
Show Deprecated

A TextButton behaves similarly to TextLabel in regards to rendering with the additional behaviors of a GuiButton. It defines the same text-rendering properties as a TextLabel does.

You can disable text rendering by setting TextButton.TextTransparency to 1. This will leave you with a plain rectangle that can be used as a button.

Code Samples

Click Counter

-- Place this code in a LocalScript in a TextButton
local textButton = script.Parent
local counter = 0
textButton.Text = "Click me!"
local function onActivated()
counter = counter + 1
textButton.Text = "Clicks: " .. counter



Properties inherited from GuiButton
  • Read Parallel

    Determines whether the button automatically changes color when the mouse hovers over or clicks on it.

  • Read Parallel

    If true while the GUI element is visible, the mouse will not be locked unless the right mouse button is down.

  • Read Parallel

    A boolean property which indicates whether the object has been selected.

  • Read Parallel

    Sets the style of the GuiButton based on a list of pre-determined styles.

Properties inherited from GuiObjectProperties inherited from GuiBase2d


Methods inherited from GuiObject


Events inherited from GuiButtonEvents inherited from GuiObjectEvents inherited from GuiBase2d



Read Only
Not Replicated
Read Parallel

This property provides a copy of TextButton.Text that contains exactly what is being rendered by the TextButton. This is useful for eliminating style tags used for rich text.


When TextButton.RichText is enabled, the TextButton.ContentText property shows the text as it appears to the player.

false<b>Hello,<br/> world!</b><b>Hello,<br/> world!</b>
true<b>Hello,<br/> world!</b>Hello,
Not Replicated
Read Parallel

The Font property selects one of several pre-defined fonts with which the UI element will render its text. Some fonts have bold, italic and/or light variants (as there is no font-weight or font-style properties).

With the exception of the "Legacy" font, each font will render text with the line height equal to the TextButton.TextSize property. The "Code" font is the only monospace font. It has the unique property that each character has the exact same width and height ratio of 1:2. The width of each character is approximately half the TextButton.TextSize property.

This property is kept in sync with the TextButton.FontFace property. When setting Font, the FontFace is set to Font.fromEnum(value).

Code Samples

Cycle Font

local textLabel = script.Parent
while true do
-- Iterate over all the different fonts
for _, font in pairs(Enum.Font:GetEnumItems()) do
textLabel.Font = font
textLabel.Text = font.Name
Show All Fonts

local frame = script.Parent
-- Create a TextLabel displaying each font
for _, font in pairs(Enum.Font:GetEnumItems()) do
local textLabel = Instance.new("TextLabel")
textLabel.Name = font.Name
-- Set the text properties
textLabel.Text = font.Name
textLabel.Font = font
-- Some rendering properties
textLabel.TextSize = 24
textLabel.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
-- Size the frame equal to the height of the text
textLabel.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0, textLabel.TextSize)
-- Add to the parent frame
textLabel.Parent = frame
-- Layout the frames in a list (if they aren't already)
if not frame:FindFirstChildOfClass("UIListLayout") then
local uiListLayout = Instance.new("UIListLayout")
uiListLayout.Parent = frame


Read Parallel

The FontFace property is similar to the Font property, but allows setting fonts that don't exist in the Font enum.

This property is kept in sync with the TextButton.Font property. When setting FontFace, the Font is set to the corresponding enum value, or to Enum.Font.Unknown if there are no matches.


Read Parallel

Controls the height of lines, as a multiple of the font's em square size, by scaling the spacing between lines of text in the TextButton. Valid values range from 1.0 to 3.0, defaulting to 1.0.


Read Only
Not Replicated
Read Parallel

This property sets whether a TextButton should be GuiBase2d.Localize or not.


Read Parallel

This property controls the maximum number of graphemes (or units of text) that are shown on the TextButton. It is primarily provided as an easy way to create a "typewriter effect" where the characters appear one at a time.

Changing the property does not change the position or size of the visible graphemes - the layout will be calculated as if all graphemes are visible.

Setting the property to -1 disables the limit and shows the entirety of the TextButton.Text.

