The purpose of the PackageLink object is to link a DataModel instance to a corresponding asset in the cloud. This improves flows for collaboration, version control, and sharing for models. The PackageLink instance will be a child of the root of the entire package hierarchy.
PackageLinks are not creatable through Scripts. They can only be added through interaction with Studio and can only be parented to Instances that can be published independently of DataModel publish. The PackageLink instance will always be the first child shown in the tree view, regardless of sorting.
When this property is set to true, the package associated with the given PackageLink automatically updates to the latest version.
The creator of the package asset.
The asset name of the package.
The id of the asset this package corresponds to.
The package permission for the current Studio user.
The status of the package.
Refers to a revision of a specific package.
When this property is set to true, the package associated with the given PackageLink will be automatically updated to the latest version. By default this property will be false upon creation of a package.
This property would allows you to decide if a given package should be automatically updated to the latest version when entering a given place. The game will periodically check for new updates while a place is open.
The id of the asset this package corresponds to.
The status of the package. It can be one of the following statuses: Up To Date, Changed, New Version Available, Changed + New Version Available.