The FrameStyle enum is used to set the style of a Frame.
Name | Value | Summary |
Custom | 0 | Uses the frame's GuiObject.BackgroundColor3, GuiObject.BorderColor3, and GuiObject.BackgroundTransparency properties to determine the frame's appearance. It has no padding; elements with the position, 0, 0, 0) will appear at the frame's top-left corner. |
ChatBlue | 1 | Causes the frame to appear similar to a Dialog with its Tone property set to Enum.DialogTone.Neutral. Like ChatGreen and ChatRed, this has a padding of fifteen pixels on all sides. |
RobloxSquare | 2 | Causes the frame to appear as a translucent dark gray rectangle with a padding of five pixels on all sides. |
RobloxRound | 3 | Causes the frame to appear as a translucent dark gray rectangle with rounded edges. Like RobloxSquare, this has a padding of five pixels on all sides. |
ChatGreen | 4 | Causes the frame to appear similar to a Dialog with its Tone property set to Enum.DialogTone.Friendly. Like ChatBlue and ChatRed, this has a padding of fifteen pixels on all sides. |
ChatRed | 5 | Causes the frame to appear similar to a Dialog with its Tone property set to Enum.DialogTone.Enemy. Like ChatBlue and ChatGreen, this has a padding of fifteen pixels on all sides. |
DropShadow | 6 | Causes the frame to appear as a translucent gray rectangle with blurred sides. The blur is more apparent on the bottom edge. It has a padding of eight pixels on all sides. |