Code Samples

Typewriter Effect with MaxVisibleGraphemes

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local textObject = script.Parent
local tweenInfo = TweenInfo.new(
4, -- it takes 4 seconds for the effect to complete
Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, -- typing starts fast and slows near the end
local tween = TweenService:Create(textObject, tweenInfo, {
-- Final value should be the total grapheme count
MaxVisibleGraphemes = utf8.len(textObject.ContentText),
-- Reset the value so it can be tweened again
textObject.MaxVisibleGraphemes = -1


Read Parallel


Read Only
Not Replicated
Read Parallel


Read Parallel

This property determines whether the TextButton renders the TextButton.Text string using rich text formatting. Rich text uses simple markup tags to style sections of the string in bold, italics, specific colors, and more.

To use rich text, simply include formatting tags in the TextButton.Text string.


Read Parallel

The Text property determines the content rendered by the UI element. The visual properties of the string rendered to the screen is determined by TextButton.TextColor3, TextButton.TextTransparency, TextButton.TextSize, TextButton.Font, TextButton.TextScaled, TextButton.TextWrapped, TextButton.TextXAlignment and TextButton.TextYAlignment.

It is possible to render emoji (for example, 😃) and other symbols. These special symbols aren't affected by the TextButton.TextColor3 property. These can be pasted into Script and LocalScript objects, as well as the field within the Properties window.

This property may contain newline characters, however, it is not possible to type newline characters within the Properties window. Similarly, this property may contain a tab character, but it will render as a space instead.

Code Samples

Fading Banner

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local textLabel = script.Parent
local content = {
"Welcome to my game!",
"Be sure to have fun!",
"Please give suggestions!",
"Be nice to other players!",
"Don't grief other players!",
"Check out the shop!",
"Tip: Don't die!",
local tweenInfo = TweenInfo.new(1, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut)
local RNG = Random.new()
local fadeIn = TweenService:Create(textLabel, tweenInfo, {
TextTransparency = 0,
local fadeOut = TweenService:Create(textLabel, tweenInfo, {
TextTransparency = 1,
local lastIndex
while true do
-- Step 0: Fade out before doing anything
-- Step 1: pick content that wasn't the last displayed
local index
index = RNG:NextInteger(1, #content)
until lastIndex ~= index
-- Make sure we don't show the same thing next time
lastIndex = index
-- Step 2: show the content
textLabel.Text = content[index]
task.wait(tweenInfo.Time + 1)
"Kaboom!" Text

local textLabel = script.Parent
textLabel.Text = "Kaboom!"
while true do
for size = 5, 100, 5 do
textLabel.TextSize = size
textLabel.TextTransparency = size / 100
Show All Fonts

local frame = script.Parent
-- Create a TextLabel displaying each font
for _, font in pairs(Enum.Font:GetEnumItems()) do
local textLabel = Instance.new("TextLabel")
textLabel.Name = font.Name
-- Set the text properties
textLabel.Text = font.Name
textLabel.Font = font
-- Some rendering properties
textLabel.TextSize = 24
textLabel.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
-- Size the frame equal to the height of the text
textLabel.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0, textLabel.TextSize)
-- Add to the parent frame
textLabel.Parent = frame
-- Layout the frames in a list (if they aren't already)
if not frame:FindFirstChildOfClass("UIListLayout") then
local uiListLayout = Instance.new("UIListLayout")
uiListLayout.Parent = frame
Long Text Wrapping

local textLabel = script.Parent
-- This text wrapping demo is best shown on a 200x50 px rectangle
textLabel.Size = UDim2.new(0, 200, 0, 50)
-- Some content to spell out
local content = "Here's a long string of words that will "
.. "eventually exceed the UI element's width "
.. "and form line breaks. Useful for paragraphs "
.. "that are really long."
-- A function that will spell text out two characters at a time
local function spellTheText()
-- Iterate from 1 to the length of our content
for i = 1, content:len() do
-- Get a substring of our content: 1 to i
textLabel.Text = content:sub(1, i)
-- Color the text if it doesn't fit in our box
if textLabel.TextFits then
textLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) -- Black
textLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 0, 0) -- Red
-- Wait a brief moment on even lengths
if i % 2 == 0 then
while true do
-- Spell the text with scale/wrap off
textLabel.TextWrapped = false
textLabel.TextScaled = false
-- Spell the text with wrap on
textLabel.TextWrapped = true
textLabel.TextScaled = false
-- Spell the text with text scaling on
-- Note: Text turns red (TextFits = false) once text has to be
-- scaled down in order to fit within the UI element.
textLabel.TextScaled = true
-- Note: TextWrapped is enabled implicitly when TextScaled = true
--textLabel.TextWrapped = true
Emoji in Text

