The Enum.Font enum is used in TextBox, TextLabel, and TextButton to determine how the GUI element will render its text.
See also Font as a newer alternative to this enum which encapsulates fonts as a datatype and provides access to more fonts than this enum allows.
Name | Value | Summary |
Legacy | 0 | |
Arial | 1 | |
ArialBold | 2 | |
SourceSans | 3 | |
SourceSansBold | 4 | |
SourceSansLight | 5 | |
SourceSansItalic | 6 | |
Bodoni | 7 | |
Garamond | 8 | |
Cartoon | 9 | |
Code | 10 | |
Highway | 11 | |
SciFi | 12 | |
Arcade | 13 | |
Fantasy | 14 | |
Antique | 15 | |
SourceSansSemibold | 16 | |
Gotham | 17 | |
GothamMedium | 18 | |
GothamBold | 19 | |
GothamBlack | 20 | |
AmaticSC | 21 | |
Bangers | 22 | |
Creepster | 23 | |
DenkOne | 24 | |
Fondamento | 25 | |
FredokaOne | 26 | |
GrenzeGotisch | 27 | |
IndieFlower | 28 | |
JosefinSans | 29 | |
Jura | 30 | |
Kalam | 31 | |
LuckiestGuy | 32 | |
Merriweather | 33 | |
Michroma | 34 | |
Nunito | 35 | |
Oswald | 36 | |
PatrickHand | 37 | |
PermanentMarker | 38 | |
Roboto | 39 | |
RobotoCondensed | 40 | |
RobotoMono | 41 | |
Sarpanch | 42 | |
SpecialElite | 43 | |
TitilliumWeb | 44 | |
Ubuntu | 45 | |
BuilderSans | 46 | |
BuilderSansMedium | 47 | |
BuilderSansBold | 48 | |
BuilderSansExtraBold | 49 | |
Arimo | 50 | |
ArimoBold | 51 | |
Unknown | 100 |