Specifies the reason for the experience server shutdown. This enum value is the first parameter passed to functions bound by BindToClose().
The DeveloperShutdown value must always be passed to functions bound by BindToClose() when they're called in Studio.
Name | Value | Summary |
Unknown | 0 | The server shut down for an unknown reason. |
RobloxMaintenance | 1 | The server shut down for maintenance. |
DeveloperShutdown | 2 | The experience developer has shut down the server, or functions bound by BindToClose() have been called inside Studio. |
DeveloperUpdate | 3 | The experience developer has migrated the server to a new place version. |
ServerEmpty | 4 | The last player has left and the experience is empty. |
OutOfMemory | 5 | The experience has hit the memory limit for the game server. |