AvatarCreationService is a service that supports developer avatar creators, providing methods that support the prompting of avatar creation from within experiences.
Gets data regarding rules that assets must abide by to pass UGC validation.
Gets the avatar creation token details for a list of avatar creation tokens at once.
- PromptCreateAvatarAsync(tokenId : string,player : Player,humanoidDescription : HumanoidDescription):Tuple
Prompts a Player to purchase and create an avatar from a HumanoidDescription.
- ValidateUGCAccessoryAsync(player : Player,accessory : Instance,accessoryType : Enum.AccessoryType):Tuple
Studio only. Runs UGC validation for an Enum.AccessoryType.
Studio only. Runs UGC validation for an Enum.BodyPart.
Studio only. Runs UGC validation for a whole body.
- AvatarModerationCompleted(outfitId : number,moderationStatus : Enum.ModerationStatus):RBXScriptSignal
Gets data regarding rules that assets must abide by to pass UGC validation. Validation is an essential step before creating avatars and there are various checks that occur, including mesh triangle limits, texture sizes, body part size limits, attachment positions, and more.
The returned dictionary of validation rules takes the following form:
{["MeshRules"] = {["BodyPartMaxTriangles"] = {Enum.AssetType.DynamicHead: number,Enum.AssetType.LeftArm: number,Enum.AssetType.RightArm: number,Enum.AssetType.Torso: number,Enum.AssetType.LeftLeg: number,Enum.AssetType.RightLeg: number,},["AccessoryMaxTriangles"]: number,["MeshVertColor"]: Color3,["CageMeshMaxDistanceFromRenderMesh"]: number,},["TextureRules"] = {["MaxTextureSize"]: number,},["BodyPartRules"] = {[Enum.AssetType.DynamicHead] = {["Bounds"] = {["Classic"] = {["MinSize"]: Vector3,["MaxSize"]: Vector3,},["ProportionsSlender"] = {["MinSize"]: Vector3,["MaxSize"]: Vector3,},["ProportionsNormal"] = {["MinSize"]: Vector3,["MaxSize"]: Vector3,},},["SubParts"] = {["Head"] = {["NeckRigAttachment"] = {["LowerBound"]: Vector3,["UpperBound"]: Vector3,},["FaceFrontAttachment"] = {["LowerBound"]: Vector3,["UpperBound"]: Vector3,},["HatAttachment"] = {["LowerBound"]: Vector3,["UpperBound"]: Vector3,},["HairAttachment"] = {["LowerBound"]: Vector3,["UpperBound"]: Vector3,},["FaceCenterAttachment"] = {["LowerBound"]: Vector3,["UpperBound"]: Vector3,},},},},[Enum.AssetType.LeftArm] = {["Bounds"] = {["Classic"] = {["MinSize"]: Vector3,["MaxSize"]: Vector3,},["ProportionsSlender"] = {["MinSize"]: Vector3,["MaxSize"]: Vector3,},["ProportionsNormal"] = {["MinSize"]: Vector3,["MaxSize"]: Vector3,},},["SubParts"] = {["LeftHand"] = {["LeftWristRigAttachment"] = {["LowerBound"]: Vector3,["UpperBound"]: Vector3,},["LeftGripAttachment"] = {["LowerBound"]: Vector3,["UpperBound"]: Vector3,},},["LeftUpperArm"] = {["LeftShoulderRigAttachment"] = {["LowerBound"]: Vector3,["UpperBound"]: Vector3,},["LeftShoulderAttachment"] = {["LowerBound"]: Vector3,["UpperBound"]: Vector3,},["LeftElbowRigAttachment"] = {["LowerBound"]: Vector3,["UpperBound"]: Vector3,},},["LeftLowerArm"] = {["LeftElbowRigAttachment"] = {["LowerBound"]: Vector3,["UpperBound"]: Vector3,},["LeftWristRigAttachment"] = {["LowerBound"]: Vector3,["UpperBound"]: Vector3,},},},},...},["AccessoryRules"] = {[Enum.AssetType.HairAccessory] = {["Attachments"] = {{["Size"]: Vector3,["Offset"]: Vector3,["Name"]: string,},},["RigidAllowed"]: boolean,},...}}
Dictionary of validation rules as detailed above.
Gets the avatar creation token details for a list of avatar creation tokens at once. Returns an array of avatar creation token details; each token detail is a dictionary with the fields indicated in the example result below:
{["Name"] = "string",["Description"] = "string",["UniverseId"] = 0,["CreatorId"] = 0,["CreatorType"] = Enum.CreatorType.User,["OnSale"] = true,["Price"] = 0,["OffSaleReasons"] = {"string",}}
The list of avatar creation token IDs to get details of.
Array of avatar creation token details as outlined above.