local textLabel = script.Parent
local moods = {
["happy"] = "😃",
["sad"] = "😢",
["neutral"] = "😐",
["tired"] = "😫",
while true do
for mood, face in pairs(moods) do
textLabel.Text = "I am feeling " .. mood .. "! " .. face


Read Only
Not Replicated
Read Parallel

The read-only property TextBounds reflects the absolute size of rendered text in offsets. In other words, if you were to try to fit text into a rectangle, this property would reflect the minimum dimensions of the rectangle you would need in order to fit the text.

Using TextService:GetTextSize(), you can predict what TextBounds will be on a TextLabel given a string, TextButton.Font, TextButton.TextSize and frame size.

Code Samples

Dynamic TextBox Size

local textBox = script.Parent
-- The smallest the TextBox will go
local minWidth, minHeight = 10, 10
-- Set alignment so our text doesn't wobble a bit while we type
textBox.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
textBox.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Top
local function updateSize()
textBox.Size = UDim2.new(0, math.max(minWidth, textBox.TextBounds.X), 0, math.max(minHeight, textBox.TextBounds.Y))


Read Parallel

This property determines the color of all the text rendered by a GUI element. This property along with TextButton.Font, TextButton.TextSize and TextButton.TextTransparency will determine the visual properties of text. Text is rendered after the text stroke (TextButton.TextStrokeColor3).

It's important that text is easily read by players! Be sure to choose colors with little-to-no saturation, like white, grey, or black. Make sure the color of your text is contrasted by the TextButton.BackgroundColor3 of the UI element. If the element has a transparent background, try applying a black TextButton.TextStrokeColor3 to help contrast the text with the 3D world behind it.

Code Samples

Vowel Detector

local textBox = script.Parent
local function hasVowels(str)
return str:lower():find("[aeiou]")
local function onTextChanged()
local text = textBox.Text
-- Check for vowels
if hasVowels(text) then
textBox.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) -- Black
textBox.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 0, 0) -- Red
TextBox Secret Word

-- Place this code in a LocalScript inside a TextBox
local textBox = script.Parent
local secretWord = "roblox"
local colorNormal = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) -- white
local colorWrong = Color3.new(1, 0, 0) -- red
local colorCorrect = Color3.new(0, 1, 0) -- green
-- Initialize the state of the textBox
textBox.ClearTextOnFocus = true
textBox.Text = ""
textBox.Font = Enum.Font.Code
textBox.PlaceholderText = "What is the secret word?"
textBox.BackgroundColor3 = colorNormal
local function onFocused()
textBox.BackgroundColor3 = colorNormal
local function onFocusLost(enterPressed, _inputObject)
if enterPressed then
local guess = textBox.Text
if guess == secretWord then
textBox.Text = "ACCESS GRANTED"
textBox.BackgroundColor3 = colorCorrect
textBox.Text = "ACCESS DENIED"
textBox.BackgroundColor3 = colorWrong
-- The player stopped editing without pressing Enter
textBox.Text = ""
textBox.BackgroundColor3 = colorNormal
Countdown Text

-- Place this code in a LocalScript within a TextLabel/TextButton
local textLabel = script.Parent
-- Some colors we'll use with TextColor3
local colorNormal = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) -- black
local colorSoon = Color3.new(1, 0.5, 0.5) -- red
local colorDone = Color3.new(0.5, 1, 0.5) -- green
-- Loop infinitely
while true do
-- Count backwards from 10 to 1
for i = 10, 1, -1 do
-- Set the text
textLabel.Text = "Time: " .. i
-- Set the color based on how much time is left
if i > 3 then
textLabel.TextColor3 = colorNormal
textLabel.TextColor3 = colorSoon
textLabel.Text = "GO!"
textLabel.TextColor3 = colorDone
Game State Text

