Name | Value | Summary |
MainBackground | 0 | The primary background color used by the ribbon bar and windows. |
Titlebar | 1 | The color of windows' title bars. |
Dropdown | 2 | The color of dropdown menus, like those found in the Properties window. |
Tooltip | 3 | The background color of tooltips, like those seen when hovering over buttons on the ribbon bar or properties in the Properties window. |
Notification | 4 | |
ScrollBar | 5 | The color of scrollbar handles, like those seen in the Explorer window. |
ScrollBarBackground | 6 | The background color of scrollbars, like those seen in the Explorer window. |
TabBar | 7 | The background color of the tab bar, like the one where the script editor is opened. |
Tab | 8 | The color of tabs on the tab bar, like the ones opened when the script editor is opened. |
FilterButtonDefault | 9 | |
FilterButtonHover | 10 | |
FilterButtonChecked | 11 | |
FilterButtonAccent | 12 | |
FilterButtonBorder | 13 | |
FilterButtonBorderAlt | 14 | |
RibbonTab | 15 | The color of a tab on the ribbon menu (e.g. Home, Model, Test). |
RibbonTabTopBar | 16 | The background color of the ribbon menu. |
Button | 17 | The background color of clickable buttons. |
MainButton | 18 | The background color of clickable buttons that are the primary action. |
RibbonButton | 19 | The background color of buttons on the ribbon menu. |
ViewPortBackground | 20 | The background color of the game viewport. |
InputFieldBackground | 21 | The background color of input fields, like those found in the Explorer window. |
Item | 22 | |
TableItem | 23 | |
CategoryItem | 24 | |
GameSettingsTableItem | 25 | The color of items within tables in the game settings window. |
GameSettingsTooltip | 26 | The color of tooltips in the game settings window. |
EmulatorBar | 27 | The color of the bar shown when the mobile emulator is active. |
EmulatorDropDown | 28 | The color of the device and physical size dropdowns in the emulator bar. |
ColorPickerFrame | 29 | The background color of the color picker. |
CurrentMarker | 30 | |
Border | 31 | The color of borders, like those found in the Properties window. |
DropShadow | 32 | |
Shadow | 33 | The color of shadows rendered under floating items like dropdowns. |
Light | 34 | |
Dark | 35 | |
Mid | 36 | |
MainText | 37 | |
SubText | 38 | |
TitlebarText | 39 | |
BrightText | 40 | |
DimmedText | 41 | |
LinkText | 42 | |
WarningText | 43 | |
ErrorText | 44 | |
InfoText | 45 | |
SensitiveText | 46 | |
ScriptSideWidget | 47 | |
ScriptBackground | 48 | |
ScriptText | 49 | |
ScriptSelectionText | 50 | |
ScriptSelectionBackground | 51 | |
ScriptFindSelectionBackground | 52 | |
ScriptMatchingWordSelectionBackground | 53 | |
ScriptOperator | 54 | |
ScriptNumber | 55 | |
ScriptString | 56 | |
ScriptComment | 57 | |
ScriptKeyword | 58 | |
ScriptBuiltInFunction | 59 | |
ScriptWarning | 60 | |
ScriptError | 61 | |
ScriptInformation | 62 | |
ScriptHint | 63 | |
ScriptWhitespace | 64 | |
ScriptRuler | 65 | |
DocViewCodeBackground | 66 | |
DebuggerCurrentLine | 67 | |
DebuggerErrorLine | 68 | |
DiffFilePathText | 69 | |
DiffTextHunkInfo | 70 | |
DiffTextNoChange | 71 | |
DiffTextAddition | 72 | |
DiffTextDeletion | 73 | |
DiffTextSeparatorBackground | 74 | |
DiffTextNoChangeBackground | 75 | |
DiffTextAdditionBackground | 76 | |
DiffTextDeletionBackground | 77 | |
DiffLineNum | 78 | |
DiffLineNumSeparatorBackground | 79 | |
DiffLineNumNoChangeBackground | 80 | |
DiffLineNumAdditionBackground | 81 | |
DiffLineNumDeletionBackground | 82 | |
DiffFilePathBackground | 83 | |
DiffFilePathBorder | 84 | |
ChatIncomingBgColor | 85 | |
ChatIncomingTextColor | 86 | |
ChatOutgoingBgColor | 87 | |
ChatOutgoingTextColor | 88 | |
ChatModeratedMessageColor | 89 | |
Separator | 90 | |
ButtonBorder | 91 | |
ButtonText | 92 | |
InputFieldBorder | 93 | |
CheckedFieldBackground | 94 | |
CheckedFieldBorder | 95 | |
CheckedFieldIndicator | 96 | |
HeaderSection | 97 | |
Midlight | 98 | |
StatusBar | 99 | The color of the status bar shown at the bottom of Studio, if it is visible. |
DialogButton | 100 | |
DialogButtonText | 101 | |
DialogButtonBorder | 102 | |
DialogMainButton | 103 | |
DialogMainButtonText | 104 | |
InfoBarWarningBackground | 105 | |
InfoBarWarningText | 106 | |
ScriptEditorCurrentLine | 107 | |
ScriptMethod | 108 | |
ScriptProperty | 109 | |
ScriptNil | 110 | |
ScriptBool | 111 | |
ScriptFunction | 112 | |
ScriptLocal | 113 | |
ScriptSelf | 114 | |
ScriptLuauKeyword | 115 | |
ScriptFunctionName | 116 | |
ScriptTodo | 117 | |
ScriptBracket | 118 | |
AttributeCog | 119 | |
AICOOverlayText | 128 | |
AICOOverlayButtonBackground | 129 | |
AICOOverlayButtonBackgroundHover | 130 | |
AICOOverlayButtonBackgroundPressed | 131 | |
OnboardingCover | 132 | |
OnboardingHighlight | 133 | |
OnboardingShadow | 134 | |
BreakpointMarker | 136 | |
DiffLineNumHover | 137 | |
DiffLineNumSeparatorBackgroundHover | 138 |