Prompts a Player to purchase and create an avatar from a HumanoidDescription. The price of the creation is dictated by the price attributed to the avatar creation token.
For avatar creation, the HumanoidDescription is expected to include new assets to be created for each of the 6 body parts (Head, Torso, RightLeg, LeftLeg, RightArm, LeftArm). Optionally, it can also include a new Hair accessory.
To support this, the HumanoidDescription should include 6 BodyPartDescription children (one for each body part). For each, the BodyPartDescription.Instance property references a Folder which includes all of the MeshPart instances which make up the body part, for example a LeftArm folder which has LeftHand, LeftUpperArm, and LeftLowerArm MeshParts. The BodyPartDescription.BodyPart property should also be set to the relevant Enum.BodyPart.
Each body part MeshPart will also need to include:
- An EditableImage.
- A WrapDeformer with an EditableMesh.
If including an accessory such as hair, the HumanoidDescription should include a child AccessoryDescription where:
- The AccessoryDescription.Instance property references the Accessory instance.
- The AccessoryDescription.AccessoryType property is set to the relevant Enum.AccessoryType.
Finally, the HumanoidDescription should include the humanoid scales of BodyTypeScale, HeadScale, HeightScale, WidthScale, and ProportionScale. Be mindful of the scales that a base body is imported with so that they match the scales provided to the HumanoidDescription.
The ID of an avatar creation token. The token must be valid in that the universe the method is called from is the same universe the token was created for. Furthermore, the token creator must maintain ID verification and Roblox Premium.
The HumanoidDescription of the avatar intended for creation.
A tuple containing, in order:
An Enum.PromptCreateAvatarResult indicating the result of the creation prompt.
A string result. In the case of Enum.PromptCreateAvatarResult.Success, this will indicate the bundle ID. In the case of any failure enum, this will indicate the resultant error message.
A secondary optional string result. In the case of Enum.PromptCreateAvatarResult.Success, this will indicate the outfit ID. In the case of any failure enum, this will be nil.
Code Samples
The following code populates a HumanoidDescription in the expected format, prompts for avatar creation, and responds to the result.
local AvatarCreationService = game:GetService("AvatarCreationService")
export type BodyPartInfo = {
bodyPart: Enum.BodyPart,
instance: Instance --Folder with Created MeshParts
export type BodyPartList = {BodyPartInfo}
local function publishAvatar(bodyPartInstances: BodyPartList, player: Player, tokenId: string)
local humanoidDescription = Instance.new("HumanoidDescription")
for _, bodyPartInfo in bodyPartInstances do
local bodyPartDescription = Instance.new("BodyPartDescription")
bodyPartDescription.Instance = bodyPartInfo.instance
bodyPartDescription.BodyPart = bodyPartInfo.bodyPart
bodyPartDescription.Parent = humanoidDescription
local pcallSuccess, result, resultMessage = pcall(function()
return AvatarCreationService:PromptCreateAvatarAsync(tokenId, player, humanoidDescription)
if pcallSuccess then
if result == Enum.PromptCreateAvatarResult.Success then
print("Successfully uploaded with BundleId: ", resultMessage)
print("Unsuccessfully uploaded with error message:", resultMessage)
print("Avatar failed to create.")
Studio only. Given a Player and Instance for an Enum.AccessoryType, determines if UGC validation passes.
The instance validation is run on.
Enum.AccessoryType the instance is expected to be. Expects Eyebrow, Eyelash, or Hair.
A tuple containing, in order:
- A boolean indicating if validation was successful for the accessory.
- An optional table of strings. This includes failure reasons if validation was unsuccessful; otherwise nil if validation was successful.
Studio only. Given a Player and Instance for an Enum.BodyPart, determines if UGC validation passes. The instance parameter is expected as a Folder in the following example format with relevant MeshParts:
However, if the expected bodyPart is Enum.BodyPart.Head, the function takes a singular Head MeshPart directly.
The instance validation is run on.
Enum.BodyPart the instance is expected to be.
A tuple containing, in order:
- A boolean indicating if validation was successful for the body part.
- An optional table of strings. This includes failure reasons if validation was unsuccessful; otherwise nil if validation was successful.
Studio only. Given a Player and HumanoidDescription, all instances in the HumanoidDescription will be validated.
The HumanoidDescription is expected to include instances set on BodyPartDescription children for each of the 6 required Enum.BodyPart values. Optionally, it can include instances set on AccessoryDescription children for Eyebrow, Eyelash, and Hair AccessoryTypes.
HumanoidDescription representing the body that validation is run on.
A tuple containing, in order:
- A boolean indicating if validation was successful for the body.
- An optional table of strings. This includes failure reasons if validation was unsuccessful; otherwise nil if validation was successful.