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
-- Place a StringValue called "GameState" in the ReplicatedStorage
local vGameState = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("GameState")
-- Place this code in a TextLabel
local textLabel = script.Parent
-- Some colors we'll use with TextColor3
local colorNormal = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) -- black
local colorCountdown = Color3.new(1, 0.5, 0) -- orange
local colorRound = Color3.new(0.25, 0.25, 1) -- blue
-- We'll run this function to update the TextLabel as the state of the
-- game changes.
local function update()
-- Update the text
textLabel.Text = "State: " .. vGameState.Value
-- Set the color of the text based on the current game state
if vGameState.Value == "Countdown" then
textLabel.TextColor3 = colorCountdown
elseif vGameState.Value == "Round" then
textLabel.TextColor3 = colorRound
textLabel.TextColor3 = colorNormal
-- Pattern: update once when we start and also when vGameState changes
-- We should always see the most updated GameState.


Read Parallel


Read Only
Not Replicated
Read Parallel

A boolean representation of whether the TextButton's text fits within the size of it.


Read Parallel

Rather than using TextScaled, we recommend you consider using AutomaticSize, a new method to dynamically size UI that will give you the best visual result possible.

The TextScaled property determines whether text is scaled so that it fills the entire UI element's space. When this is enabled, TextButton.TextSize is ignored and TextButton.TextWrapped is automatically enabled. This property is useful for text-rendering UI elements within BillboardGuis.

When this property is used for screen-space UI, it may be desirable to use a UITextSizeConstraint to restrict the range of possible text sizes.

TextScaled and AutomaticSize

It's recommended that developers avoid usage of TextScaled and adjust UI to take advantage of the AutomaticSize property instead. Here are the core differences between the two properties:

  • TextScaled scales the content (text) to accommodate the UI. Without careful consideration, some text may become unreadable if scaled too small.
  • AutomaticSize resizes the UI to accommodate content.

With AutomaticSize, you're able to adjust your UI to accommodate the content (text) while maintaining a consistent font size. For more information on how to use automatic sizing, see the UI Automatic Size article.

We suggest that you don't apply both TextScaled and AutomaticSize on the same UI object. If you apply both properties:

  • AutomaticSize determines the maximum amount of available space that a GuiObject can use (in this case, text)
  • TextScaled uses the available space determined by AutomaticSize, to scale the font size to fit the available space, which will expand up to the maximum font size (100), if there are no size constraints
  • The end result will be: text goes to 100 font size and the UI object will expand to fit that text

Using both AutomaticSize and TextScaled at the same time can result in significant scaling differences than when AutomaticSize is off.

Code Samples

Long Text Wrapping

local textLabel = script.Parent
-- This text wrapping demo is best shown on a 200x50 px rectangle
textLabel.Size = UDim2.new(0, 200, 0, 50)
-- Some content to spell out
local content = "Here's a long string of words that will "
.. "eventually exceed the UI element's width "
.. "and form line breaks. Useful for paragraphs "
.. "that are really long."
-- A function that will spell text out two characters at a time
local function spellTheText()
-- Iterate from 1 to the length of our content
for i = 1, content:len() do
-- Get a substring of our content: 1 to i
textLabel.Text = content:sub(1, i)
-- Color the text if it doesn't fit in our box
if textLabel.TextFits then
textLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) -- Black
textLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 0, 0) -- Red
-- Wait a brief moment on even lengths
if i % 2 == 0 then
while true do
-- Spell the text with scale/wrap off
textLabel.TextWrapped = false
textLabel.TextScaled = false
-- Spell the text with wrap on
textLabel.TextWrapped = true
textLabel.TextScaled = false
-- Spell the text with text scaling on
-- Note: Text turns red (TextFits = false) once text has to be
-- scaled down in order to fit within the UI element.
textLabel.TextScaled = true
-- Note: TextWrapped is enabled implicitly when TextScaled = true
--textLabel.TextWrapped = true


Read Parallel

The TextSize property determines the height in offsets of one line of rendered text. The unit is in offsets, not points (which is used in most document editing programs). The "Legacy" font does not hold this property.

