
When multiple AnimationTracks are played concurrently by the same Animator and affect the same animated joints, the tracks are evaluated in order from high to low priority, per joint, while the total track weight sum remains less than 1.0. When the track weight sum reaches or exceeds 1.0 for a joint, evaluation stops and no lower-priority tracks will be evaluated for that joint. AnimationTracks with the same priority that are playing concurrently will blend proportional to their track weights (normalized if the sum exceeds 1).

Higher priority animation will override lower priority ones per joint. The priority order is:

  1. Action4
  2. Action3
  3. Action2
  4. Action
  5. Movement
  6. Idle
  7. Core

Roblox's default character animations, including catalog animation bundles, play at Core priority. Idle through Action4 priority are for developer use.



(6) - Recommended priority for character idle animations.


(5) - Recommended priority for walk, run, swim, climb, and other locomotion animations.


(4) - Recommended priority for character actions that must override idle and locomotion animations.


(3) - Action2 will override Action.


(2) - Action3 will override Action2.


(1) - Action4 is the highest priority available, overriding all other priority values.


(7) - Lowest priority, intended for use by Roblox default animations and catalog animation bundles.

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