The WrapDeformer object provides a low-resolution cage mesh that pairs with a WrapTarget sibling to deform a parent MeshPart. The MeshPart geometry is deformed according to the displacement between pairs of WrapTarget cage mesh vertices and WrapDeformer cage mesh vertices. Cage mesh vertices are paired based on UV equivalence.
WrapDeformer may be used with avatars or on distinct MeshParts, as long as WrapTarget children are present for the parent MeshParts. WrapDeformer is similar to WrapLayer but doesn't require layered clothing and can directly deform MeshParts for publishing.
Properties inherited from BaseWrapAsset ID for cage mesh.
Cage mesh offset relative to parent MeshPart.
Cage mesh offset in world space.
Describes where a global zero was while authoring the cage mesh in an asset creation tool.
Describes where the origin (in world space) was while authoring the cage mesh in an asset creation tool.
Sets the cage mesh used to deform against a sibling WrapTarget cage mesh.
Returns an EditableMesh (currently unskinned) equivalent to the deformed parent mesh.
Sets the cage mesh used to deform the parent MeshPart in conjunction with a sibling WrapTarget cage mesh. The content parameter should represent a Roblox mesh asset ID or an EditableMesh reference in your DataModel.
Constructs and returns an EditableMesh corresponding to the deformed parent mesh geometry. This method respects all updates made to the deformation inputs prior to the request. It also sets the returned result's FixedSize to true.
Returns a CFrame deformed by the same deformation field used for the geometry of the parent MeshPart. This method is useful for the placement of accessories.
The input and output CFrame are both in the space of the parent MeshPart; only position (not rotation) will be deformed. This method respects all updates made to the deformation inputs prior to the request.