Code Samples

"Kaboom!" Text

local textLabel = script.Parent
textLabel.Text = "Kaboom!"
while true do
for size = 5, 100, 5 do
textLabel.TextSize = size
textLabel.TextTransparency = size / 100


Read Parallel

The TextStrokeColor3 property sets the color of the stroke, or outline, of rendered text. This property and TextButton.TextStrokeTransparency determine the visual properties of the text stroke.

Text stroke is rendered before normal text and is simply 4 renderings of the same text in +/- 1 pixel offsets in each direction. Text stroke rendering works independently and identically to TextButton.TextColor3 and TextButton.TextTransparency.

Code Samples

Text Highlight Oscillation

local textLabel = script.Parent
-- How fast the highlight ought to blink
local freq = 2
-- Set to yellow highlight color
textLabel.TextStrokeColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 0)
while true do
-- math.sin oscillates from -1 to 1, so we change the range to 0 to 1:
local transparency = math.sin(workspace.DistributedGameTime * math.pi * freq) * 0.5 + 0.5
textLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = transparency


Read Parallel

The TextStrokeTransparency property sets the transparency of the stroke, or outline, of rendered text. This property and TextButton.TextStrokeColor3 determine the visual properties of the text stroke.

Text stroke is rendered before normal text and is simply 4 renderings of the same text in +/- 1 pixel offsets in each direction. Text stroke rendering works independently and identically to TextButton.TextColor3 and TextButton.TextTransparency. Since text stroke is simply multiple renderings of the same transparency, this property is essentially multiplicative on itself four times over (e.g. a TextStrokeTransparency of 0.5 appears about the same as TextTransparency of 0.0625, or 0.5^4). Therefore, it's recommended to set TextStrokeTransparency to a value in the range of 0.75 to 1 for more a more subtle effect.

Code Samples

Text Highlight Oscillation

local textLabel = script.Parent
-- How fast the highlight ought to blink
local freq = 2
-- Set to yellow highlight color
textLabel.TextStrokeColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 0)
while true do
-- math.sin oscillates from -1 to 1, so we change the range to 0 to 1:
local transparency = math.sin(workspace.DistributedGameTime * math.pi * freq) * 0.5 + 0.5
textLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = transparency


Read Parallel

The TextColor3 property determines the transparency of all the text rendered by a UI element. This property along with TextButton.Font, TextButton.TextSize and TextButton.TextColor3 will determine the visual properties of text. Text is rendered after the text stroke (TextButton.TextStrokeTransparency).

Fading text in using a numeric for-loop is a fantastic way to draw a player's attention to text appearing on screen.

-- Count backwards from 1 to 0, decrementing by 0.1
for i = 1, 0, -0.1 do
textLabel.TextTransparency = i

Code Samples

Fading Banner

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local textLabel = script.Parent
local content = {
"Welcome to my game!",
"Be sure to have fun!",
"Please give suggestions!",
"Be nice to other players!",
"Don't grief other players!",
"Check out the shop!",
"Tip: Don't die!",
local tweenInfo = TweenInfo.new(1, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut)
local RNG = Random.new()
local fadeIn = TweenService:Create(textLabel, tweenInfo, {
TextTransparency = 0,
local fadeOut = TweenService:Create(textLabel, tweenInfo, {
TextTransparency = 1,
local lastIndex
while true do
-- Step 0: Fade out before doing anything
-- Step 1: pick content that wasn't the last displayed
local index
index = RNG:NextInteger(1, #content)
until lastIndex ~= index
-- Make sure we don't show the same thing next time
lastIndex = index
-- Step 2: show the content
textLabel.Text = content[index]
task.wait(tweenInfo.Time + 1)
"Kaboom!" Text

local textLabel = script.Parent
textLabel.Text = "Kaboom!"
while true do
for size = 5, 100, 5 do
textLabel.TextSize = size
textLabel.TextTransparency = size / 100


Read Parallel

Controls the truncation of the text displayed in this TextButton.


