
Show Deprecated
Not Creatable
Not Replicated
Not Browsable

NetworkSettings is a settings class that allow you to debug a lot of features with Roblox's server/client networking. It can be found in Roblox Studio's settings, under the Network tab.





Not Replicated
Plugin Security
Read Parallel


Read Only
Not Replicated
Plugin Security
Read Parallel

FreeMemoryMBytes is a read-only property that describes how much free memory is available, in MBs. It is stored as a floating point number, so it can be read down at the level of available bytes by multiplying its value by 1024 * 1024.


Roblox Script Security
Read Parallel


Roblox Script Security
Read Parallel


Read Parallel

Instruct the engine to simulate additional lag by delaying all incoming messages. Units are seconds.


Read Parallel

Print diagnostic information to the Output window after connecting. The data will indicate the largest individual Instances sent, as well as aggregate data about data sent by Instance type. The data sent for initial loading is compressed so the contributions are approximate.


Read Parallel

When set to true, debug messages will be printed into the output, pertaining to physics replication errors. Note that this property is intended for Roblox engineers who are debugging network replication. The following are debug outputs that are made available when this property is set to true.

  • Physics-in old packet prints if the PhysicsReceiver receives a mechanism update packet for a part that has been updated ahead of the packet's submission time. This happens if the packet is received late, and a newer packet has already been processed.
  • Physics-in of unidentified {GUID} prints if the PhysicsReceiver cannot find the part that is trying to be updated because the provided Instance identifier was invalid, where {GUID} is the unknown Instance:GetDebugId() identifier that is supposed to be targeting the part. This typically happens if a part is removed before the physics update packet is received.
  • Physics-in of part not in workspace {GUID} prints if the PhysicsReceiver receives a request to update the physics of a part that is not a descendant of the Workspace, where {GUID} is the Instance:GetDebugId() identifier of the target part. This happens if the part was just moved out of the Workspace, and was previously being simulated.


Read Parallel

When set to true, debug information is printed to the output regarding the replication of instances when Workspace.StreamingEnabled is set to true. There are several debug outputs that are made available when this property is set to true, as listed below.

Note that this property is intended for Roblox engineers who are debugging network replication. This documentation may become outdated in the future, as Roblox's network code is always changing behind the scenes.

Streaming Capacity Update

When the client's streaming capacity is updated, the following debug message will be printed: clientInstanceQuota {1}, packet in queue {2}, predictedTotalInstanceProcessTime {3}, avgStreamDataReadTime {4}, avgInstancesPerStreamData {5}

The numbers in curly braces are substituted, and can be described as:

  • {1} – The id of the client instance quota.
  • {2} – The current number of incoming packets that have been queued.
  • {3} – A prediction for how long it will take to update the quota.
  • {4} – The current average time it takes to read the stream data.
  • {5} – The average number of instances in the stream data.

Instance Quota Update

When the client receives an instance quota update, the following debug message will be printed: Received new client instance quota: {1}, max region radius: {2}

The numbers in curly braces are substituted, and can be described as:

  • {1} – The id of the client instance quota.
  • {2} – The maximum radius of space around the client's Player.ReplicationFocus that can have physical instances streamed in.


Read Parallel

Emulate the behavior of a server that has been online a long time by randomizing the order that instances initially arrive on clients. It is recommended to keep this setting enabled to help discover potential bugs while testing in Studio.


Read Parallel

When set to true, regions of space that are being streamed to the client will be outlined in red. This will only be shown if Workspace.StreamingEnabled is set to true.


Read Parallel

When set to true, a label will be shown above each player's head, showing the current animation being played by the Player's Humanoid, if any.

