events: MissionStarted and MissionCompletedDuration.
local AnalyticsService = game:GetService("AnalyticsService")
-- Log when the mission starts
"MissionStarted" -- Custom event name
-- Log when the mission is completed with the time it took
"MissionCompletedDuration", -- Custom event name
120 -- Event value used in aggregation
Logs an event used to track player actions related in experience.
The user who triggered the event.
Should specify the direction that currency is flowing using Enum.AnalyticsEconomyFlowType.
The name of the currency being added or removed, for example "gold", "gems", or "energy". Limited to 5 unique currency types per experience.
The amount of currency being added or removed. This value should always be positive.
The user's balance after the currency has been added or removed. This value should always be greater than or equal to 0.
The type of transaction that occurred. While you're free to use any transaction type, it's recommended to use the provided types from Enum.AnalyticsEconomyTransactionType such as "IAP" or "ContextualPurchase" to enable future insights from Roblox tools and charts.
Because this field type is a string, you'll need to pass the Name value of the enum. For example Enum.AnalyticsEconomyTransactionType.IAP.Name.
Limited to 20 unique types per experience.
Optional SKU of the item or bundle being purchased. This is a unique identifier for the item being purchased. Limited to 100 unique SKUs per experience.
Optional dictionary of custom fields that will provide breakdowns in Roblox-provided charts. Only specific keys, provided by Enum.AnalyticsCustomFieldKeys, will be used for these breakdowns. Limited to 8,000 unique combinations of values across the three custom fields per experience.
Code Samples
The following sample tracks a Robux purchase of a 1000-coin bundle, using the IAP (in-app purchase) transaction type. Note the item name provided as an optional parameter when compared to the previous sample.
local AnalyticsService = game:GetService("AnalyticsService")
1000, -- How many coins are in the bundle
1020, -- balance after transaction
"1000CoinBundle" -- Unique identifier of the coin bundle
Logs an event used to track user actions stepping through a pre-planned funnel. Funnel breakdowns will only consider the user and event values from the first step in a funnel session.
The user who triggered the event.
The name of the funnel. This should be the same for all steps in the funnel. Limited to 10 unique funnels per experience.
Optional unique identifier for the funnel session. This should be the same for all steps in the funnel.
Note that this field is only necessary for recurring funnels, for example a purchase flow funnel or an item upgrade funnel. If you don't have a natural funnel session identifier, it's recommended to use HttpService:GenerateGUID().
The step number in the funnel. This should be unique for each step in the funnel. All funnels start at step 1. Limited to steps 1-100.
Repeated steps by the same user in the same funnel session, or when funnelSessionId is nil will be ignored.
Note that if any steps are skipped, the intermediate steps will be considered completed.
Optional name of the step in the funnel. This field is only used for display purposes in Roblox-provided charts.
Optional dictionary of custom fields that will provide breakdowns in Roblox-provided charts. Only specific keys, provided by Enum.AnalyticsCustomFieldKeys, will be used for these breakdowns. Limited to 8,000 unique combinations of values across the three custom fields per experience.
Code Samples
The following sample tracks some basic events for each user beginning the process to buy an item from an "armory" shop. Note the funnelSessionId used to distinguish between different sessions of the same user opening the shop.
local AnalyticsService = game:GetService("AnalyticsService")
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
funnelSessionId = HttpService:GenerateGUID()
-- Log when the user opens the store
"ArmoryCheckout", -- Funnel name used to group steps together
funnelSessionId, -- Funnel session id for this unique checkout session
1, -- Step number
"Opened Store" -- Step name
-- Log when the user views an item
"ArmoryCheckout", -- Funnel name used to group steps together
funnelSessionId, -- Funnel session id for this unique checkout session
2, -- Step number
"Viewed Item" -- Step name
-- Log when the user views adds to cart
"ArmoryCheckout", -- Funnel name used to group steps together
funnelSessionId, -- Funnel session id for this unique checkout session
3, -- Step number
"Added to Cart" -- Step name
Logs an event used to track user actions stepping through an onboarding funnel. Funnel breakdowns will only consider the user and event values from the first step in a funnel session.
The user who triggered the event.
The step number in the funnel. This should be unique for each step in the funnel. All funnels start at step 1. Limited to steps 1-100.
Note that if any steps are skipped, the intermediate steps will be considered completed.
Optional name of the step in the funnel. This field is only used for display purposes in Roblox-provided charts.
Optional dictionary of custom fields that will provide breakdowns in Roblox-provided charts. Only specific keys, provided by Enum.AnalyticsCustomFieldKeys, will be used for these breakdowns. Limited to 8,000 unique combinations of values across the three custom fields per experience.
Code Samples
The following sample demonstrates how to log two steps of an onboarding funnel. An onboarding funnel typically introduces players to the game's core loop.
local AnalyticsService = game:GetService("AnalyticsService")
-- Log the first step of the FTUE
1, -- Step number
"Joined Game" -- Step name
-- Log the second step of the FTUE
2, -- Step number
"Choose Class" -- Step name
Logs an event for when a user has completed a level attempt. This event does not currently display in any Roblox-provided charts.
The player who triggered the event.
Logs an event for when a user has started, completed, or failed a level attempt. This event does not currently display in any Roblox-provided charts.
The player who triggered the event.
Logs an event for when a user has failed a level attempt. This event does not currently display in any Roblox-provided charts.
The user who triggered the event.
Logs an event for when a user has started a level attempt. This event does not currently display in any Roblox-provided charts.
The player who triggered the event.