Read Parallel

When enabled, this property will render text on multiple lines within a GUI element's space so that TextButton.TextBounds will never exceed the GuiBase2d.AbsoluteSize of the UI element.

This is achieved by breaking long lines of text into multiple lines. Line breaks will prefer whitespace; should a long unbroken word exceed the width of the element, that word will be broken into multiple lines.

If further line breaks would cause the vertical height of the text (the Y component of TextButton.TextBounds) to exceed the vertical height of the element (the Y component of GuiBase2d.AbsoluteSize), then that line will not be rendered at all.

Code Samples

Long Text Wrapping

local textLabel = script.Parent
-- This text wrapping demo is best shown on a 200x50 px rectangle
textLabel.Size = UDim2.new(0, 200, 0, 50)
-- Some content to spell out
local content = "Here's a long string of words that will "
.. "eventually exceed the UI element's width "
.. "and form line breaks. Useful for paragraphs "
.. "that are really long."
-- A function that will spell text out two characters at a time
local function spellTheText()
-- Iterate from 1 to the length of our content
for i = 1, content:len() do
-- Get a substring of our content: 1 to i
textLabel.Text = content:sub(1, i)
-- Color the text if it doesn't fit in our box
if textLabel.TextFits then
textLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0) -- Black
textLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 0, 0) -- Red
-- Wait a brief moment on even lengths
if i % 2 == 0 then
while true do
-- Spell the text with scale/wrap off
textLabel.TextWrapped = false
textLabel.TextScaled = false
-- Spell the text with wrap on
textLabel.TextWrapped = true
textLabel.TextScaled = false
-- Spell the text with text scaling on
-- Note: Text turns red (TextFits = false) once text has to be
-- scaled down in order to fit within the UI element.
textLabel.TextScaled = true
-- Note: TextWrapped is enabled implicitly when TextScaled = true
--textLabel.TextWrapped = true


Read Parallel

TextXAlignment determines the horizontal alignment (X-axis) of text rendered within a UI element's space. It functions similarly to the CSS text-align property, with left, right and center values (there is no justify option). For Left and Right, text is rendered such that the left/right text bounds just touch the edge of the UI element rectangle. For Center, each line of text is centered on the very center of the UI element rectangle.

This property is used in conjunction with TextButton.TextYAlignment to fully determine text alignment on both axes. This property won't affect the read-only properties TextButton.TextBounds and TextButton.TextFits.

Code Samples

Text Alignment

-- Paste this in a LocalScript within a TextLabel/TextButton/TextBox
local textLabel = script.Parent
local function setAlignment(xAlign, yAlign)
textLabel.TextXAlignment = xAlign
textLabel.TextYAlignment = yAlign
textLabel.Text = xAlign.Name .. " + " .. yAlign.Name
while true do
-- Iterate over both TextXAlignment and TextYAlignment enum items
for _, yAlign in pairs(Enum.TextYAlignment:GetEnumItems()) do
for _, xAlign in pairs(Enum.TextXAlignment:GetEnumItems()) do
setAlignment(xAlign, yAlign)


Read Parallel

TextYAlignment determines the vertical alignment (Y-axis) of text rendered within a UI element's space. For Top and Bottom, text is rendered such that the top/bottom text bounds just touch the edge of the UI element rectangle. For Center, text is rendered such that there is an equal space from the top bounds of the text to the top of the element and the bottom bounds of the text to the bottom of the element.

This property is used in conjunction with TextButton.TextXAlignment to fully determine text alignment on both axes. This property won't affect the read-only properties TextButton.TextBounds and TextButton.TextFits.

Code Samples

Text Alignment

-- Paste this in a LocalScript within a TextLabel/TextButton/TextBox
local textLabel = script.Parent
local function setAlignment(xAlign, yAlign)
textLabel.TextXAlignment = xAlign
textLabel.TextYAlignment = yAlign
textLabel.Text = xAlign.Name .. " + " .. yAlign.Name
while true do
-- Iterate over both TextXAlignment and TextYAlignment enum items
for _, yAlign in pairs(Enum.TextYAlignment:GetEnumItems()) do
for _, xAlign in pairs(Enum.TextXAlignment:GetEnumItems()) do
setAlignment(xAlign, yAlign)

